
The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

author:Physical Education Maze
The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

Imagine that at the post-match press conference, Shandong Taishan's head coach Cui Kangxi sat there, facing a slightly trembling microphone, and his words seemed to cast a stone in the air, stirring up layers of ripples. 'We do feel a little lucky to have a draw against that backdrop. This sentence, simple and profound, is like a time bomb that caused an uproar in the football circle.

The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

From the long journey to the intensity of the schedule, from the lack of main players to the helplessness of the lineup, what kind of message is hidden behind Choi Kang-hee's words? Is it pure physical exhaustion, or is it a subtle criticism of the club's management?

The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

And the Taishan team, which lacks Cressan, Fernando, Wang Dalei and other main forces, how to adjust their tactics and strive to remain undefeated under unfavorable conditions when facing Changchun Yatai? The tactical adjustment and psychological adjustment behind this is undoubtedly a test of Choi Kang-hee's coaching ability.

The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

In the eyes of the outside world, Choi Kang-hee's speech was more than a simple description of a draw. It reflects the common problems faced by all teams in the Chinese Super League today: intensive schedules, long travels, and extreme challenges for players' physical fitness. More importantly, it revealed possible problems within the Tarzan squad at the level of staffing and club management.

The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!

As for the future of the Taishan team, Choi Kang-hee seems to have his own considerations. The remarks of indirect hope for reinforcements not only revealed the coach's concern about the current situation of the team, but also hinted at the transformation and hope of the Taishan team in the coming season. In the face of the next away game against Beijing Guoan, whether the Taishan team can adjust its state and show its due spirit has become the focus of everyone's attention.

The contradictions within the Taishan team are beginning to emerge? Cui Kangxi's speech after the game aroused suspicion, and the reporters with the team found out!


In the end, does Cui Kangxi's speech really indicate that there is a contradiction between Taishan and him? Or is it just an objective analysis of the current state of the team by an experienced coach? The underlying reasons behind this may be far more complex than what we see. For the Taishan team, whether it is the coach, the players, or the management, they all face a common challenge and goal: how to further improve and win on the existing basis