
Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

author:Independent drama meow

At the insistence of Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, Qin Dadi finally accepted the suggestion of using the Harrier flight to land the ship, and finally successfully completed the task of landing the ship and hanging rope.

Qin Dadi knew very well in his heart that the reason why this task could be completed was that he could only be regarded as a collaborator at most, and the main credit lay with Yu Tao and Xie Zhenyu.

Originally, for safety reasons, Yu Tao and Xie Zhenyu were the first people who wanted to do harrier flight, and they even thought about competing with Qin Dadi again.

But because of the roll call of Commander Yi, Qin Dadi was made the first test pilot, and Qin Dadi lived up to expectations and completed the task perfectly.

Qin Dadi has always remembered the completion of this task in his heart, and the greatest credit is given to Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao. In addition, because of the particularity of the mission of the test flight team, Qin Dadi has been focusing on cultivating his successor while performing the mission.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

Qin Dadi's optimistic first successor is Yu Tao, followed by Xie Zhenyu.

When Qin Dadi left the team for treatment before, he was the acting captain of Yu Tao, Yu Tao actually did a very good job, but on the whole, there was still some gap with Qin Dadi.

After this landing training, Qin Dadi also wanted to help Yu Tao and Xie Zhenyu establish some prestige in the test flight team, especially Xie Zhenyu, although he had nothing to say about his flying skills, but after all, he was young and his temperament was a little flamboyant, and it was difficult to convince the public.

As the second pilot to go up for a test flight, Yu Tao successfully completed the training of landing on the ship's cable. After Yu Tao completed the task, when Xie Zhenyu was conducting landing training, Qin Dadi put away the blocking rope without notifying Xie Zhenyu.

In this way, Xie Zhenyu relied on his own technology and reaction ability to complete the escape and return flight after the landing failure without being notified, and became the first person in the test flight team to complete the escape and return flight.

Although the risk of doing so is very high, if Xie Zhenyu does not react, it is very likely to cause irreparable consequences. And Qin Dadi was criticized by Yi Zhengbang afterwards.

But the more risky it is, the more it can reflect Xie Zhenyu's flight skills, reaction ability, and mentality adjustment ability.

You must know that when he was in the intra-team competition before, Xie Zhenyu won Wu Qiang by surprise, and Wu Qiang should be not the only one who was unconvinced and couldn't look past it.

Qin Dadi used absolute trust to give Xie Zhenyu the opportunity to show himself and helped Xie Zhenyu establish the absolute position of the second test pilot of the test flight team.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

Relying on his own ability, Xie Zhenyu not only conquered Qin Dadi and everyone in the test flight team, but also conquered the beginning of Xia.

Seeing that Qin Dadi would rather risk being criticized by the commander-in-chief than help Xie Zhenyu, he understood why Xia Chu was desperately fighting for the position of female captain of the aircraft carrier.

At the beginning of the summer, the purpose of getting on the aircraft carrier was adhered to

Although Xia Chu is not from a military family, she has always had a dream of being a soldier. Even in order to realize this dream, she ruthlessly gave up marrying her fiancé who had been talking for 5 years.

Originally, the idea at the beginning of the summer was to follow Director Liu Minjie and help the test pilots do some psychological support work in the test flight team.

After the task of the test flight team was completed, Xia Chu also retired.

And because of the excellent medical technology at the beginning of Xia, someone has long passed Director Liu Minjie who wants to poach the beginning of Xia after the mission of the test flight team is over.

At the beginning of the summer, he was actually a little swaying at the beginning, and he didn't think about whether he would continue to follow the test flight team to the aircraft carrier or go to work in the hospital introduced by Liu Minjie.

There are two reasons why the beginning of summer is entangled and swaying, but the main point of entanglement is because of Xie Zhenyu.

First, at the beginning of the summer, of course, I wanted to get on the aircraft carrier, after all, it was the first aircraft carrier, and the people who could get on the aircraft carrier were all one in a million, and the conditions were quite excellent in all aspects.

What an honorable thing it would be if she could board the aircraft carrier as the first batch of female soldiers at the beginning of the summer, and it also proved that she was very good.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

Second, Xia Chu found that he had different feelings for Xie Zhenyu. And once she boarded the aircraft carrier, it was impossible for her to fall in love with Xie Zhenyu, this is discipline.

But the time on the carrier is uncertain, at least one year, at most it may be three or five years. This also means that during this time, she and Xie Zhenyu can only be comrades-in-arms.

And if she doesn't get on the aircraft carrier, she can confess to Xie Zhenyu generously, and then the two of them will be together. Although the two can't see each other often in a different place, at least the relationship has been confirmed.

Just when Xia Chu was struggling and didn't know how to make a choice, Director Liu Minjie found Xia Chu and told her that Dean Zhang invited her to work as a psychiatrist in the hospital.

So at the beginning of the summer, I took the opportunity to ask Director Liu Minjie why she had been single and unmarried for so many years.

Following Xia Chu's question, Director Liu Minjie told Xia Chu about his decision not to marry for the rest of his life because he missed his lover because of waiting.

According to the conversation between Yu Tao's mother and Yu Tao's grandfather, it can be inferred that Director Liu Minjie's description concealed some key contents.

When she found out that Yu Tao's father and Yu Tao's mother fell in love and got married, she didn't give up easily, and she did a lot of fighting. And at that time, things were still very troublesome, and even Grandpa Yu Tao knew about it.

Otherwise, Yu Tao's mother would not be hostile to her, and she would not even mention her name.

But that's not the point, the point is that Director Liu Minjie's story reminds Xia Chu: once some people miss it, it may be a lifetime of regret.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

At the beginning of the summer after being alerted, he resolutely gave up the opportunity to work in President Zhang's hospital and decided to apply for an aircraft carrier.

Xia Chu thought very clearly, instead of waiting and fearing love and lovers, it is better to give up the identity of a lover, accompany his lover as a comrade-in-arms, and use what he has learned to escort his lover and help the motherland's aircraft carrier cause.

Accomplishing an unprecedented undertaking with your loved ones is a super romantic thing in itself.

After confirming this idea, at the beginning of the summer, he put forward the idea that he wanted to apply for an aircraft carrier.

As a person who came over, Liu Minjie understood Xia Chu's thoughts, so she strongly recommended Xia Chu to the commander-in-chief.

For Xia Chu, the reason why she quickly fell in love with Xie Zhenyu in a few months was mostly because she was moved by Xie Zhenyu's spirit of not admitting defeat.

Especially after learning about Xie Zhenyu's personal experience and growth environment, he felt a little more sympathy, distress and admiration.

To a certain extent, Xia Chu will feel that he is very similar to Xie Zhenyu, and he is not favored by others, but he stubbornly wants to make a career on his own and prove to others that his choice is not wrong.

Xia Chu is a doctor of medicine in psychology, and he works in the army, both his education and his unit are very good, but in the eyes of his ex-boyfriend Qian Cheng and his mother, they have never been optimistic about Xia Chu.

They don't understand Xia Chu's career pursuit and inner ambitions, feel that Xia Chu's career has no future, and have been urging Xia Chu to change jobs, thinking that Xia Chu is best to quit his job and be a full-time wife at home, always revolving around Qian Cheng, and taking Qian Cheng as the center.

This is unacceptable at the beginning of summer, so she obviously still loves Qian Cheng, but she still broke up with Qian Cheng ruthlessly.

As for Xie Zhenyu, because his father died early, he has been living with his mother. Without his father's company and education, Xie Zhenyu has been bullied, and because of this, he has been living a mess, not knowing what his goal is.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

It wasn't until his mother died with regret that Xie Zhenyu suddenly woke up and began to work hard and was admitted to the Navy pilot.

In daily training and tasks, I have to strive for the first place everywhere, just to give my mother and myself an explanation.

Xia Chu could understand Xie Zhenyu's innermost thoughts, so the moment she decided to apply for the aircraft carrier, she had already thought that she must win the position of female captain of the aircraft carrier.

This is not only an explanation to himself, but also to prove himself to Xie Zhenyu.

Wu Qiang had an accident on his last mission

After completing the landing training mission, the entire test flight team moved to the next stage of mission training. The main goal of mission training at this stage is to find an aircraft carrier at sea.

In the previous landing training, although the entire test flight team completed the training task excellently and directly received the lowest evaluation of 9.8 points from the expert group, this does not mean that there are no problems in the test flight team.

The reality is that the problem of the test flight team is far more serious than Qin Dadi imagined, but Qin Dadi did not find out.

In addition to the danger, the training tasks of the test flight team also caused great damage to the test pilots' bodies, especially those test pilots who had physical problems before.

And Qin Dadi's friend and subordinate Wu Qiang is one of the most typical examples.

Wu Qiang had an old injury in his waist, but he recovered well after treatment, so when the test flight team was established, Wu Qiang thought that he had no problem and also participated in the test flight team.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

Wu Qiang originally thought that his back injury was almost healed and he was able to participate in normal training. But it turned out that Wu Qiang still underestimated the training intensity of the test flight team.

In training again and again, Wu Qiang's waist injury became more and more serious. But as a pilot, Wu Qiang was not willing to quit halfway.

Wu Qiang has actually been mentally prepared to stop flying, and even the work after retirement has been arranged, but Wu Qiang has always been a little unwilling to quit like this.

As a result, Wu Qiang put off the matter of withdrawing from the test flight team, and thought about persisting one more time, making a little more contribution, and getting closer to the cause of the aircraft carrier becoming an army.

Of course, Wu Qiang has never proposed to retire, in addition to wanting to make more contributions, there is also a reason because of Qin Dadi.

Wu Qiang and Qin Dadi are not only comrades-in-arms and superiors, but also brothers.

In Wu Qiang's heart, Qin Dadi's identity is no different from his own eldest brother.

The details are that in the test flight team, except for Tao Siyong, the political commissar who teamed up with Qin Dadi, everyone was respectful to Qin Dadi, and he was the captain of Qin.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

Only Wu Qiang is an exception, Wu Qiang never shouts the captain of Qin Dadi, every time he shouts directly to the earth.

The reason why Wu Qiang called Qin Dadi by name was that he had always shouted like this, and he was used to shouting, so he couldn't change it for a while;

Second, it is because Qin Dadi and Wu Qiang actually have similar family backgrounds, Qin Dadi has always taken care of Wu Qiang before, and regarded Wu Qiang as his own brother, and the relationship between the two families is very good.

Wu Qiang understands the pressure on Qin Dadi, so he also wants to stay in the test flight team for a while longer, and also hopes to accompany Qin Dadi more.

During the landing training of the Harrier flight, Wu Qiang's back injury was already very serious, although Wu Qiang insisted on completing the landing training, Wu Qiang also realized that it was time for him to quit.

As mentioned earlier, Wu Qiang endured a back injury and stayed in the test flight team before, largely because he was to accompany Qin Dadi.

Wu Qiang knew that although Qin Dadi was the captain of the test flight team hand-picked by the commander-in-chief, Xie Zhenyu had always refused to accept him and wanted to challenge him all the time.

Wu Qiang thought very simply, although staying by himself would not help Qin Dadi's technical improvement, at least he could accompany Qin Dadi when he was depressed and uncomfortable.

Now Wu Qiang has seen with his own eyes that the relationship between Qin Dadi and Xie Zhenyu is getting better and better, and even Qin Dadi would rather be criticized by the commander-in-chief in order to help Xie Zhenyu establish his prestige.

After seeing all this, Wu Qiang felt that Qin Dadi would not be lonely in the test flight team, and he would be able to leave with confidence.

And Wu Qiang knew that he was definitely not the only one with old injuries in the test flight team, and if he refused to quit the test flight team by relying on his personal relationship with Qin Dadi, then others would definitely not take the initiative to quit.

Haitian Eagle: Qin Dadi helped Xie Zhenyu to establish his power, but he was unexpectedly defeated at the beginning of summer! Wu Qiang had an accident on the last flight

But going to test flight training with an old injury is a very dangerous thing in itself.

At that time, if something happens to someone, Qin Dadi will definitely blame himself very much, feeling that he didn't find the problem and do a good job of dealing with it in advance.

Therefore, Wu Qiang thought that as long as he asked to withdraw from the test flight team on the grounds that the old injury had recurred and he could no longer fly, it could be regarded as an example for others.

In this case, others will be embarrassed to say anything, and they can only apply to withdraw from the test flight team like Wu Qiang.

Wu Qiang used this reason to persuade Qin Dadi to accept his withdrawal, but before officially leaving, Wu Qiang made one last request, wanting to carry out another mission to find an aircraft carrier at sea.

Qin Dadi agreed to Wu Qiang's request, but this time, Wu Qiang did not successfully complete the task and return safely as before.

Write at the end

Xia Chu and Wu Qiang's choice can be regarded as a concretization of the contributions of the predecessors in the books for the aircraft carrier cause.

And compared with the examples of Qin Dadi and Xie Zhenyu, Xia Chu and Wu Qiang's choice is more down-to-earth and humane.

In the choice at the beginning of summer, compared to the companionship and lover status of the long-looking companion, I can make all my contributions to the aircraft carrier cause with you, which is already the most romantic love;

In Wu Qiang's choice, of course, I want to stay in the test flight team and become the first batch of test pilots for the aircraft carrier to become an army. But compared to my personal honor, I care more about what kind of choice is really good for my good friend Qin Dadi and helpful for the cause of the aircraft carrier army.

Even if this choice will make me regret it alone, it doesn't matter, as long as this cause can be successful, it is enough.

Therefore, it is precisely because of Xia Chu and Wu Qiang, ordinary people who sacrifice their personal feelings and put down their personal honors for the sake of the test flight career, that the test flight team will overcome the difficulties step by step, and the aircraft carrier will become the ultimate success of the military career.