
The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Li Mei is an ordinary housewife with a seven-year-old son and a daughter who is in junior high school. Her husband, Wang Qiang, works in other places and only comes home a few times a year, and the burden of the family is almost entirely on her alone. Li Mei's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wang, lives in the same village, but she has always had a special preference for her sister-in-law Wang Fang.

In the process of giving birth to children, Li Mei almost never got the help of her mother-in-law, and she relied on herself and her husband to solve it. Every time I mentioned asking my mother-in-law to help take care of the children, my mother-in-law always found various reasons to shirk it, and even said: "You can solve your own family's affairs by yourself." ”

On this day, Li Mei was busy preparing dinner when she suddenly received a call from Wang Qiang.

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

"Meizi, my mother is sick, and the doctor said that she needs to be taken care of." Wang Qiang said heavily on the other end of the phone.

Li Mei was stunned for a moment, and a complicated emotion surged in her heart: "What about Fangfang?" Isn't she always by her mother's side? ”

"Fangfang also has her own children to take care of, and she is busy with work, so Mom means let you go over to take care of her." Wang Qiang's voice carried a hint of pleading.

Li Mei has been dissatisfied for a long time, but out of filial piety and her husband's request, she still agreed. After hanging up the phone, Li Mei looked at the uncooked meal on the stove, took a deep breath, and secretly decided in her heart that this time she must "repay" her mother-in-law's partiality over the years.

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

Early the next morning, Li Mei packed up her things and came to her mother-in-law's house. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Mrs. Wang lying on the bed, her face haggard. Wang Fang was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking anxious.

"Sister-in-law, you're here." Wang Fang stood up and barely squeezed out a smile, "I have to go to work, Mom will trouble you." ”

"Don't worry, Fangfang, you go get busy." Li Mei responded with a smile, but there was a sneer in her heart.

Wang Fang left in a hurry, Li Mei sat on the side of her mother-in-law's bed, and asked softly, "Mom, what do you think?" ”

Mrs. Wang frowned, and her voice was weak: "It's not good, it hurts all over my body." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

Li Mei looked at her mother-in-law's appearance, and her heart was mixed. While massaging her mother-in-law, she said, "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of you." ”

But Li Mei knew in her heart that she would not easily let go of her mother-in-law's indifference and partiality over the years. She began to take care of her mother-in-law in the process of deliberately letting her experience the hardships of taking care of her children back then.

"Mom, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me." Li Mei said as she handed over the medicine.

Every day, Li Mei tries to minimize the types of food her mother-in-law eats, so that she eats simply and roughly. The mother-in-law couldn't help but complain: "Meizi, why is this meal so simple?" ”

"Mom, I'm too busy by myself, so it's good to be able to cook you something to eat." Li Mei responded coldly.

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

The mother-in-law's face was ugly, but she was speechless. Li Mei knows that this is just the beginning, and she wants her mother-in-law to really feel her hardships over the years.

Li Mei took care of her mother-in-law while busy with family affairs, running back and forth between the kitchen and the ward almost every day. Despite this, her mother-in-law still picks and chooses to take care of her, complaining from time to time: "Why is this rice so unpalatable? How can you not even make a simple soup? ”

Li Mei patiently explained: "Mom, I've done my best, I still have two children to take care of at home, and I'm really too busy." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

But the mother-in-law didn't appreciate it at all, but said coldly: "It's still good to Fangfang, I know how to feel sorry for people." ”

Li Mei felt a burst of anger in her heart, but she still smiled on the surface: "Mom, don't worry, I will do my best." She began to praise her mother-in-law in front of how sensible and well-behaved her child was, implying that her mother-in-law did not help her take care of the child back then.

"Mom, you know what? Xiao Ming recently won an award at school, and the teacher said that he was very smart and sensible. Li Mei said while feeding her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law was expressionless, but just snorted: "Well, I know." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

At a family gathering, Li Mei finally broke out. In front of all her relatives, she mentioned her mother-in-law's preference for Wang Fang and her neglect of herself.

"I just want to ask my mother, when I gave birth to Xiao Ming, why did you never help me take care of the child?" Li Mei's tone was firm, and her eyes looked directly at her mother-in-law.

The relatives looked at each other, and the scene was embarrassing for a while. Wang Fang's face was ugly, but he was speechless. The mother-in-law was silent for a moment, and finally whispered, "I also had my own difficulties at that time. ”

Li Mei sneered: "Difficulty? Then why can you accompany Fangfang every day and help her take care of the children, but never come to see us? ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

Wang Fang finally couldn't help it and defended: "Sister-in-law, things are not what you think, and my mother is also very hard." ”

"Hard? What about me? I have two children and I have to take care of this family, who do I have to help? Li Mei's voice was choked, but she was still strong.

The mother-in-law lowered her head, a hint of guilt flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. The meeting ended in silence, and the conflicts within the family became public.

After getting along for a while, Mrs. Wang, the mother-in-law, finally realized her mistake. One morning, Li Mei was busy in the kitchen when she suddenly heard her mother-in-law calling her in the room.

"Meizi, come over here." The mother-in-law's voice sounded particularly weak.

Li Mei put down the work in her hand and walked into her mother-in-law's room. Mrs. Wang sat on the bed, her eyes full of tears.

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

"Meizi, I know I'm sorry for you all these years, I've always been partial to Fangfang, and I don't care enough about your mother and son. Now that I'm sick, I'm really ashamed that you still take care of me so dedicatedly. The mother-in-law choked up and said.

Li Mei looked at her mother-in-law with mixed feelings in her heart. She walked to the side of the bed and whispered, "Mom, the past is over, as long as you can treat me and Fangfang fairly in the future." ”

The mother-in-law nodded: "I understand, Meizi." I will do my best to compensate you and the children in the future. ”

This conversation made the resentment in Li Mei's heart dissipate a lot. She knew that her mother-in-law had finally realized her mistake. Li Mei accepted her mother-in-law's apology, but also put forward her own requirements: "Mom, I hope that you can treat us fairly in the future and no longer take sides." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

The mother-in-law nodded heavily: "Okay, Meizi, I promise you." ”

A few days later, Ms. Li's husband, Wang Qiang, returned home. After learning what had happened, he expressed his support for Li Mei and seriously criticized his mother's behavior.

"Mom, you've been so unfair to Meizi all these years. She works hard to take care of the family alone, but you are always partial to Fangfang. Wang Qiang said solemnly.

The mother-in-law bowed her head and said nothing, her face full of remorse. Wang Qiang continued: "In the future, we must treat Meizi and the children well, and no longer let them be wronged." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

Wang Fang also realized that she had been enjoying too much of her mother's favor after this family turmoil. She offered to take care of her mother more in the future: "Sister-in-law, I will try my best to help with my mother's affairs in the future, and we will share it together." ”

Li Mei nodded, feeling a hint of relief in her heart. She knew that the family was finally beginning to reconcile and rebuild.

In the days that followed, the relationship between the family members gradually eased. The mother-in-law began to care more about Li Mei and the children, trying her best to make up for her past mistakes. She often buys small gifts for her grandchildren, and cooks some of her favorite dishes for Li Mei during the New Year's holidays.

Li Mei also felt the change in her mother-in-law. Once, she saw her mother-in-law busy in the kitchen, and couldn't help but step forward to help: "Mom, you rest, I'll come." ”

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

The mother-in-law smiled and said, "Meizi, you are also tired for a day, I will make some snacks for you to taste." ”

The process of rebuilding the family is slow, but it is full of warmth and touching. Li Mei's husband, Wang Qiang, is also more involved in family life, trying his best to make up for his long-term absence from working outside the home.

One weekend afternoon, the whole family sat in the courtyard together, the children frolicked beside them, and Li Mei and Wang Qiang sat and chatted. The mother-in-law looked at all this with a smile, and felt extremely satisfied in her heart.

"Meizi, thank you for your continued tolerance and dedication." The mother-in-law said suddenly.

The mother-in-law has always helped her sister-in-law take care of the children, but she has never helped her, but she is sick but asks her to serve, and she is relieved

Li Mei replied with a smile: "Mom, as long as our family can live in harmony, I will be satisfied." ”

The story ends with a harmonious ending with the joint efforts of the family members. Li Mei finally felt the warmth of her family and equal treatment, and she knew that all the hard work and dedication were worth it. This family has become stronger and more united after the turmoil.