
My aunt borrowed seeds

author:Spring Rainy Season I

There is a small town called Qingyang in our northeast, and the story in this town is more snow than in the northeast, and it is a little mysterious. Speaking of the last years of the Qing Dynasty, there was a man surnamed Li in Qingyang Town, Li Laohan and his wife left early, leaving a daughter Cuihua and a little sister Cuilian. Cuihua is a well-known beauty in the town, and although Cuilian looks a little bit, she is also a hardworking and kind girl. But fate is really bad for the two sisters, when Cuihua was eighteen years old, Li Laohan was very ill, and before leaving, he had a wish to watch his daughter get married.

There is a young man named Zhang Er in the town, who fell in love with Cuihua at first sight, but his family is poor and a little stupid, so Cuihua treats him like that. But in order to satisfy her old father's wishes, Cuihua still decided to marry Zhang Er. On the day of the wedding, the town was as lively as the New Year, but Cuihua's heart was full of ups and downs. On the wedding night, Zhang Er was as happy as anything, thinking that a good day was coming. But when he lifted Cuihua's hijab, he saw Cuihua's face pale and tearful. Cuihua suddenly shouted: "You are not human! Zhang Ersoul was so frightened that he was about to fly. Zhang Er said aggrievedly: "Cuihua, I'm Zhang Er, why don't I become a human being?" Cuihua shook her head: "That person is not you, who are you?" Zhang Er was completely stunned.

It turned out that on the day of the wedding, Cuihua met a mysterious stranger who claimed to be Cuilian's old friend, who came from far away and brought Cuilian a gift. He gave Cuilian a brocade box, saying that the contents could bless the prosperity of the Li family's descendants. Cuilian opened it and saw that it was a crystal clear jade bead, which was said to be given by a high monk, which could drive away evil spirits and avoid evil and bless peace. Cuilian felt that this jade bead was magical, so she let Cuihua also stain it, and secretly put the jade bead into Cuihua's dowry on the eve of the wedding. But how can Cuihua know about this? On the wedding night, she looked at Zhang Er's eyes and demeanor wrong, and was shocked, is this really not Zhang Er? She thought about it and remembered the stranger and Yuzhu. Cuihua lifted the quilt, and there were indeed jade beads under the pillow. She understood that this jade bead had magical powers, and it could make people see what they were most afraid of or didn't want to face. Cuihua's heart tightened, is this jade bead hinting at something? Looking at Zhang Er's blank eyes, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She knew that Zhang Er was innocent, but how to explain this matter in front of her? Cuihua took a deep breath and decided to find out the truth. Cuihua told Zhang Er that she had to go to Cuilian to ask about the matter, although Zhang Er's heart was full of questions, she could only nod. The two went to Cuilian's house together, only to find that Cuilian had long since disappeared. Cuihua's heart sank, thinking that this couldn't be Cuilian's ghost, right? She made up her mind to go to the town to find Cuilian's old friend and find out the ins and outs of the jade bead. So, at night, Cuihua and Zhang Er embarked on the road to find the truth.

My aunt borrowed seeds

They went to the temple in the town and found the monk. The monk told them that this jade bead was indeed given by him, but it was not a treasure to bless the descendants of the Li family, but a magic weapon sealed with evil power. The monk said: "This jade bead was originally used to suppress the thousand-year-old demon fox, and it somehow fell into the world, but now that it has been awakened, something big must happen." You have to find Cuilian and the mysterious person quickly, and seal the jade bead again. When Cuihua and Zhang Er heard this, they were frightened, they didn't expect this jade bead to be so dangerous. They decided to set off at once to find Cuilian and the mysterious man to find out about it. At this time, Qingyang Town was already shrouded in a strange atmosphere. The townspeople felt unsettled, as if something terrible was about to happen. Cuihua and Zhang Er are also about to embark on a journey full of unknowns and dangers.

They followed the clues left by the mysterious man and chased them all the way south. After a night of walking, I arrived at a remote mountain village. This village is surrounded by mountains, lush vegetation, and looks quite quiet, but the two of them feel that something is wrong. After entering the village, Cuihua looked around and found that the people in the village looked at them strangely. She grabbed an old man and asked, "Uncle, has there been anything strange in the village recently?" The old man shook his head and sighed, "This village has not been peaceful lately, and you can always hear strange screams at night, like something is doing something." Cuihua and Zhang Er glanced at each other, and knew what to expect. They found an inn to stay at, intending to go out in the evening to find out.

Late at night, the two quietly walked out of the inn and touched in the direction pointed by the old man. He hadn't gone far before he heard a terrible cry. They followed the cry to a wasteland, and saw a woman sitting on the ground with her hair disheveled, crying heartbreakingly. When they got closer, they both took a cool breath - this woman was none other than Cuilian, who had been missing for many days! When Cuilian saw them, she jumped up and hugged Cuihua like a savior. She cried and said, "Sister, you're here!" I was deceived by that man, he gave me this jade bead, saying that he could bless our family, who knew that this jade bead was sealed with a demon fox, and now it is attached to me, torturing me every night, so that I am better off than dead! When Cuihua and Zhang Er heard this, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak. Hey, the secret hidden in this jade bead is really not small, who would have thought about it! Cuihua pulled Cuilian up, patted her on the back and said, "Don't panic, we will definitely be able to come up with a trick to save you." As soon as the servants summed up, they decided to go to the monk and ask him to help reseal the jade bead. They hurried through the night, hurrying and hurrying, and finally arrived at the temple on the morning of the third day. As soon as the monk saw them, he sighed: "I knew that this jade bead was a bane. You've come just in time, I'm going to seal it for you. The monk took out a piece of talisman paper from the house, recited a mantra, and stuck it on the jade bead with a snap. The rune paper crackled and burned, and it was dazzlingly bright. As soon as the light dissipated, the jade bead also returned to its original state. The monk told them that the jade bead was sealed, but the demonic energy on Cuilian's body had to slowly disperse. Cuihua and Zhang Er thanked the monk and took Cuilian back to Qingyang Town. The people of the town were relieved to see that they had returned safely. Cuilian has been raised at home for a while, and the demonic energy on her body has slowly disappeared. She said gratefully to Cuihua and Zhang Er: "Sister, brother-in-law, thanks to you, I will never be gullible in the future." Cuihua and Zhang Er looked at each other and smiled, feeling that although this matter was quite bizarre, it could be regarded as complete. They returned home, and the days were calm again.

My aunt borrowed seeds

But the good times didn't last long, they thought that everything was over, and the demon fox in the jade bead actually appeared again. It took advantage of Cuilian's inattention and secretly attached itself to her. This time it is more cunning and fierce, and dares to come out and make trouble day and night. The townspeople were distracted by it. Cuihua and Zhang Eryi saw that this matter could not be delayed any longer, and decided to invite the monk again and beg him to completely eradicate this demon fox. When the monk heard this, he frowned: "This demon fox has become a spirit, and it is not easy to completely eradicate it." But don't worry, I have my own way. The monk led them to a cave and said that the demon fox was hiding inside. They cautiously entered, and after a fierce battle, they cornered the demon fox. The monk took the opportunity to recite the mantra, and a golden light entered the body of the demon fox, only to hear a miserable scream, and the demon fox turned into black smoke and dissipated. Cuihua and Zhang Er finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the demon fox was removed. They thanked the monk and went back to town. When the people in the town heard that the demon fox had been removed, they were very happy, and they came to the door of Li's house to thank them and send their blessings. Since then, Qingyang Town has returned to its former tranquility and serenity. Cuihua and Zhang Er, what happened this time really made the relationship between the two of them even stronger, and the two of them cherished each other in their hearts. The jade bead, carefully hidden by the two of them, became a legend, witnessing their love and courage. Qingyang Town has returned to its previous calm, but the stone in Cuihua and Zhang Er's hearts still can't be put down.

The two of them knew that although this demon fox was temporarily sealed, the evil things in this world would come as soon as they were said to be unguardable. Therefore, the two of them have a plan, for the peace of the town and the good life of the family, they have to keep this peace, and they can't let those crooked things make trouble anymore.

Cuihua and Zhang Er began to get busy, running around, asking the elders in the town for advice, and learning a lot of tricks to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil. They not only learned to draw talismans and recite mantras, but also learned how to set up feng shui arrays to keep their families safe. With the efforts of the two of them, the Li family has gradually become a feng shui master in the town, and whoever has a little difficulty comes to them for help.

My aunt borrowed seeds

After a long time, the fame of the two of them spread, and even people from other places came to ask them for help. Although Cuihua and Zhang Er were very busy, they were full of a sense of accomplishment in their hearts. They knew that it was all for the peace of the town, and for the sake of fulfilling their original promise.

But just when they thought everything had calmed down, an uninvited guest came and broke the peace again. That day, a tattered Taoist priest suddenly appeared at the entrance of the town, holding a tattered dust in his hand, chattering in his mouth, looking unfathomable. When the people in the town saw it, they all gathered around, wanting to see what this Taoist priest was capable of.

The Taoist priest claimed to be a real person who traveled all over the world, passing by here, seeing that the feng shui in the town was wrong, and specially came to help. He pointed to several places in the town and said, "These places have evil spirits, and if they are not cleaned up in time, there may be big trouble." When the people in the town heard this, they all panicked and asked the Taoist priest for advice on how to clean up these evil spirits. The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "This evil qi is not ordinary, and ordinary methods can't be cleaned up." But I have a solution. ”

My aunt borrowed seeds

After speaking, the Taoist priest asked the people in the town to prepare some things and began to set up a magic circle. He muttered words in his mouth, waved the dust in his hand, and in a few moments, a huge circle appeared in the center of the town. The Taoist priest told the people of the town that as long as they prayed sincerely, the circle would suck away all the evil qi and restore peace to the town.

That demon fox, hey, is really a powerful character, and the Taoist priest's magic circle is nothing compared to it, and it is not enough to see at all. Seeing that the magic circle was about to be broken by the demon fox, at this time, Cuihua and Zhang Er, the two buddies, stood up suddenly. Holding the charm in his hand, he muttered something in his mouth, and rushed towards the demon fox in a hurry. Good guy, that scene is like a fight in a movie, very intense. In the end, the two of them forced the demon fox to retreat outside the magic circle.

When the Taoist priest saw this posture, he was so happy that he hurriedly sped up the work under his hands. In a few moments, the circle was ready. Hey, inside the magic circle, a light as bright as the sun covered the demon fox tightly. The demon fox screamed, just like the smoke, and it dispersed in a flash.

My aunt borrowed seeds

When the people in the town saw it, they were overjoyed, and they all jumped up and applauded Cuihua and Zhang Er, praising them as big heroes in the town. The Taoist priest also ran over, thanked him repeatedly, and said, "If it weren't for the two of you, my magic circle would probably be in vain." Cuihua and Zhang Er waved their hands, very modest, and said: "We are from the town, and protecting the peace of the town is what we should do." ”

As soon as this incident passed, Cuihua and Zhang Er's reputation became famous, and they became the feng shui masters in the town, and they also became heroes in everyone's hearts. They know that they can protect this peace and happiness because they have love, responsibility, and responsibility in their hearts. Since then, Qingyang Town has never had any evil things, and everyone has lived a good life. Cuihua and Zhang Er have also been guarding this peace and happiness, making Qingyang Town a place full of love and hope.

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