
China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.

author:Yushan Qingfeng 312


China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with the United States. China's nuclear submarine technology has indeed made remarkable progress in terms of depth, communications, silence and torpedoes.

Since China's submarine is too advanced, the relevant information is not suitable for disclosure, and the public report is mainly made public by foreign power, and it does not involve leakage of secrets.

In terms of diving depth, the combat depth of conventional submarines of various countries is usually between 300 and 500 meters, and nuclear submarines are generally within m meters. A new type of nuclear submarine and its improved version currently in service in the Chinese Navy have a combat depth of about n meters. Although there may be a certain gap compared with some foreign advanced nuclear submarines, the depth of the submarine is not the only key indicator to measure the capability of the nuclear submarine, and its determination is closely related to the strategy, tactical thinking, main use of sea areas, design capabilities, industrial capabilities, and the development of anti-submarine weapons of a country's navy.

In terms of communication technology, a certain model realizes the real-time transmission of large-capacity data of a certain satellite of deep-sea diving standards. This self-developed technological achievement has overcome the difficulties of small load volume, low power supply and large amount of data for deep-sea submersibles, changed the history of relying on foreign communication satellites in the past, and improved the safety, autonomy and reliability of real-time transmission of deep-sea data. If the relevant technology is mature, it will greatly improve the underwater communication capability of the Chinese Navy's submarines, especially strategic nuclear submarines, making their whereabouts in the deep ocean more elusive.

Advances in sound attenuation technology have also been significant. For example, a foreign media reported that Chinese submarines may have achieved a "quiet advantage" and mastered advanced pump jetting technology. This technology can greatly improve the noise reduction effect of nuclear submarines, keep the submarine quiet when submersible, and can make it stable to maintain high speed propulsion. In addition, it is reported that China has tested the introduction of terahertz technology in submarine detection equipment, which can be used to identify underwater targets and is believed to help improve the detection of silent submarines.

As for torpedoes, although the specific technical details may be confidential, China's continuous research and development and improvement in related fields are also expected to improve the attack capability and combat effectiveness of nuclear submarines.

The development of China's nuclear submarine technology is a continuous process, and with the continuous progress and innovation of technology, China's nuclear submarines are expected to make greater breakthroughs and improvements in more aspects in the future. At the same time, China has always been committed to the peaceful use of the oceans and the maintenance of peace and stability in the region and the world.

It should be noted that the specifics of nuclear submarine technology usually involve national security and classified information, and some of the content may not be fully disclosed. The above is a comprehensive description based on publicly available information and relevant reports.

China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.
China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.
China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.
China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.
China's nuclear submarines have made technological breakthroughs and have strong combat capabilities in the far seas, and they can compete with world powers.

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