
Why should you let go of the feelings paid unilaterally?

author:The world of love

On the road of love, we all long to find the sincere feelings of mutual understanding and mutual giving. However, sometimes we can get caught up in a one-sided giving, and this pattern of feelings often makes us feel tired and even lose ourselves.

Why should you let go of the feelings paid unilaterally?

So, why should the feelings given by one party be decisively let go?

First, the imbalanced relationship is difficult to last

The essence of love lies in attracting each other, giving to each other, and growing together. In a relationship, if one partner gives unilaterally for a long time, while the other party habitually accepts or even takes, the relationship can easily become unbalanced. Unbalanced relationships are often difficult to sustain because the giver will gradually feel tired and dissatisfied, while the receiving partner may become more and more dependent on the other person's efforts and lose the motivation to grow themselves. In the long run, this relationship may lead to increased psychological pressure on both parties, and even lead to contradictions and conflicts.

Second, it is easy to form a "licking dog" mentality

In the relationship of unilateral giving, the paying party is often prone to form a "licking the dog" mentality. In order to win the attention and affection of the other party, they may constantly lower their bottom line and dignity, or even give up their principles and pursuits. This mindset will not only make the giver lose himself, but also make the other party feel stressed and constrained. In this kind of relationship, it is difficult for the giving party to get true happiness and satisfaction because they are always pandering and pleasing the other person and ignoring their own inner needs.

Third, it is easy to fall into the trap of "sunk costs".

In economics, "sunk costs" refer to costs that have been incurred and cannot be recovered. In a relationship of unilateral giving, the paying party is often prone to fall into the trap of "sunk costs". They may feel that they have given a lot to the relationship, and if they let go, it means that all the previous efforts have been in vain. However, this thinking is very wrong. Because continuing to maintain an unhealthy relationship will only make the paying party continue to give more, and will not get a real return. At the same time, they will also lose more time and opportunities to find a partner who is truly suitable for them.

Why should you let go of the feelings paid unilaterally?

Fourth, it is not conducive to personal growth

In a relationship of unilateral giving, the paying party tends to focus all their energy on the other party and ignore their own growth and development. They may change their hobbies, career choices, etc., or even give up their dreams and pursuits in order to cater to each other. This practice will not only make the giver lose themselves, but also deprive them of the opportunity to grow. In a healthy relationship, both parties should support and encourage each other to pursue their dreams and goals together.

Fifth, it is easy to cause psychological problems

Long-term unilateral feelings often lead to psychological problems. The giver may feel negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, etc., because they feel that they are always in a vulnerable position in the relationship and cannot get the other party's real approval and support. At the same time, they may also develop resentment and resentment towards each other, leading to further deterioration of the relationship. This state of mind will not only affect the physical and mental health of the paying party, but also make it difficult for them to enjoy normal social and life.

6. The only way to find true happiness

Decisively letting go of the feelings given unilaterally is the only way to find true happiness. Only when we get rid of unhealthy relationship patterns can we have more opportunities to contact and understand different people and find a partner who is truly suitable for us. At the same time, we can also continue to grow and progress in the process of searching, and improve our comprehensive quality and charm. When we meet that person who is willing to give to each other and grow together with us, we can truly feel the sweetness and happiness of love.

Why should you let go of the feelings paid unilaterally?

The feelings given by one party should be let go decisively. This pattern of affection will not only make the paying party feel tired and dissatisfied, but also deprive them of opportunities for self-growth and development. At the same time, this kind of relationship is also prone to psychological problems, affecting the physical and mental health of both parties. Therefore, we should be brave enough to face our own emotional problems, let go of unhealthy relationship patterns in time, and find happiness that truly belongs to us.