
"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

author:Melon entertainment
"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

In the past thirty years, the emotional entanglement between Li Rong, Pei Wenxuan, and Su Rongqing has been like a complex court drama that runs through their entire lives. From the beginning of love, to the final love-hate, this story is full of twists and turns.

Li Rong, the eldest princess of Huajing, grew up in the aura of the palace since she was a child. She had thought her marriage would be a happy journey. Her marriage to Pei Wenxuan was the product of a political transaction. Pei Wenxuan, the eldest son of the Pei family, should have been a good couple. When Pei Wenxuan was the top student in the examination, his father died of illness, and the family power struggle made him a down-and-out aristocrat.

Although Pei Wenxuan is gentle on the outside, he has a strong determination and ambition in his heart, which makes Li Rong have a glimmer of hope for him in the early days of marriage. The two respect each other on the surface, but Pei Wenxuan has never been able to forget his first love Qin Zhenzhen in his heart, which also became the fuse for the breakdown of their marriage.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

Pei Wenxuan's relationship with Qin Zhenzhen is a big regret in his life. When they were young, they had a marriage contract and were childhood sweethearts with each other. The trick of fate made Qin Zhenzhen marry the crown prince, and Pei Wenxuan was forced to marry Li Rong. Although the marriage existed in name only, Pei Wenxuan could never forget Qin Zhenzhen in his heart, which also led to his indifference and alienation from Li Rong.

In a quarrel, Pei Wenxuan finally confessed his heart: "I can't let go of her in my heart." This sentence was like a sharp blade, stabbing Li Rong's heart and completely changing her view of this marriage.

Pei Wenxuan's indifference made Li Rong disheartened, and she decided to live separately from Pei Wenxuan from then on, or even live in separate houses. That home has become a cold palace in her heart, and she is unwilling to endure Pei Wenxuan's snubbing anymore. In this process, Su Rongqing has become her spiritual sustenance. Su Rongqing used to be a high-spirited son, with a prominent family and a worry-free life. However, a family accident caused him to fall from heaven to hell, forced to be tortured, and lost his dignity as a man.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

Li Rong has admired Su Rongqing since she was a child, and that admiration even surpassed her feelings for Pei Wenxuan. In her eyes, Su Rongqing is a gentle and tough man. She desperately saved him and pulled him out of the abyss. In those years, they were together and supported each other, and Su Rongqing became an important partner in her life.

Some people say that Li Rong is looking for psychological comfort. Some people also said that she was looking for an emotional outlet for herself. In any case, in getting along with Su Rongqing, Li Rong found the warmth and care that she had never felt in Pei Wenxuan. Su Rongqing's kindness to her and meticulousness made her feel loved and concerned for a long time.

Every morning, Su Rongqing would prepare a cup of warm tea for her. They walked together, chatted about family life, and talked about their hearts. Su Rongqing understands her heart, and whenever she is troubled, she can always give comfort and support in time. These bits and pieces made Li Rong's heart gradually recover its temperature. Su Rongqing became the light in her life and accompanied her for twenty-five years. Although this relationship is complicated, it gives Li Rong spiritual comfort.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

Some netizens expressed their opinions on this relationship. "Li Rong can be regarded as having found her own happiness, although this happiness came a little later, but it is still there." A netizen left a message on social platforms. "Pei Wenxuan doesn't cherish it, and Li Rong should find someone who understands her." Another netizen commented.

"I think no matter how hard Pei Wenxuan tries after he is reborn, it will be difficult to make up for the damage that Li Rong has suffered." A netizen expressed his opinion, "Some damage is irreparable. ”

"Although Su Rongqing has lost a lot, his kindness to Li Rong is irreplaceable." A netizen said, "Sometimes, loss is not necessarily gain, at least he got Li Rong's heart." ”

Over the years, the relationship between Li Rong and Su Rongqing has become more and more stable. Although there is no name between them, this kind of spiritual partnership has exceeded any form of constraint. Li Rong is no longer lonely, and her life has become full and meaningful because of Su Rongqing's existence.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

Su Rongqing also found a new purpose in life. He is no longer the down-and-out son, but a man with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. His love and concern for Li Rong made him rediscover the meaning of life.

Although this relationship seems simple, it is full of bitterness and sweetness that no one knows. Li Rong's former pain, with the passage of time, with the company of Su Rongqing, gradually healed. She no longer resents the past, but cherishes every day of the present.

Netizens have different opinions on this relationship, but it is undeniable that Li Rong has found her own happiness and found someone who really understands her. This relationship, although complicated, is full of truth and warmth.

Some netizens concluded: "Love is complicated, and not all marriages can go to the end. The important thing is to find the person who really understands you in the journey of life. Li Rong and Su Rongqing can be regarded as each other's luck. ”

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

When Pei Wenxuan was reborn, he realized that the person he really liked was actually Li Rong, not Qin Zhenzhen. His remorse grows day by day, and in order to make up for his past mistakes, he decides to pursue Li Rong again and try to save her heart. However, Li Rong's hatred for Pei Wenxuan has not disappeared with the passage of time, but has become more deep-rooted.

After being reborn, Pei Wenxuan became more active, he began to avoid suspicion of Qin Zhenzhen, and showed his concern and love for Li Rong on various occasions. The scar in Li Rong's heart is difficult to heal. Pei Wenxuan must face Li Rong's hidden hatred and distrust, which makes him repeatedly hit a wall on the way to chasing his wife.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan

In these thirty years of emotional entanglement, the relationship between Li Rong, Pei Wenxuan and Su Rongqing is complicated. Li Rong's love-hate for Pei Wenxuan, and her dependence and gratitude on Su Rongqing have made her emotional world extremely rich.

Whether Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan can finally get back together is still unknown. However, what is certain is that the story between them will continue to play out, and the emotional entanglement of love and hate will remain in their memories forever.

Su Rongqing's existence allowed Li Rong to find warm solace in pain, and also allowed her to find inner peace in hatred. And Pei Wenxuan's regret and rebirth made him re-examine his emotions and life. In these thirty years of love-hate entanglement, they have all found their own answers.

"The Year of China" has been with a eunuch for 25 years, which is Li Rong's most ruthless revenge on Pei Wenxuan