
The man made fun of his friend's wife, saying that her ass was ice, which led to terrible retaliation

author:Serious train I8

In our Northeast Gada, Zhang San and Li Si are two people, the relationship is iron, they grew up together, and they are closer than brothers. Li Si, a kid, married a daughter-in-law named Xiu'e, who looks smart, but his temperament is a little wilted and he doesn't like to talk much. Zhang San, a buddy, loves to make fun of Xiu'e, and looking at her quiet appearance, I think it's funny.

That day, Zhang San and Li Si were drinking, and as soon as the wine came up, Zhang San started, pointing to Xiu'e's ass and saying, "Si'er, look at your daughter-in-law's ass, why is it like an ice cube, cold." When Li Si heard this, his face turned red and he glared at Zhang San, meaning don't talk nonsense. But Zhang San, this kid, has a big heart, so he doesn't care about this, and continues to laugh: "I'm telling the truth, I don't believe you touch it." Now Li Si was angry, stood up and gave Zhang San a punch: "You are talking nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!" Zhang San was beaten up, and he became angry, and the two of them quarreled like this.

In the end, Li Siyi threw off his sleeves and left angrily, Xiu'e also blushed and bowed her head silently. I thought it was over. But within a few days, Zhang San found out that something was wrong. At first, I felt cold on my body, as if I had been invaded by some cold. Then, his ass began to get cold and cold, just like he had joked about that day.

The man made fun of his friend's wife, saying that her ass was ice, which led to terrible retaliation

Zhang San didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that the weather was getting colder. Gradually, however, he found that the coldness was getting stronger and stronger, and even began to affect his life. He couldn't sit still, he couldn't stand steadily, and his whole body seemed to be frozen. At this time, Zhang San panicked and hurriedly went to Li Si to apologize. Li Si was also startled when he saw him like this, and hurriedly called Xiu'e out to take a look.

As soon as Xiu'e saw Zhang San's appearance, her face changed, and she whispered to Li Si: "He has provoked something unclean." As soon as Li Si heard this, he knew that things were not good. He hurriedly asked Xiu'e what to do. Xiu'e sighed and said, "I have to find the old gods in the village to see this matter." So, the two of them took Zhang San to find the old fairy in the village.

As soon as the old fairy saw Zhang San's appearance, he frowned and said, "You are being invaded by the cold, you have to quickly find a way to drive away the cold." Zhang Sanyi was anxious when he heard this: "Then how can you drive away the cold?" I'm almost frozen into a popsicle! The old fairy pondered for a while and said, "This matter must be solved from the source. You'll have to find out where the cold is coming from. Zhang San was dumbfounded when he heard this: "How do I know where the cold comes from?" The old fairy sighed and said, "This matter has to start with your joke." You said that Xiu'e's ass was icy the other day, and that may have angered some god or monster. ”

The man made fun of his friend's wife, saying that her ass was ice, which led to terrible retaliation

Zhang San regretted it when he heard this: "Then what should I do?" The old fairy said, "You go back first, and at three o'clock tonight, you will wait alone under the ancient tree at the entrance of the village to see if you can meet that god or monster." "Oh, if you can meet that incident, you have to sincerely make amends to it, and beg it to have a lot of it, spare you this time." Although Zhang Sanxin was up and down, he could only bite the bullet and agree to it. With that, he went home in a heartbeat, waiting for it to get dark...... That night, Zhang San really tossed and turned, thinking about what could pop up under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village. This southern town, although it is not as spectacular as the snow-covered mountains in our northeast, but the humidity is as heavy as something, and when the wind blows at night, it is as cold as a needle piercing a bone. finally stayed up late at night, Zhang San put on a thick cotton jacket, and went out shivering from the cold. The old locust tree at the entrance of the village is said to be hundreds of years old, and the trunk is so thick that neither of them can hold it. Zhang San stood under the tree, and the surroundings were so quiet that he couldn't even hear a single insect call. Suddenly a cold wind blew, and the leaves rattled, as if something was peeking at him from behind the tree. Zhang San's heart tightened, and the hairs on his back stood up. He plucked up his courage and shouted, "Which way is the fairy monster here?" Zhang is here to make amends, please don't remember the villain, let me go! As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a figure slowly walk out from behind the leaves. This figure is erratic, and it makes people's hearts furry when they look at it. Zhang San was so frightened that he almost didn't sit on the ground, he steadied himself, and took a closer look, oh my god, isn't this Xiu'e! Xiu'e's face was pale, her eyes were empty, and she stared at Zhang San so directly. Zhang San's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sister Xiu'e, what's wrong with you?" Why is this happening? Xiu'e sighed and said, "Brother Zhang, do you know how much trouble your joke has caused?" I was originally a spirit fox under this locust tree, and I practiced for many years before I turned into a human form. You said that my ass was icy that day, which angered my real body, and that's why you suffered the punishment of this cold invading body. When Zhang Sanyi heard this, he was immediately stunned: "Huh? Are you a fox fairy? I...... I don't know! Xiu'e said, "I know you are unintentional, but karma, you will have to bear this punishment after all." However, I see that you sincerely apologize, and it will not be difficult for me to do it for you. It's just that you have to promise me one condition. Zhang San hurriedly said: "What conditions do you say, as long as you can relieve my cold, anything will do!" Xiu'e said, "From now on, you can no longer make fun of others, especially women. If you can, I'll cast a spell to ward off the cold for you. As soon as Zhang San heard this, he understood in his heart. He nodded and said, "I promise you that you will definitely change your ways in the future and stop making fun of others." Seeing that he agreed happily, Xiu'e nodded and said, "Okay, then you stand here and don't move, and I'll cast a spell to ward off the cold for you." With that, Xiu'e closed her eyes, folded her hands, and began to recite the incantation. Oh, look at this girl, a layer of blue light slowly lit up on her body, and the light became denser and denser, and finally became a pillar of light, and it went straight to Zhang San's ass with a whoosh. Zhang Sanna called a warmth, feeling that from the buttocks, a stream of heat rushed to the whole body, he couldn't help but snort, the whole person was warm, so comfortable. After a while, the blue light slowly dissipated, and Xiu'e also opened her eyes, looked at Zhang San and said, "Okay, the cold will drive you away." You go back and get some sleep, and you'll be alive tomorrow. Zhang San was moved to tears and said, "Thank you, sister Xiu'e, I won't dare to chew my tongue in the future!" Xiu'e smiled and waved her hand: "Don't thank me, thank yourself if you want to thank yourself." If you hadn't sincerely apologized and agreed to my conditions, how could I help you. Zhang San nodded like pounding garlic.

The sky was dark, and as soon as Xiu'e turned around, she turned into a white light, and disappeared into the air with a bang. Zhang San stayed under the tree for a long time before he came to his senses, touched his buttocks, the temperature was normal, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Since then, Zhang Sanzhen seems to have changed as a person, and he no longer dares to joke, he understands how naïve and ignorant he used to be, and he also understands the importance of respecting others. His relationship with Li Si and Xiu'e is also more ironclad because of this matter. This incident caused a stir in the town, and everyone said that Zhang San met the fox fairy and learned a lesson before he became sensible. The old locust tree is also more mysterious because of this, and it is said that you can still hear the cry of a woman under the tree at night. But these are all legends, how do we mortals know about those gods and monsters? We only know that we have to be kind, and we can't make fun of others, especially the girl's family. In this world, who doesn't have a difficulty, who doesn't want people to know? We have to learn to respect and understand.

Since Zhang San was relieved of the chill by Xiu'e's spirit fox, he has really changed a person, the problem of not holding the door before, now it has all changed, and he is much more stable in speaking and doing things. The people in the town praised him, saying that Zhang San had really grown up this time. But that's not the end of it. The fox fairy made a move, how could it be so easy to end it? One day, Zhang San went to the town to catch a market, and met a vendor selling antiques, holding a porcelain vase in his hand, shouting: "Take a look, this is a treasure of the Tang Dynasty, and it is very valuable!" Zhang San usually loves antiques, and when he saw the porcelain vase, his eyes were straight. He leaned over to take a closer look, and there was a woman painted on the porcelain vase, very delicate, and her figure was good, and the more she looked at it, the more she looked like Xiu'e. He was shocked and thought: This can't be Xiu'e's real body, right? He looked up and asked the vendor, "Where did this porcelain vase come from?" The peddler smiled: "You don't care about it, it's a good product anyway." "If you like it, give money, let's not twist and pinch it." The little abacus in Zhang San's heart crackled, thinking that if he really got Xiu'e's real body home, it would not be a joke. He hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, saying, "I want this porcelain vase, but you have to tell me where this porcelain vase came from." When the peddler saw that Zhang San was so happy, he didn't hide it, and told him that the porcelain vase was dug up from an ancient tomb in the mountains. When Zhang San heard this, his heart was even more bottomless. He thought for a moment, took out a few silver tickets from his pocket and handed them to the vendor: "I will take this porcelain vase first, but you have to go home with me, I have something I want to ask you." When the hawker saw the money, he naturally agreed. The two went back to Zhang San's house one after the other.

The man made fun of his friend's wife, saying that her ass was ice, which led to terrible retaliation

Zhang San told Li Siyi about this, and Li Si was also startled. The two discussed for a long time and decided to ask the old fairy in the village. When the old fairy heard this, his brows furrowed. He pondered for a long time before he slowly spoke: "The woman painted on this porcelain vase should be Xiu'e's real body." You dig up her grave, and she'll come to her door. However, since she didn't directly trouble you, it shows that she still has some kindness. All you have to do is apologize to her and return her body to the cemetery, and this should be all right. When Zhang San and Li Si heard this, they immediately panicked. They hurriedly followed the instructions of the old fairy and went to the cemetery with the porcelain vase. When I arrived at the cemetery, I saw that there was a newly dug pit, and there were some broken porcelain pieces scattered around the pit. The two put the porcelain vase into the pit and buried it in the earth. Zhang San knelt on the ground and apologized while kowtowing: "Sister Xiu'e, I, Zhang San, have eyes and don't know Taishan, so I offended you." Now I'll send your real body back, please have a lot of it, let us go! With that, the two got up and left the cemetery.

Back in the village, they found that it was already dark. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this was finally the case. But who knows, it's not over yet. The next night, Zhang San had a dream. He dreamed that he was back in the cemetery, and saw Xiu'e standing in front of the tomb looking at him with a smile on her face. She opened her mouth and said, "Zhang San, you did a good job this time. I forgive you. However, I have to remind you that you should think twice before you speak and do things in the future, and don't make the same mistake again. When Zhang Sanyi heard this, he quickly nodded yes. As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw Xiu'e's figure gradually blur, and finally turned into a white light and disappeared. Zhang San woke up from his dream and found that he had broken out in a cold sweat. He sat on the bed and was stunned for a long time before remembering the dream he had just had. He knew in his heart that this was Xiu'e reminding him to be careful in the future and not to make mistakes again.

Since then, Zhang San seems to have changed as a person, speaking and doing things carefully, and he doesn't dare to be as arrogant as before. The relationship between him and Li Si has also become more intimate, and the two often drink and chat together to share each other's experiences. The gang of people in our town look at Zhang San, this kid, and they are getting more and more wise! In his head, there are always some unique ideas and ideas. Everyone muttered, this must be the fox fairy Xiu'e who is giving him a trick behind his back! That's it, day by day, Zhang San slowly became a little celebrity in our town. He used his own intelligence and courage to help many people solve many difficult things, and everyone respected and loved him. In the dead of night, Zhang Sanna always thought about the mysterious and kind fox fairy Xiu'e, as well as the bizarre and legendary story......