
She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61
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She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

In August 2020, the night of Beijing shrouded the bustling metropolis. 61-year-old Xie Yuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his wife Qiu Yue suddenly panicked.

The sound of ambulance horns pierced the night sky, but fate seemed to have been doomed.

The "Four Actors", who have won the Golden Eagle Award, the Golden Rooster Award, the Hundred Flowers Award, and the Feitian Award, closed his eyes forever.

22 years ago, 22-year-old Qiu Yue resolutely married Xie Yuan, who was 17 years older than him. Their love crossed the age gap, but in the end they failed to overcome the boundary between life and death.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

This couple, who chose to have no children and no daughters, left only each other with thoughts and endless regrets. Xie Yuan's death not only shocked the entire entertainment industry, but also made us think: the fragility of life, the true meaning of love, and the choice of life.

When Qiu Yue first met Xie Yuan, her inner impression was far from amazing. In her eyes, the older man seemed a little sluggish, and from time to time he would say witty things to make people laugh, like a clown who didn't know anything about the world.

However, fate often likes to joke. With the deepening of contact, Qiu Yue gradually discovered that Xie Yuan exuded a unique charm, and his talent was like a fine wine that had been precipitated for many years, mellow and fragrant.

Young Qiu Yue is like a budding bud, beautiful and moving, with a lively personality. She is full of hope for the future and has a dream of becoming a good actress. And Xie Yuan happened to be her mentor and friend on the road to chasing her dreams.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

The communication between the two became more and more frequent, and Qiu Yue eagerly asked Xie Yuan for advice and listened to him tell wonderful stories. In the process, a love that spans ages quietly sprouts.

However, the 17-year age gap is like an invisible barrier between them. At first, Xie Yuan simply admired this energetic young girl and didn't think much about it.

But Qiu Yue has long been impressed by Xie Yuan's talent and personality, and she firmly believes that sincere love should not be bound by age.

In the eyes of others, this relationship may not be favored. But Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan proved with practical actions that the power of love can transcend the eyes of the world. In 1998, 22-year-old Qiu Yue and 39-year-old Xie Yuan entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Qiu Yue said frankly: "I love his talent, his character, not his age." Xie Yuan said affectionately: "Qiu Yue is like a ray of sunshine, illuminating my world.

This year-old love, which is 17 years apart, is not only an encounter between two souls, but also a spiritual dialogue across time and space. Qiu Yue found maturity and stability in Xie Yuan, and Xie Yuan regained his youthful vitality in Qiu Yue.

They appreciate each other, achieve each other, and compose a moving song of life with love.

Despite the many challenges, Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan have always believed that sincere feelings can overcome all obstacles. Their story is not only a challenge to the traditional concept of marriage and love, but also an interpretation of pure love.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

In their world, age is just a number, what matters is the connection between hearts and minds, and the fit of spirit and spirit.

Xie Yuan's life is like a legendary movie with ups and downs. When he was young, he was ruthlessly evaluated by his university teacher: "Ordinary image, poor acting skills". Such a blow could be fatal for many, but for Xie Yuan, it became the motivation to move forward.

Life is not kind to Xie Yuan. As a child, he experienced the loss of his father and was raised by his mother and stepfather. This experience gave him a taste of life's hardships prematurely, and it also shaped his tenacious character.

In the face of setbacks, Xie Yuan always maintains an optimistic attitude and interprets the spirit of "never say die" with practical actions.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

From a teacher in the performance department of Beijing Film Academy to a powerful actor who is loved by the audience on the screen, Xie Yuan's success is not easy to come by. He starred in film and television works such as "The Price of Madness", "The Child King", "The King of Chess", "Born Timid" and "Shanghai Family", as well as the well-known TV series "I Love My Family", all of which showed his excellent acting skills and unique charm.

Xie Yuan's performance is nuanced and nuanced, and each character is lifelike, allowing the audience to be deeply immersed.

However, Xie Yuan's first marriage was not satisfactory. His ex-wife is a midwife, and the two are busy with work. What's more, there are serious disagreements on fertility.

Without Xie Yuan's knowledge, his ex-wife terminated a pregnancy, which became an unbridgeable gap in their marriage. Eventually, the marriage came to an end in 1992.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

This experience brought Xie Yuan deep pain and gave him a new understanding of marriage and family.

Just when Xie Yuan fell into a low point in his life, Qiu Yue's appearance was like a ray of sunshine, warming his world. Qiu Yue's innocence and love for acting made Xie Yuan seem to see himself when he was young.

Their meeting is not only the beginning of love, but also the starting point of a new peak in Xie Yuan's career.

Xie Yuan's life experience tells us that success is not achieved overnight, but requires continuous effort and perseverance. He draws strength from setbacks and rises to the occasion in the face of adversity.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

Even at the peak of his career, he remained humble and enterprising, constantly challenging himself and exploring new realms of acting.

Xie Yuan's success is not only reflected in his acting career, but also in his attitude towards life and cherishing love. He once said: "Everyone's life is a unique performance, and it is important to play your role well."

This sentence is not only his understanding of his acting career, but also his attitude towards life.

Xie Yuan's story is an inspirational legend of dreams, perseverance and courage. He used his own experience to tell us that as long as we have dreams and persevere, we can shine brightly on the stage of life.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

Qiu Yue is full of enthusiasm for acting, and she constantly strives to improve her acting skills, even studying acting at the Beijing Film Academy.

After careful consideration, Qiu Yue chose the latter. She gradually faded out of the public eye and devoted more energy to her family. But that doesn't mean she's given up on herself.

Qiu Yue once said frankly: "I have no regrets, because I chose a broader stage - life." On this stage, I am still growing and performing.

In addition to Xie Yuan's busy work, Qiu Yue has become his solid backing. She takes care of the housework carefully and takes care of Xie Yuan's daily life, so that he can devote himself to work without worries.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

Qiu Yue's dedication made Xie Yuan feel deeply guilty, and he once said emotionally: "Without Qiu Yue, there would be no me today." She is the backbone of my career and life.

However, Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan's married life also faced an important decision: whether to have children. After full communication, the two unanimously decided not to have children. This decision attracted a lot of criticism, but Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan always insisted on their choice.

Qiu Yue once firmly said: "Our love does not need to be proved by children. We choose to interpret happiness in our own way.

Qiu Yue's choice shows her understanding of love and wisdom about life. Rather than limiting herself to the traditional role of wife, she found a new position of self-worth while supporting her husband.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

Her story tells us that the value of life lies not only in the achievement of career, but also in the ability to find inner balance and satisfaction.

Qiu Yue interprets the charm of modern women in her own way: she has both the courage to pursue her career and the determination to sacrifice for love; She is both independent and self-reliant, and she is able to work hand in hand with her partner.

Her choice not only achieved Xie Yuan's brilliant career, but also achieved her own wonderful life.

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, especially about their choice to be childless, Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan have always maintained a calm and confident attitude. In a public interview, Xie Yuan did not shy away from saying: "Raising children to prevent old age is not our pursuit.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

Live well, and face death calmly, so why bother with these trivial things? These words not only show their attitude towards life, but also reflect their trust and dependence on each other.

The couple runs their lives into a colorful way. They travel, read, watch movies, and share each other's joys and sorrows. Qiu Yue once said happily: "With Xie Yuan, every day is a new adventure.

Although our lives are ordinary, they are full of surprises and touches.

As he grew older, Xie Yuan cherished the time he spent with Qiu Yue more and more. He often said to Qiu Yue: "I am much older than you, and I will definitely leave first in the future."

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

If that day comes, you must be strong and independent. Only then will I be able to look at peace on the other side. These words have become a source of Qiu Yue's strength to face life in the future.

Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan's married life shows a kind of love that transcends age and worldliness. They respect and support each other, and they explain what a true partner is with their actions.

Their story teaches us that marriage is not about having children, not about being the same age, but about whether two people can truly understand, support, and fulfill each other.

In the past 22 years, Qiu Yue and Xie Yuan have faced the ups and downs of their careers together and experienced the ups and downs of life. Their love is like an old wine, which has become more mellow and fragrant after years of precipitation.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

They interpret the true meaning of marriage in their own way: they are close to each other and never give up.

Xie Yuan's sudden death undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Qiu Yue. However, she always remembers her husband's instructions and strives to stay strong. Following Xie Yuan's last wishes, Qiu Yue did not set up a mourning hall, nor did he hold a farewell ceremony or memorial service for his body.

She chose to use her own way to quietly miss this unforgettable love.

Facing the future, Qiu Yue maintains a positive and optimistic attitude. "I don't regret any choice I've ever made," she said firmly. Every day I spend with Xie Yuan is precious.

She married a 17-year-old famous actor at the age of 22, had no children for many years, and her husband died of illness at the age of 61

The rest of my life is long, and I will continue to move forward bravely with the thought of him.

Qiu Yue's story is not only a love saga that spans ages, but also a life fable about choice, perseverance and courage. She interprets the true meaning of love with her actions, and also shows her strength in the face of the impermanence of life.

Qiu Yue's new chapter is the best continuation of her love with Xie Yuan.

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