
There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

author:Ding Ding said Finance

Newly married Yan'er, Xiao Wang happily moved into the "wedding house" he had just bought. But when he turned on the faucet, the brown water made him dumbfounded.

It turned out that this seemingly brand-new building was actually a prefabricated slab building built in the 80s of the last century.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Young people like Xiao Wang avoid prefabricated slabs when buying houses, but who would have thought that in some cities, prefabricated slab buildings are still silently "serving".

First, the five major defects of prefabricated slab buildings

Precast slabs, also known as precast concrete slabs or PC slabs, were popular building materials in the fifties and sixties of the last century.

The construction industry was thrilled by its emergence – imagine workers pre-making wall panels and floor slabs in a factory, transporting them to the construction site and assembling them like building blocks, and the building was erected in just a few weeks!

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

With this "magical" speed of construction, it is no wonder that prefabricated slab buildings became the darlings of governments and developers everywhere in the eighties and nineties of the last century.

The years are merciless. Today, decades later, the disadvantages of prefabricated slab buildings are gradually emerging. Just like the wrinkles and gray hair on the face, the "five deadly sins" on the prefabricated slab building are becoming clearer and clearer.

First of all, there is a severe aging of the connections between the prefabricated panels. Just like the joints of a human being, the prefabricated slabs are connected by steel bars between the prefabricated slabs.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Time flies, and the steel bars slowly rust, like arthritis quietly eroding people's bones.

Rusty steel bars not only lose their former toughness, but also swell, crack the concrete, and endanger the safety of the house.

In 2023, the balcony of a residential building in Guangzhou collapsed due to the rust of prefabricated panels.

The thermal insulation performance of prefabricated houses is worrying. Because of the gaps in the joints of the prefabricated panels, many owners describe living in a "steamer" in the summer and sleeping in an "ice cellar" in the winter.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Mr. Wang, the head of the family, said helplessly: "In winter, the children's bedding is always cold, and in summer, the house is stuffy and hot, and the electricity bill is terrifying."

Leakage is common in prefabricated slab buildings. The joints between prefabricated panels and prefabricated panels are often the "culprits" of water leakage.

One resident described: "During the rainy season, there are always traces of water seeping out of the window sills and wall corners, and over time, the wallpaper will become moldy and the furniture will get damp, which is really annoying."

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Due to the rough construction process of prefabricated panel buildings, some pipes even "run naked" directly at the joints, and the leakage problem is even worse.

In addition, prefabricated slab houses also have a lot of hidden dangers in seismic performance. A study has shown that precast slab structures are more vulnerable to damage under strong earthquakes than cast-in-place concrete structures.

This is like a house built of building blocks, under strong vibration, the connection between the blocks is easy to loosen and collapse.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Due to the single function of prefabricated houses, it is difficult to renovate the house type, and it can no longer meet the living needs of modern people.

The studio type that was once all the rage has now become a "chicken rib". A young homeowner complained: "This house is no different from a 'tube building', I want to 'open' the kitchen, and when I knock on the wall panels, it is full of prestressed steel bars, and I can't move it at all."

In this way, prefabricated houses have long been outdated.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

The five "original sins" of prefabricated slabs are clearly revealed, and it stands to reason that they should withdraw from the stage of history. But in reality, in some cities, prefabricated slab buildings have not only not been decommissioned, but are still struggling to support. What is the reason for the comprehensive "curtain call" of the prefabricated slab building?

2. Two practical reasons limit the comprehensive demolition of prefabricated slab buildings

Although there are many problems with prefabricated slab buildings, why have they not been fully decommissioned in some cities? There are two practical reasons behind it that have to be faced.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

It's like a person who is sick and knows that surgery is needed, but ultimately chooses to take medication because the surgery is too expensive and too risky.

The demolition of prefabricated slab buildings faces no small resistance.

On the one hand, the economic cost of large-scale demolition of prefabricated slab buildings is very high. It is estimated that the cost of demolishing a square meter of prefabricated panel houses is about 500-800 yuan, while the construction of a new house of the same size requires at least 3,000 yuan.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Taking a 100-square-meter prefabricated house as an example, the demolition compensation alone requires 50-800,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the down payment of a new house in a third-tier city!

Faced with such high demolition costs, local finances are overwhelmed. As one grassroots official put it, "The government also wants to make drastic changes to prefabricated slab buildings, but it is shy of money and the finances are very tight." "

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

On the other hand, finding a new place to live in the prefabricated slab building is also a major challenge. In a third-tier city, for example, there are more than 800 prefabricated buildings and more than 100,000 households.

Even if the government wants to subsidize it, it is difficult to find so many properties on the market.

What's more, many prefabricated slab buildings are located in the center of the city, and residents have long lived and worked in peace and contentment, and there is a strong resistance to "leaving the nest".

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

As an uncle who has lived for more than 20 years said, "This place is close to the vegetable market, close to the park, and is still a familiar neighbor." You asked me to move to a new house in the suburbs, and I wasn't used to it. "This shows that it is easier said than done to relocate residents.

Faced with such a thorny practical problem, some local governments have begun to find another way to carry out "minimally invasive surgery" renovation of prefabricated slab buildings.

Embedded waterproof materials at the joints of prefabricated panels, installation of external wall insulation boards, reinforcement of building structures, etc.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

Although these "screwdriver" repairs cannot fundamentally solve the problem of prefabricated slab buildings, they delay the aging of buildings to a certain extent and improve the living experience of residents.

As one resident put it, "In the past few years, every summer, the house was like a steamer. Since the insulation board was added, now the air conditioner is turned on, and it is much cooler. "

Of course, not all cities are stuck in the old ways. Some cities with strong economic strength, such as Beijing and Shanghai, have begun the journey of "decommissioning" prefabricated slab buildings.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

These cities may offer monetary compensation to encourage residents to relocate voluntarily; or build new resettlement houses for residents who are willing to relocate to "move in"; Or bidding for renovation projects to give the old building a new look.

These measures have undoubtedly provided valuable experience and enlightenment for solving the problem of the century of prefabricated slab buildings.

Although there is resistance to reality, the call for the "recall" of prefabricated slab buildings has never stopped.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

As a "legacy problem" of the last century, the dilemma of prefabricated slab buildings requires the concerted efforts of the government, the market, the society and other parties, on the basis of respecting the wishes of residents, adapting measures to local conditions, implementing classified policies, and resolving them in a steady and orderly manner.

It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, the vision of home ownership and housing will eventually become a reality.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic


The prefabricated slab building, a "relic" of the last century, is experiencing the torture of the times. Their remnants reflect the troubles of urban development.

There is not only the backwardness of the use function, but also the shortage of demolition funds; There is not only the emotional attachment of residents, but also the dilemma of transformation policies.

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic

How to deal with these "dying" prefabricated slab buildings? There may not be a one-time solution, but it is the same way to explore and adapt measures to local conditions.

As one resident put it, "The prefabricated slab building has many flaws, but it used to be our home. I hope that with the joint efforts of all parties, we can find a solution that not only meets the needs of housing, but also deserves the development of the city. "

There are 5 major defects in prefabricated slab floors! Why can't it be completely demolished? 2 reasons are too realistic
