
Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

author:Eradicate all pests

Official report at 8:03 on June 28, Huo Wenchang, a fugitive from the five murders case in Inner Mongolia, was arrested and brought to justice, it is said that a sheep herder received a bonus of 30,000 yuan, Huo Wenchang confessed to the crime of deliberately killing others, so everyone knows the result in their hearts, this is 100% of the death penalty.

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

Engaged in the arrest began, and under the relevant videos and articles, too many netizens complained about Huo Wenchang, and many people hoped that Huo Wenchang could escape the round-up of the police, and some people even called Huo Wenchang "Huo Daxia"!

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

Everyone understands that it is wrong to use violence to counter violence, but why do so many people still help Huo Wenchang to speak, is it because many people's cognition is wrong, from Zhang Koukou to Huo Wenchang, maybe when our justice punishes murderers, can we also trace the reasons why these people killed.

So what is evil, murderers are evil, so whether people who oppress others are evil, and whether people who ignore justice are evil, we should perhaps reflect on how to avoid the recurrence of such cases, and we should sum up the lessons.

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

It is rumored on the Internet that Huo Wenchang is like the "hero" written by the author of the online article, he is a person who has always been oppressed by bullies, and then committed a crime and killed people in a passionate way when he couldn't bear it, and said that Huo Wenchang has clear grievances, and the daughter-in-law of the victim's family, who has been speaking for him, escaped because of her kindness.

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

It is even rumored that Huo Wenchang previously said that Huo Wenchang was looking for the police everywhere before the accident, and after the accident, the police were looking for him everywhere, so it has been rumored that Huo Wenchang has been wrongly sentenced by the court, has the victim's family been bullying Huo Wenchang, has Huo Wenchang gone to the police because of this matter, and now everything is circulating.

It is hoped that the official can go back and explain as soon as possible what exactly caused this vicious homicide case, and whether the local courts and judicial units had committed acts of perversion of the law before the incident, so as to set the record straight.

In the face of hot events, we should remain calm, analyze objectively and avoid blindly following the trend, then the official reply should be the most effective, and the most hopeful thing is to find out whether a few things are true.

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

The first point: Was Huo Wenchang bullied by the victim Niu's family?

The second point: whether the Niu family forcibly occupied Huo Wenchang's land, and did not give a penny of rent for ten years.

The third point: whether Huo Wenchang ever sued Niu's family for forcibly occupying land for ten years without paying a penny of rent, and was sentenced by the local court to lose the lawsuit.

The fourth point: the electric poles erected by the town power supply station accounted for 1,500 yuan of the land that Huo Wenchang was cultivated by Niu, and the 1,500 yuan was given to Niu's family or to Huo Wenchang.

The fifth point: Huo Wenchang went to Niu's family to get back the 1,500 yuan in compensation, whether Niu's family beat Huo Wenchang and locked him in a coffin for a day and a night.

The sixth point: Did Huo Wen often let go of Niu's daughter-in-law because of the clear distinction between good and evil on the day of the murder.

I think these six points should be found out and announced to the society one by one in the process of investigating the case, if Huo Wenchang has been bullied by a certain Niu family for a long time as reported on the Internet, and even a certain family of Niu has occupied Huo Wenchang's land for ten years and has not given a penny of rent, and Huo Wenchang lost the case after the matter was brought to court.

Whether it is true that the land occupation is still the compensation, whether Niu's family belongs to the level of the village tyrant in the local area, whether they beat Huo Wenchang and put him in a coffin before the incident, whether the daughter-in-law of Niu's family has really always helped Huo Wenchang say good things, whether Huo Wenchang has gone to the judicial unit to defend his rights before, and whether the court's judgment is fair, these are all questions.

Huo Wen is often 100% executed! Netizens complained about him, and it was a mistake to fight violence with violence, and the reason should be investigated

I never expected Huo Wenchang to escape, because I think things should be one yard at a time, that is, the "hero" murderer should also be judged by the law, and the truth of killing people to repay debts and money throughout the ages is that according to justice, it is difficult to escape death, it is better to spread out the matter and say, what caused Huo Wenchang to kill, is it the injustice of the local judiciary or because a certain Niu family has really done a lot of evil, or has the backlog of both sides crushed Huo Wenchang's thinking.

Things have happened, what we want is to avoid similar things from happening again in the future, if there is a problem with the local judiciary, we will go back and investigate, if it is a bully who oppresses the villagers, we will crack down on the bully, there are corresponding procedures, and Huo Wenchang should also be relieved, since he killed someone, there is no way back, there is no need to hide in Tibet, the matter will be explained clearly in court, and the society will have a fair opinion while accepting the legal trial.