
Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

author:Sister Gao commented

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Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

Text/Sister Gao commented

Editor/Sister Gao commented

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

The actors of "Celebrating More Than Years" collectively "crossed" "Spending the Year of China", and netizens continued to discuss it

Do you still remember the popular "Celebrating More Than Years" all over the Internet? Fan Xian, Fan Sizhe, Liu Ruyu...... These names once became the focus of heated discussions among the audience after dinner. Now, although there is no definite news about the third season of "Celebrating More Than Years", the actors in the play have collectively "crossed" in another drama "Spending the Year of China", which has once again attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

This time, they have transformed into new characters such as Concubine Rou, Emperor Li Ming, Father-in-law Fulai and Pei Lixian in "The Year of China", and continue to stage wonderful power plots. Not only that, but their performance in the new drama has also won unanimous praise from the industry and fans, which makes people have to admire the superb acting skills and changeable styles of this group of actors.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

In "The Year of China", the role of Concubine Rou played by Zhao Ke made the audience's eyes shine. Unlike Liu Ruyu, who is hostile to Fan Xian in "Celebrating More Than Years", Concubine Rou is a scheming and ruthless character. With her superb acting skills, Zhao Ke successfully created a completely different image from Liu Ruyu, allowing the audience to see the diversity and depth of her acting skills.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

Also impressive is the role of Emperor Li Ming played by Yu Jinwei in "The Year of China". The Shen Zhong he played in "Celebrating More Than Years" is a complex master of scheming, and in the new drama, he plays the scheming to perfection. The role of Emperor Li Ming is more powerful and ruthless, and he is nicknamed "another Emperor Qing" by netizens. Yu Jinwei's acting skills have once again been recognized by everyone, and he has successfully presented the image of a ruthless emperor who only cares about his own interests in front of the audience.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

In addition to Zhao Ke and Yu Jinwei, other actors in "Celebrating More Than Years" also have excellent performances in "Spending the Year of China". Dong Kefei has changed from the innocent and kind Lin Dabao to the father-in-law Fulai next to the emperor, and this role change is undoubtedly a big challenge to his acting skills. However, Dong Kefei successfully mastered this new role with his own strength, allowing the audience to see the breadth and flexibility of his acting skills.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

Another actor worth mentioning is Jia Jinghui, who played Guo Baokun in "Celebrating More Than Years" and brought countless laughs to the audience. In "Spending the Year of China", Pei Lixian, played by him, began to seriously engage in power schemes, and his IQ was on the line. Jia Jinghui's acting skills are still convincing, and he has successfully transformed an otherwise hilarious character into an image full of wisdom and strategy.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

The superb acting skills and changeable styles of these actors not only feasted the audience's eyes, but also aroused heated discussions and brain supplements among netizens. Some netizens ridiculed: "Shen Chongmou succeeded in usurping the throne, robbed Fan Jian's wife and made him a concubine, and castrated Lin Xiang's stupid son as the head of the chamberlain." This plot is even more exciting than "Celebrating More Than Years"! ”

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

Some netizens said: "If Lin Xiang knew that his son had become a eunuch, it is estimated that he would have to carry a 40-meter knife into the palace." These interesting comments and brain supplements undoubtedly add a lot of topicality and interest to this drama.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

Of course, in addition to the outstanding performance of the actors, the plot of "Spending the Year of China" itself has also attracted much attention. As a power drama, it continues the essence of "Celebrating More Than Years", integrating elements such as palace struggle and political intrigue. The audience has said that this drama not only has a gripping plot, but also has an excellent cast and excellent production standards, which can be called another masterpiece.

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

With the popularity of "Du Hua Nian", netizens have higher and higher expectations for the third season of "Celebrating More Than Years". Although there is no definite news yet, everyone hopes that the show will continue the glory of the first two seasons and bring more exciting stories and characters to the audience. And the outstanding performance of the actors in "Celebrating More Than Years" has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for the success of the third season of "Celebrating More Than Years".

Laughing numb! The filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" started too slowly, and the actors collectively entered the group "Spending the Year of China" in the comment area

In short, the collective "crossing" of the actors of "Celebrating More Than Years" in "Spending the Year of China" undoubtedly brought a new visual and spiritual enjoyment to the audience. Their superb acting skills and versatile styles are impressive, and it also makes people look forward to their wonderful performances in future works. At the same time, the success of "Du Hua Nian" has also injected a new vitality into the domestic drama market, allowing the audience to see the possibility of more high-quality works.

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