
Why do pimples occur frequently? Experts will reveal to you that there is a way to fight acne

author:Popular science of medicine and health

On an ordinary weekend morning, Yang Li sat on the balcony of her home, bathed in the warm sunshine, but felt extremely heavy. She looked at the pimple-riddled face in the mirror, and her mood was at rock bottom. Yang Li is in her forties this year, and originally thought that as she grew older, pimples would become a memory of the past, but the reality cruelly told her that these stubborn little guys were not as "honest" as she expected.

Acne is not just an outward beauty issue for Yang Li, it affects her self-confidence and quality of life. As someone who loves exercise and healthy eating, it's hard for her to accept why her skin problems are so tricky. After trying various commercially available skincare products and DIY methods circulating online, Yang Li felt more and more that she needed professional help and guidance. Like many middle-aged and elderly people, she is eager to understand the real cause behind pimples and the scientific and effective treatments that can help her regain fresh, healthy skin.

Why do pimples occur frequently? Experts will reveal to you that there is a way to fight acne

Analysis of the causes of pimples

The appearance of pimples is not exclusive to young people, and the frequent occurrence of pimples in middle-aged and elderly people is closely related to a variety of factors. To understand why pimples appear at this age, we first need to understand their basic physiological mechanisms and triggering factors.

The main causes of acne are abnormal secretion of sebaceous glands and blockage of hair follicles. As we age, fluctuations in hormone levels in the body may readjust the activity of the sebaceous glands, leading to increased sebum production. This condition is especially common in women, especially around the time of menstruation and during menopause, when hormonal fluctuations are more pronounced and therefore more likely to lead to the recurrence or worsening of pimples.

In addition, lifestyle and environmental factors also play an important role in the development of pimples. For example, stress, lack of sleep, irregular diet, and environmental pollution can all stimulate the sebaceous glands, which can exacerbate the occurrence of pimples. Studies have shown that the intake of high-sugar diets and high-GI foods increases fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which indirectly affects the skin's oil secretion, which is one of the factors for the frequent occurrence of acne in adults.

In addition to internal factors, external factors such as inappropriate use of skincare products can also exacerbate acne. Many adults already have skin that is already more prone to dryness than younger people, and using skincare products that contain a lot of fragrance or alcohol can damage the skin barrier, which in turn can lead to inflammation and pimples.

In general, the formation of adult acne is the result of a combination of factors, not just a single factor. Therefore, for the problem of acne, it is not only limited to external treatment, but also from the inside and outside, through lifestyle adjustment, reasonable diet and scientific skin care to achieve better results.

Why do pimples occur frequently? Experts will reveal to you that there is a way to fight acne

The basic way to prevent pimples

The formation of pimples is related to a variety of factors, such as excessive oil secretion, abnormal keratinization of hair follicles, bacterial infections, etc. The basic ways to prevent acne include good lifestyle habits and the right care steps.

The impact of dietary habits on skin health

Diet is one of the important factors that affect skin health. Too many high-sugar foods and high-GI foods, such as sweets, chocolates, carbonated drinks, etc., can trigger blood sugar fluctuations, stimulate insulin secretion, and then promote the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands, which can easily lead to hair follicle blockage and the formation of pimples. It is recommended to consume foods with a low GI index, such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc., in moderation, which can help reduce the glycemic response and reduce the occurrence of pimples.

The importance of daily care

Proper daily care is essential to prevent pimples. Cleansing the skin is the first step in preventing acne from forming. Cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser effectively removes dirt and excess oil from the skin's surface, reducing the likelihood of clogged pores. In addition, choosing non-irritating moisturizers for moisturizing can help maintain the skin's water and oil balance and reduce the amount of oil that stimulates the sebaceous glands due to dryness.

Effective way to fight acne

In view of the situation that acne has formed or frequented eruptions, it is necessary to adopt effective methods to fight acne, including medical aesthetic treatment and drug treatment.

Why do pimples occur frequently? Experts will reveal to you that there is a way to fight acne

Medical aesthetic treatments

Medical aesthetic treatment is an effective way to combat acne, especially for stubborn acne or severe acne problems. Common treatments include:

Laser treatment: Lasers can reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the formation of acne, and eliminate acne pathogens through bactericidal action.

Photodynamic Therapy: Uses specific wavelengths of light to irradiate acne areas to destroy acne bacilli, shrink sebaceous glands, and reduce oil secretion.

These treatments usually require a professional doctor to perform and have certain efficacy and safety, but it is necessary to pay attention to the reaction of the skin during the treatment process to avoid overstimulation and infection.

drug therapy

Medication is a common form of acne treatment and can be divided into two categories: topical and oral:

Topical drugs, such as topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc., can reduce sebaceous gland secretion, inhibit bacterial growth, and reduce the occurrence of acne.

Oral medications, such as vitamin A drugs, antibiotics, etc., can achieve therapeutic effects by regulating sebaceous gland function and reducing keratin blockage.

Drug treatment needs to be selected reasonably according to the severity of the disease and individual characteristics, and should be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the occurrence of side effects and drug resistance.

Acne prevention and effective ways to combat acne are achieved by adjusting lifestyle habits, taking proper care of the skin, and choosing the right treatment. Individual differences and the severity of the disease need to be comprehensively considered in combination with the actual situation to achieve the best treatment effect. Through these methods, we hope to help middle-aged and elderly people effectively manage and improve acne problems and regain healthy skin.