
Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

author:Red history says

Above the Great Song Dynasty, a turmoil is quietly brewing. Princess Huirou, the proud daughter of the sky, actually beat the horse's biological mother! As soon as the news came out, the government and the opposition were in an uproar. Some people were indignant and accused the princess of being rude; Some people nodded secretly, saying that it should be taken for granted. What is the reason why this golden branch and jade leaf is so angry? Who is the biological mother of the horse who dares to anger the nobles of the heavenly family? And behind this, what kind of palace secrets and human nature are hidden? Let's uncover this long-lost history and find out. Should Princess Huirou's behavior be condemned, or is there something else hidden? In the ancient society with strict etiquette, what does the difference between the descendants and the concubines mean?

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

1. Princess Huirou's life experience and marriage

It is said that Princess Huirou is the pearl of Song Renzong's palm, and her real name is Princess Fukang. This golden branch and jade leaf, who grew up in the deep palace since he was a child, is a collection of thousands of favors. Who would have thought that her marriage would become an embarrassing story.

It was the spring of the fourth year of Jingyu, Song Renzong was in the prime of life, and the government was thriving. One day, the Son of Heaven Longyan Dayue summoned his beloved daughter Princess Fukang and said: "My son has reached the age of Jilu, and it is time to discuss marriage." "

When Princess Fukang heard this, she was secretly happy in her heart. She has fantasized countless times about her wishful husband, who must be suave and talented. But who knows, Song Renzong's next words were like a basin of cold water poured on her head.

"I have chosen a husband for you, it is your cousin Li Wei." Song Renzong's eyebrows fluttered and said, "Although this son is from a humble background, he is my relative. You have joined the knot, which just makes the royal blood closer. "

When Princess Fukang heard this, she suddenly fell into an ice cave. She has seen this Li Wei, not to mention her ugly appearance, she is still a concubine. How can such a character be worthy of her as a proud woman?

However, the will of God cannot be disobeyed. Princess Fukang had to tearfully agree, but she secretly swore in her heart that she would never treat this concubine who was not worthy of her.

After getting married, Princess Fukang really made things difficult for Li Wei in every way. She never dined at the same table with Li Wei, and even more disdained to sleep with him. Whenever the ministers of the DPRK and China visited, she always treated Li Wei as a slave and did not give him half of the dignity.

Although Li Wei was unwilling, he was helpless. He knows his identity as a concubine, and he is destined to be inferior in this marriage that is not the right family.

Once, Princess Fukang summoned the people in the mansion and reprimanded Li Wei in front of him: "You have to remember, I am the only master in this mansion." The one surnamed Li is just a slave to marry! "

When Li Wei heard this, his face turned pale, but he could only endure the humiliation and not say a word. Since then, he has not dared to trespass in front of the princess.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, although Song Renzong is the son of heaven, it is inevitable that there will be miscalculations. He originally thought that marrying his beloved daughter to his cousin would not only win over his relatives, but also make his daughter suffer less from her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Unbeknownst to him, this kindness has caused a bad fate.

Although Princess Fukang is a noble family, she cannot escape the shackles of feudal etiquette. Although she didn't look down on Li Wei, she couldn't disobey the holy will, so she had to vent her dissatisfaction in various ways.

And so it goes, day after day, year after year. The contradiction between Princess Fukang and Li Wei is like a time bomb that may detonate at any time. Until that day, Li Wei's biological mother committed a big taboo, which finally caused an uproar.

This mother-in-law, who was born as a concubine, should have been cautious, but for some reason she dared to peek at the princess and the chamberlain drinking. This was a great sin of disrespect in the etiquette of the time. When Princess Fukang learned of this, she was furious and immediately ordered to beat this slave who did not know the height of the sky.

In this way, a turmoil in the palace quietly set off in this seemingly calm inner courtyard of the deep palace. Behind this turmoil, what is reflected is the harsh hierarchy of society at that time, as well as the distortion and struggle of human nature under this system.

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

2. The hierarchy of descendants in ancient societies

Before discussing the marital dispute between Princess Huirou and Li Wei, we need to understand the hierarchy of concubines in ancient society. This system not only stipulates the difference in status within the family, but also affects the order and interpersonal relations of the whole society.

In ancient China, the distinction between the descendants and the concubines was an extremely important social system. A concubine is a son born to a wife, while a concubine is a concubine. This distinction is not only reflected in their ranks, but also in determining their status and inheritance rights in the family.

In the Song Dynasty, for example, a high-ranking official usually had a wife and several concubines in his home. The main wife is called "Madame" and enjoys the highest status and power. She not only manages the entire back house, but also has the power to control the concubines and slaves. The concubine room is called "concubine" or "concubine", and the status is much lower than that of the main wife.

There is a record that describes the daily life of the concubines in the homes of the eunuchs of the Song Dynasty. Every morning, the concubines must go to the courtyard of the main wife to say goodbye. They knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "The concubine greets the lady." The wives sit on the throne and receive their prostration. This ritual is not just a formality, but a reinforcement of the hierarchical order of the family.

The children of the concubine must also call their main wife "mother", and can only call their biological mother "aunt" or "mother". This difference in titles has made the children of the concubine understand their identity and status since childhood.

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

In a high-ranking official family in the Song Dynasty, such an incident once happened. A son who came out of the house accidentally called his biological mother "mother" in front of everyone, and was severely reprimanded by his wife. The wife said, "How can you be so unruly? I'm your mother, she's just your aunt! The boy never dared to call his birth mother in public again.

The children of the concubine are also at a disadvantage in terms of inheritance rights. According to the laws of the Song Dynasty, the concubine had the right of first refusal, even if he was younger than the concubine. Only in the absence of a concubine can a concubine inherit the family business. This has led to many fights and conflicts within the family.

There is a famous case that occurred in the middle of the Song Dynasty. After the death of a minister, he left behind a five-year-old son-in-law and a twenty-year-old concubine. As is customary, the five-year-old son-in-law should inherit the family business. However, the concubine was not convinced, and proposed that he was older and more talented, and was more suitable for managing family affairs. The matter reached the imperial court, and in the end, the emperor ruled that it should be inherited by the younger concubine in order to maintain the authority of the concubine system.

The status of the concubine in the family is not even as good as that of the wife's personal maid. According to historical records, in the home of an official in the Song Dynasty, the personal maid of the main wife could scold the concubine at will, but the concubine did not dare to resist. This hierarchical system made the concubines often live in humiliation and fear.

To make matters worse, daughters born to concubines were often seen as "objects" to be disposed of at will. In some families, these girls are even given as gifts or forced to become concubines. Their fate is entirely in the hands of the head of the family and the wife, and they have no autonomy to speak of.

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

This hierarchy of concubines not only exists in ordinary families, but is also vividly reflected in the royal family. The struggle between the emperor's concubine and his concubine was often related to the fate of the country. History is full of examples of princes seizing the throne, but this is often seen as an act of transgression and injustice.

Returning to the story of Princess Huirou, we can better understand why she despised her colt Li Wei and her mother so much. In her eyes, a cousin is not worthy of being her husband at all, and a concubine is not qualified to call herself a "mother-in-law". This is not only a matter of personal arrogance, but also the embodiment of the entire social system and ideas.

In this context, Princess Huirou's beating of the horse's biological mother, although cruel and unfair in the eyes of modern people, was tacitly approved and even supported in the social environment at the time. This incident not only exposes the cruelty of the ancient social hierarchy, but also reflects the distortion and tragedy of human nature under this system.

3. The contradiction between Princess Huirou and the concubine

The contradiction between Princess Huirou and the concubine Li Wei did not happen overnight. From the very beginning of their marriage, this match made in heaven was destined to be an inconsummate marriage.

On the day of the wedding, Princess Huirou sat in the big red wedding sedan chair, expressionless. When the palanquin bearer carries the palanquin to the door of the Li Mansion, according to custom, the groom should come to greet the bride in person. However, Li Wei did not show up for a long time. It turned out that he was hiding in his room and did not want to come out.

Li Wei's mother was so anxious that she stomped her feet and persuaded again and again: "Wei'er, go out to meet the princess!" This is a great joyous event, how can you slack off? "

Li Wei shook his head stubbornly: "Mother, you don't know. This princess has long looked down on me, and thinks I am from a humble background. If I go out, will I not bring shame upon myself? "

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

In the end, it was under the persuasion of the Li Mansion that Li Wei reluctantly went out to greet his relatives. When he lifted the sedan curtain, Princess Huirou glanced at him coldly, her eyes full of contempt. This scene was fully watched by the surrounding guests, causing a burst of whispering.

After marriage, the relationship between the two did not improve because they got along day and night. Princess Huirou always maintained a lofty posture and made things difficult for Li Wei in every way. Once, when the minister of the court and the central government came to visit, the princess ordered Li Wei to wait outside the door and not to enter.

Seeing this, the minister was quite puzzled: "Why didn't the master come in?" "

Princess Huirou smiled indifferently: "He's just a slave who guards the door." Who is eligible to sit with you? "

These words reached Li Wei's ears, making him embarrassed and indignant. However, because of the identity of the princess, he was helpless. Since then, whenever a guest visits, Li Wei always avoids it for an excuse, unwilling to suffer such humiliation again.

Not only that, Princess Huirou often belittled Li Wei in front of the people in the house. On one occasion, she gathered all her servants and announced, "Listen to me, I am the only master in this house." The one surnamed Li is just a marryman, so you don't have to be too respectful to him. "

As soon as these words came out, the entire Li Mansion was in an uproar. When Li Wei's mother heard this, her heart was like a knife. She sighed to herself: "My son, although you are a colt, you are worse than a slave. How sad is this? "

Although Li Wei was unwilling, he was powerless to resist. He could only swallow this humiliation silently and live like a transparent person in the mansion.

Princess Huirou's arrogance is not only reflected in her attitude towards Li Wei, but also extends to her contempt for the rest of the Li family. Especially for Li Wei's mother, she is even more ignorant.

One day, Li Wei's mother plucked up the courage and wanted to have a good talk with the princess. She came to the princess's courtyard and said respectfully: "Your Royal Highness the princess, the old man has a few words to say. "

Princess Huirou didn't even look at her, and said coldly: "What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to come to see me?" Get out! "

Li Wei's mother was so humiliated by these words that she was so embarrassed that she could only retreat in tears. Since then, she has never dared to set foot in the princess's courtyard easily.

This kind of behavior not only hurt Li Wei and his family, but also created a tense atmosphere in the house. The subordinates trembled for fear of offending the moody princess.

However, the turning point of events came at an unexpected moment. It was a hot summer day, and Princess Huirou was drinking in the courtyard with several chamberlains. It happened that Li Wei's mother passed by and accidentally saw this scene.

According to the etiquette of the time, the common people were not allowed to peep into the private lives of members of the royal family. Li Wei's mother realized that she had committed a big taboo and hurriedly wanted to retreat. However, her movements were still noticed by the perceptive Princess Huirou.

The princess was furious, and shouted, "Someone! Take down this unscrupulous for me! "

Several guards immediately rushed forward and pushed Li Wei's mother to the ground. Princess Huirou ordered: "Hit the twenty boards again, let her have a long memory!" "

In this way, Li Wei's mother was beaten on the spot, and her skin was open. This incident became the fuse for the intensification of the conflict between Princess Huirou and the Li family, and also laid the groundwork for a series of later turmoil.

Fourth, the follow-up impact of Princess Huirou's marriage turmoil

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

The marriage turmoil between Princess Huirou and the concubine Li Wei was not an isolated farce, but set off huge waves in the entire Song Dynasty society. This turmoil not only affected the relationship within the imperial family, but also sparked extensive discussions and repercussions in the court and the people.

First of all, this turmoil caused an uproar in the Song court. When the prime minister at the time, Fan Zhongyan, learned of this, he immediately wrote to the emperor and asked for the family dispute. He wrote in the recital: "Your Majesty, the matter of the princess and the concubine seems to be a trivial matter of the family, but it is actually a matter of national decency. If left unchecked, it may damage the majesty of the royal family. "

After reading the recital, the emperor was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he is reluctant to interfere in his daughter's private affairs; On the other hand, he was also aware that the incident could have a negative impact on the reputation of the royal family. After careful consideration, the emperor finally decided to send the eunuch Wang De into the palace to investigate.

When Wang De arrived at the princess's mansion, he found that the situation was more serious than he imagined. He saw Li Wei curled up in a corner, his face haggard; And Princess Huirou is high up and indifferent to everything. Wang De tried to mediate, but the princess reprimanded: "You are a eunuch, and you dare to take care of the affairs of this princess?" "

When these words reached the ears of the emperor, he was furious. He immediately ordered Princess Huirou to be grounded in the palace and deprived her of part of her fiefdom. This decision caused quite a stir in the DPRK and China. Some ministers thought that the emperor had handled it properly and maintained the dignity of the imperial family; Some people also feel that the emperor favors the horses, which is unfair.

At the same time, this turmoil has also sparked widespread discussion among the people. In the teahouse in the market, the people discussed this matter. Some people sympathize with Li Wei and think that he is a victim; Some people also criticized Princess Huirou for having no one in her eyes and insulting the royal system.

In a teahouse in Hangzhou, an old man sighed: "I think back then, our princesses were all gentle and virtuous, how did they become like this now?" "

A young man next to him retorted, "You can't say that. The princess is the proud daughter of the sky, how can she succumb to a concubine? "

The controversy quickly spread throughout the city and even affected other places. In Suzhou, a young literati named Su Shi wrote a satirical poem after hearing about this: "The golden branches and jade leaves are noble, why bully the concubine." If you ask who is the most bitter in the world, it should be a horse full of tears. This poem was widely circulated in literati circles, and it sparked more discussion and thinking.

However, the impact of this turmoil on Song society went far beyond that. It also had a direct impact on the marriage system and social climate at the time. The imperial court began to re-examine the policy of marriage between the royal family and its courtiers, and began to enact stricter rules to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

For example, Prime Minister Fan Zhongyan put forward a proposal for a "horse assessment system". He believed that when the royal family chose a horse, it should not only look at the family, but also look at their character and talent. This recommendation was endorsed by the emperor and gradually implemented in the following years.

In the people, this turmoil has also triggered people's reflection on the concept of marriage. Many people are beginning to question the traditional notion that marriage should be based on mutual respect and understanding. In Hangzhou, there was even a young man named Wang Anshi, who openly preached the view of "not judging marriage by door", which caused quite a stir.

In addition, this turmoil also affected the literary creation of the time. In addition to the aforementioned Su Shi, there are also many literati and writers who have written a large number of poems and songs on this theme. Among them, the most famous is Ouyang Xiu's "Princess Speech", which wrote: "The golden house is originally love, but who knows that it has become a trivial dispute." I hope the princess can repent, and the world will laugh. This poem not only criticizes Princess Huirou's behavior, but also expresses helplessness and regret for this farce.

With the passage of time, the marriage turmoil between Princess Huirou and the concubine Li Wei gradually subsided, but its impact lasted for a long time. It not only changed people's perception of royal marriage, but also promoted social thinking about the institution of marriage and the status of women. To some extent, this turmoil became an important opportunity for social change in the Song Dynasty.

5. The tragic ending of Princess Huirou

The tragic ending of Princess Huirou was not sudden, but gradually caused by a series of events. After the conflict with the concubine Li Wei continued to escalate, the princess's situation became increasingly difficult, and finally came to an embarrassing ending.

The turning point began on a cold winter day. On that day, news suddenly came from the palace, saying that the emperor was seriously ill and summoned the princes and princesses to enter the palace. When Princess Huirou heard the news, she immediately prepared to set off. However, just as she was about to set off, Li Wei, the colt, suddenly stopped her.

Li Wei said with a solemn face: "Princess, you can't go. "

Princess Huirou said angrily: "What kind of thing are you, dare to stop this princess? "

Princess Huirou beat the horse's biological mother, should this be? Of course it should, because of the difference between the two sisters

Li Wei replied without humility or arrogance: "Princess, you have been grounded, if you enter the palace without permission, I am afraid that you will anger the saint." "

Princess Huirou then remembered that she had been grounded by the emperor because of her previous behavior. She was in a dilemma for a while, and in the end she could only watch the other princes and princesses enter the palace, while she was trapped in the mansion.

This incident made Princess Huirou feel an unprecedented frustration. She began to realize that her arrogant behavior not only hurt the people around her, but also made her lose the favor of the emperor. From that day on, she became reticent and locked herself in her room all day.

However, an even bigger blow is yet to come. A few days later, the emperor recovered from his illness, but ordered that Princess Huirou be demoted to a concubine and stripped her of all fiefs. This decision was like a bolt from the blue, plunging the entire princess's mansion into chaos.

After the news spread, the subordinates who were originally obedient to Princess Huirou left one after another. The once palatial princess's mansion became deserted and depressed overnight. Princess Huirou truly realized what it means to "fall down the tree".

Just then, an unexpected person stepped forward. The concubine Li Wei, the man who was once made difficult by Princess Huirou in every way, took the initiative to take care of her. He said to the servants who remained, "The princess is now a concubine, but she was once a member of the royal family, and we cannot treat her badly." "

Li Wei's behavior surprised and ashamed Princess Huirou. She began to reflect on what she had done in the past and realized that she had been wrong all along. However, it was too late.

Soon after, the imperial court ordered Princess Huirou to be moved out of her original mansion and placed in a modest house on the outskirts of the city. On the day of the move, the princess, who was once arrogant, could only walk silently behind the carriage. On the way, many people recognized her, pointing and whispering.

Princess Huirou lowered her head, not daring to look at anyone. She suddenly felt a hand gently holding her arm, and when she looked up, it was Li Wei. He didn't say anything, just silently accompanied her through this difficult journey.

However, fate doesn't seem to be intent on sparing Princess Huirou just yet. Soon after moving into her new home, she became seriously ill. Having lost the patronage of the royal family and having no money to hire a doctor, her condition deteriorated rapidly.

In the last moments of her life, Princess Huirou finally let go of all her pride and prejudices. She weakly held Li Wei's hand and said the first heartfelt words in so many years: "I'm sorry, I've always been wrong." "

Li Wei didn't blame her, just nodded slightly. In this way, the once proud princess passed away quietly on a cold winter night. Her funeral was very simple, except for Li Wei and a few loyal old servants, almost no one came to see her off.

The tragedy of Princess Huirou caused widespread discussion in the society at that time. Some sympathize with her plight, believing that she is a victim of a power struggle; Others believe that this is the inevitable result of her arrogant behavior. In any case, her story became an important cautionary tale of the time.

After the death of Princess Huirou, Li Wei did not remarry. He chose to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests and devote himself to cultivation. Many years later, someone found a hermit in a remote valley in Zhongnan Mountain, who was said to be Li Wei. Locals say that every winter, the hermit would plant a plum blossom in his yard, supposedly in memory of the deceased princess.

The story of Princess Huirou eventually becomes an allegory of power, arrogance, and redemption. It not only influenced the society at that time, but also left a profound inspiration for future generations. In the following hundreds of years, literati and writers wrote countless poems and songs based on her, so that this tragic figure will remain forever in the long river of Chinese history.