
Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

author:Big and small snow lx
Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

Proud! Another child from someone else's family!

This year's college entrance examination scores have been announced, and the college entrance examination score of 613 points is also guaranteed to be 211 universities, it stands to reason that this score, if it is a healthy child, it is not easy to get such a high score, but the boy in Changsha is "blind".

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

Shaoyang, Changsha, a boy participated in this year's college entrance examination, but this boy is very special, his eyesight is congenital, it can be said that he is close to blind, his right eye is blind, and his left eye is only 0.04, so it can be said that his vision is minimal.

After the college entrance examination results came out and inquired, it was 613 points, and the whole family was still very happy, he could get such a high score, and his eyesight was still like this, how did he do it? It's still admirable.

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others
Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

According to him, although his eyes are not very good, he has a vision aid, something like a telescope, which helps him see the blackboard.

With this kind of vision problem, his learning efficiency is not very high, it is conceivable that because of his poor eyesight, especially reading books or writing homework in class, or reading the blackboard, he uses a lot of energy to study more than his classmates with good eyesight.

Because his eyes can't see clearly, on weekdays, he goes to class or studies slower than other classmates, but he is very smart, and he instead finds ways to make up for his lack of eyesight in learning, that is, he puts more effort into the key knowledge on weekdays.

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

We usually understand that with vision problems like his, there must be limitations in choosing a major.

But the boy said: he wants to study medicine, the original intention of studying medicine is to solve his own problems first, if the research goes well in the future, he will go out to promote, hoping to help solve more people like him, he vows to do this industry in his life.

Also, he has always remembered the words of his parents' education: drink water and don't forget to dig wells, thank you to all those who support and help him behind the scenes.

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

Anyway, I have to admire the boy, he is also a very strong child, even if he has a defect, he did not find a reason to fail in the test, but is better than more children with good eyesight, and even better in the test.

For this reason, some netizens said: He

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

Some netizens said: .

Proud! The visually impaired candidate scored 613 points in the college entrance examination, and his volunteer: he hopes to help others

In fact, he is just a teenager's face, but he has the mature mind of an adult, and I believe that his future will definitely be promising.

Dare to predict that this boy will definitely become famous in the future, because he knows his own shortcomings and disadvantages, so he will definitely put in 200% more energy than ordinary people, and he must be secretly thinking that I can do what you can do.

Seeing this, I remembered a sentence:

Finally, I wish the boy all the best of luck! The future is bright! Come on, teens!


Source: Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

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