
Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

author:Tangerine Entertainment
Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

As a major category of TV dramas, modern urban life dramas often attract the attention of the audience with exaggerated plots and strange character settings. Behind the pursuit of popularity and ratings, is it a true reflection of real-life family and social relationships? Two typical urban life dramas, "Little Days" and "Old and Young", explore the gap between fiction and reality, and the cognitive biases that this gap may bring.

Contemporary urban life dramas have attracted much attention because of their exaggerated plots and bizarre characters, and these dramas often rely on the conflicts between in-laws and daughters-in-law, friction within the family, and unrealistic life scenes to create dramatic conflicts and attract the audience's attention. However, as viewers' demand for authenticity and depth of content increases, these series are also increasingly facing challenges between reality and fiction.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

The series "Little Days" deeply reflects the contradictions and challenges within the family by showing the protagonist falling into a life crisis created by his strange father-in-law. The protagonist falls into a divorce crisis due to his father-in-law's strange behavior, but in the end, after his father-in-law's own behavior causes him to suffer the consequences, he remarries and gets back together. Although this kind of plot setting is very dramatic and attractive, it is difficult to find real reference in real life. Real-life family conflicts tend to be more subtle and complex, rather than simply black and white.

The plot setting in "The Old and the Young" involves the birthday surprise of the high school homeroom teacher who is teased by the students, and the impact of Lu Xiang's father Lu Zhigao on the family because of his strange behavior. Although these plots are funny and exaggerated, it is difficult to find a corresponding situation in real life, so let's go into detail.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

In this episode, Lu Xiang's father Lu Zhigao is written as a typical "wonderful father", who always makes some ridiculous things. For example, Lu Zhigao was decorating at home, originally to make the home more warm, but he painted the wall of the living room into a kind of sea blue, which looks like the blue of the school swimming pool, and the family is also smiling when they see it. If it were in real life, it is estimated that Lu Zhigao would have been scolded a long time ago.

Especially the part where the high school homeroom teacher is teased by the students in the play, it is simply funny. The students actually made a birthday surprise and let him into the masquerade, and the result was that the whole school was giggling there, and the head teacher blushed like a child. Netizens also said after watching this scene: "This head teacher is too cute, he was caught off guard by the students." "Haha, this student is too good at being a good person, it's so creative." "If only our homeroom teacher was so fun, haha."

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

However, in real life, if the class teacher is made like this by the students, I am afraid that the school leaders will talk to him, and he may even be besieged by the parents. A netizen joked: "If the head teacher of our school is surprised by a student's birthday, he will definitely cry and laugh, crying because our students are so heartfelt, laughing because we will educate you well after school!" ”

Let's talk about Lu Xiang's father Lu Zhigao, this character is simply a funny genius. He always does things that make his family laugh and cry, such as once installing a new washing machine in the house, only to install the faucet in reverse and connect the faucet to the washing machine's water inlet pipe. As a result, as soon as the faucet was turned on, the washing machine was bubbling with water, and the family could only rush out to ask for help from neighbors. Some netizens commented: "This Dad Lu is simply the pistachio of the family, and he can be funny in anything." "If I had such a father in my family, I would definitely laugh every day."

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

But in real life, if you meet this kind of funny and foul father, the family may have a headache for his "strange behavior". A netizen couldn't help but say: "If I had such a father in my family, I guess I would have been amused." "This Dad Lu is so funny, he is simply a master of home comedy."

Ordinary families in real life tend to pay more attention to family harmony and stability, rather than the exaggerated conflicts and strange behaviors that often appear in dramas. After watching such dramas for a long time, viewers may have a false perception of family relationships and social realities, thinking that real-life family problems can be easily solved or that such extreme situations exist.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

"Is there Ni Dahong? That choose not to look! I hate him so much! won the Bai Yushui Award by relying on relationships, shuttling through various crews, because of his participation, many TV series are not watched, and one expression and two big bags under the eyes have not changed for thousands of years...... I also watched an episode last night, and it was quite boring. I want to ask: Why are some people willing to pay for and work to act in such a play, do young people like to watch it nowadays? Do seniors like to watch it? Anyway, I don't have anything to do at home when I'm retired, and I don't like to watch TV series with such content? "

This comment is full of dissatisfaction and doubts about a certain actor and the TV series, and people can't help but want to explore it in depth.

First of all, for Ni Dahong mentioned in the comments, he is indeed a controversial actor. Some people think that his acting skills are not outstanding, and it is more because of personal relationships that he can frequently appear in some dramas. This sparked a discussion among some netizens.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

Netizen Xiao Ming: This Ni Dahong, I don't know why it became popular. Every time I see him playing, I feel like I'm playing the same role repeatedly, it's really boring.

Netizen Xiaohong: Yes, I also think that his expression is stiff, and his acting skills are not as good as passers-by. Isn't there a lot of good actors in the TV drama circle, why do you want to find him to play?

Netizen Xiaogang: Maybe it's because he has a wide network, otherwise how could he have been appearing on the screen. However, I really don't like his performance style, he always has a big bag under his eyes, and it's really aesthetic fatigue to watch too much.

In the face of the popularity and popularity of modern urban life dramas, we should look at the family and social relationships they show more rationally.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

Screenwriters can focus more on the nuances and complexities of real life when creating these kinds of episodes, rather than relying solely on exaggerated plots to attract audiences. The audience should also maintain a rational understanding of real life while enjoying the entertainment brought by the series, and avoid the disconnection between fiction and real life in the play. Through in-depth thinking and discussion of these issues, it may be possible to promote the creation of urban life dramas to be more realistic and profound, and also allow the audience to better understand and face the challenges and beauty of real life in addition to entertainment.

Outrageous to home! "The Old and the Young" is the most bloody life drama I have ever seen

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