
Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

author:Foodie West Event
Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

The military drama "Haitian Eagle" takes Chinese carrier-based aircraft pilots as the theme, and shows their heroic stories in the sea and air in depth. The main characters in the play include top pilots such as Qin Dadi and Wu Qiang, who inherit the spirit of Haitian Eagle and face high-risk test flight missions.

In the plot, Qin Dadi quickly formed a strong sense of security when facing the dilemma of landing a carrier-based aircraft. He first rejected the method of ramming the ship at high speed, because this method carried obvious safety risks and could endanger the lives of test pilots. However, the reality of the situation forced him to reconsider.

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

When he realized the urgency and necessity of the test flight mission, Qin Dadi began to seek a solution. He was well aware of the technical challenges of Harrier flight and the high requirements for the strength of the cable, so he visited several aviation technical experts and mechanical engineers overnight, hoping that they could strengthen the cable of the carrier-based aircraft as soon as possible to ensure that it could withstand the impact of high-speed impact.

On the Internet, the decision about Qin Dadi sparked a wide range of discussions and reactions. Some netizens commented: "This is a decision that a true leader should have. When faced with technical and security challenges, he chose not to sacrifice the lives of his people, but to seek safer and more viable solutions. Another netizen wrote: "This kind of leadership is not only about employees, but also about the family and future of every test pilot." ”

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

In an online discussion, someone mentioned Qin Dadi's sense of responsibility and decision-making ability: "He is not only a pilot, but also a leader who is good at analyzing and dealing with complex situations." His decision not only took into account technical issues, but also paid attention to the safety of the lives of each test pilot. ”

However, there are also some netizens who have different opinions on this. They believe that Qin Dadi's delay may lead to the failure of the test flight mission and the delay of the project schedule. Qin Dadi actor Hou Yong, Hou Yong, played "Director Zhao" with superb acting skills in "In the Name of the People", which was deeply loved by the audience. He played this role deeply in the hearts of the people and is considered a highlight of the show. Some viewers commented: "Hou Yong's acting skills are fantastic, and you can feel his deep understanding and expression of the role in every frame." ”

In addition, in "Rushing Out of the Amazon", Hou Yong played the absolute tough guy Wang Hui, showing an admirable image of a soldier. His performance was praised for being powerful and soulful, leaving the audience impressed with the character's fortitude and courage. Some netizens commented: "Hou Yong's Wang Hui is full of realism, and every scene is exciting. ”

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

In addition, Hou Yong also showed his multi-faceted talent in "Going Home for Dinner", not only cooking, but also interpreting the unexpected image of a warm man. His role not only makes the audience salivate with delicious food, but also touches the hearts of the audience through warm emotional expression. An audience member sighed: "Hou Yong's performance in "Dinner Home" was surprisingly pleasantly surprised, he not only knows how to cook, but also has so much warmth and thoughtfulness. ”

As a famous actor from Hong Kong, Hou Yong has won the recognition and love of the audience with his excellent acting skills and true grasp of the role. His diverse performance styles and roles demonstrate his outstanding achievements in acting and his influence on a wide audience.

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

One netizen expressed this opinion: "Time is life. In the test flight mission, every second may affect the progress of the entire project, and Qin Dadi's hesitation will become a major obstacle to the development of aviation technology in our country. ”

In the play, Wu Qiang faced the pressure and challenges of Harrier flight training, but chose to hide his previous waist injury. Although Qin Dadi advised him to seek medical treatment many times, Wu Qiang deliberately chose not to go to the doctor in an attempt to cover up his condition.

For Wu Qiang, it's not just a matter of health, but a matter of his career as a pilot and personal accolades. He knew that if he admitted to his health problems, he might be temporarily transferred out of the test team, or even affect his future flying career. Therefore, he chose to remain silent, hoping to complete the training task through persistence and tenacious willpower.

However, as the Harrier flight training deepened, Wu Qiang's lower back injury began to show signs of recurrence. He visibly felt pain and discomfort during the flight, but still chose to endure it, unwilling to show any signs of weakness. For him, being tough and resilient in the face of the challenges and pressures of flying missions is part of his self-identity and professional attitude.

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

Among the other members of the test flight team, some also noticed Wu Qiang's condition and expressed concern and concern. One of his teammates said to him in private, "Is your waist okay?" This kind of flight is physically demanding. Wu Qiang just responded lightly: "It's okay, I can stand it." He doesn't want others to worry about him, and he doesn't want personal issues to affect the morale and progress of the whole team.

Despite this, Wu's decision and behavior sparked unease and discussion among some of his teammates. Some believe that he should be honest about his health problems and seek medical help early to avoid further magnifying the risks of the mission. However, in the face of test flight missions, everyone is trying to overcome personal difficulties and challenges, hoping to contribute to the development of national aviation technology.

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

Harrier flight requires pilots to accelerate to land at high speeds, which requires extremely high physical fitness. In order to complete the test flight mission, Wu Qiang did not hesitate to sacrifice his health, which eventually became a potential safety hazard for the test flight team.

Qin Dadi felt deeply guilty and helpless about Wu Qiang's concealment of his illness, and he realized that if he had known the situation, he would never let Wu Qiang take the risk of participating in the test flight. Dr. Xia also pointed out that Wu Qiang's concealment was closely related to his psychological problems, highlighting his special physical state and psychological challenges.

Through the story between Qin Dadi and Wu Qiang, "Haitian Eagle" profoundly demonstrates the teamwork, personal challenge and sacrifice spirit of pilots in the face of high-risk tasks. This drama triggered the audience's deep reflection on the real life and psychological state behind the heroes, allowing people to not only see their heroism, but also experience the costs and costs behind them.

Haitian Eagle: Understand Wu Qiangsa's lie! Only then did he understand that the harrier flight was his talisman!

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