
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?

author:Wise Pencil S
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?
A loveless marriage, what does your wife want from you?

In the early morning, the town is shrouded in a faint layer of mist, and the willow trees by the creek are gently swaying, as if whispering. Li Xiaozhi sat alone on the bench by the river, looking at the river with empty eyes, his heart full of confusion and incomprehension.

Li Xiaozhi and his wife Lin Yue have been married for five years, but their marriage is as hazy and vague as the fog of this early morning. There are no quarrels, no passion, and even basic communication has become scarce between the two. Li Xiaozhi often asks himself, what is their marriage for? What does Lin Yue want from him?

Recalling the days when they first got married, Li Xiaozhi and Lin Yue also had a sweet time. At that time, they walked hand in hand through the streets and alleys of the town, sharing each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. However, as time passed, the relationship between the two gradually became cold. Lin Yue began to be busy with work, while Li Xiaozhi was immersed in his own interests and hobbies, and their lives gradually lost their intersection.

Until one day, Li Xiaozhi accidentally found Lin Yue's diary. He had no intention of snooping on his wife's privacy, but curiosity drove him to open the diary. In her diary, Lin Yue recorded her disappointment and helplessness in her marriage, she wrote: "I don't know why I still want to maintain this marriage, maybe just to give my children a complete home." ”

This sentence pierced Li Xiaozhi's heart like a sharp knife. He realized that he had been ignoring his wife's feelings and not caring about her needs. He began to reflect on his responsibilities in the marriage and tried to find ways to change.

However, when Li Xiaozhi tried to communicate with Lin Yue, he found that she had closed the door to her heart. She is no longer willing to share her inner world, and is even tired of Li Xiaozhi's concern. Li Xiaozhi felt helpless and hopeless, and he didn't know how to save this marriage.

Early one morning, Li Xiaozhi came to the river again. He looked at the river, his heart full of struggles and contradictions. He knew that he could not go on like this, and that he had to find a solution to the problem.

At this moment, he saw a familiar figure - Lin Yue. She sat alone on another bench by the river, staring vacantly into the distance. Li Xiaozhi plucked up his courage and walked to Lin Yue and sat down.

"Yueyue, let's talk." Li Xiaozhi said softly.

Lin Yue glanced at him and didn't speak. But there was a hint of surprise and confusion in her eyes.

Li Xiaozhi took a deep breath and began to talk about his inner feelings. He admitted his negligence and mistakes in his marriage, and expressed his apologies and love for Lin Yue. He told Lin Yue that he was willing to work hard to save this marriage.

Lin Yue listened to Li Xiaozhi's words, and tears gradually appeared in her eyes. She finally spoke: "Ash, I'm at fault too. I kept running away from my problems and didn't have the courage to face reality. But I still love you, it's just that the love between us has become too heavy. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had found a common language. They begin to communicate openly about each other's feelings and needs, looking for solutions to marital problems.

With the passage of time, Li Xiaozhi and Lin Yue's marriage gradually regained its vitality. They rediscovered common interests and began to participate in family activities together. They learned to understand and tolerate each other, allowing each other to find happiness and fulfillment in their marriage.

However, when Li Xiaozhi recalled that early morning again, he was still confused. He didn't know why he was in such a predicament in the first place, and he didn't know what Lin Yue wanted from him. But now, he doesn't dwell on these issues anymore. Because he knows that true love is not about anything, but about supporting each other and growing together.