
The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

Just a few days ago, a certain court in the United States suddenly released the video of the 911 incident of that year, and the major media in the United States hyped it up one after another, linking Saudi Arabia with the mastermind behind the 911 attack.

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The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

The United States labeled Saudi Arabia as 911, which is actually a threat to Saudi Arabia, one is to snatch Saudi Arabia's property abroad; The second is to force Saudi Arabia to stop its eastward pivot to crude oil settlement and avoid stripping it out of the petrodollar system.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Even Afghanistan, a country with a not very good economy, the United States can use this as an excuse to snatch $9 billion, and a rich country like Saudi Arabia is estimated to lose a lot of property.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

US-Saudi relations declared a crisis, and Saudi Arabia made an urgent visit to China

Now, everything the Biden administration has done shows the accusations of the United States against Saudi Arabia: You don't care how long it has been since this incident, as long as I want to charge you Saudi Arabia with a crime, if you don't obey, then you will die.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

If you can't handle China, I can't handle your little Saudi Arabia? I have to say that this is no longer a conspiracy, it is a naked plan, and it is all on the surface, but the United States is really reluctant to do so, giving people a feeling of planting blame.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Saudi Arabia's defense minister visited China on June 25 to discuss relevant matters, and the degree of mutual trust between the two countries in the military has been further strengthened, and progress has been made in military exchanges, personnel training, and joint military exercises.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

China also expressed its willingness to continue to deepen military cooperation with Saudi Arabia and looked forward to greater progress in military cooperation between the two countries.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

While military cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia has a long history, the trip to Saudi Arabia is seen more as an act of seeking assistance.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States have been in a very sensitive state since the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the United States wants to quickly restore relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

To achieve that goal, the Biden administration has thrown what they find tempting terms to Saudi Arabia, including more sophisticated arms sales to Saudi Arabia and massive investment in cutting-edge technology, but things have gone beyond American expectations.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear


At this time, what the United States cannot tolerate is that Saudi Arabia, only six months after joining the BRICS, began to deal with a very sensitive issue: the de-dollarization of international settlements.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Oil-pegged dollar hegemony

The condition of "petrodollar" is a cash cow for the United States, so the United States will go to great lengths to get it at all costs, Iraq, Libya and other countries will be attacked by the United States because they have touched "oil".

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Back in 1945, when the world had just emerged from the First World War and all the economies of all countries were on the verge of collapse, the United States had a lot of gold reserves, so it developed a large number of programs, which was a gold-based dollar standard.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

This system allows all currencies to remain closely linked to the US dollar, which in turn can be converted into gold, thus greatly increasing the credibility and liquidity of the US dollar, making the United States the hub of the world economy.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

The first oil crisis occurred in 1973, when oil prices soared and the global economy worsened, and the United States saw a business opportunity and signed historic agreements with Saudi Arabia and other oil-exporting countries.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

With this agreement, these countries will agree to trade crude oil on the basis of the US dollar, and the United States will provide the necessary military support and support to strengthen the US dollar in the global arena and make it the world's major currency.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

Saudi Arabia is committed to the "petrodollar", and the United States provides security guarantees for it, so it has become a common thing for Saudi Arabia to pay for oil in dollars from the beginning.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Palestinian-Israeli round of the conflict continues to escalate, and Saudi Arabia has become more "uncontrollable" in the eyes of the United States, a senior Saudi official said that as long as Saudi Arabia shows that it distances itself from the dollar, the United States will retaliate against Saudi Arabia.

The United States is looking for an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia? The Saudi defense minister immediately paid a visit to China, and the Chinese side immediately made its attitude clear