
Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

author:Watermelon said entertainment

A new star in the global music scene, the talented dancer Lisa of the South Korean girl band BlackPink, recently achieved a new musical milestone.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

There is a strong public interest in Lisa's new image, and this is just the beginning of a new musical journey. Lisa's unique singing style, magnificent music video scenes, and impactful dancing all left a lasting impression on the audience, making Rockstar quickly become the focus of attention around the world.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!
Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

It is also worth mentioning that Lisa is not only outstanding in singing and dancing the song, but also participated in the songwriting of this new song, which undoubtedly shows her all-round musical talent, as well as her control over the development of musical art.

Together, they form a solid foundation for Lisa's Rockstar and give us hope for her future musical journey.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!
Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

The newly released music video for "Rockstar" is presented to the public with a new image of a different and bold avant-garde, which also marks a new chapter in Lisa's music career.

In this music video, Lisa fully shows her musical outlook and artistic transformation, and the entire music video is full of unique and personalized visual elements. She is dressed in black leather and has a unique style that is full of coolness, and there is no doubt that this new image has brought her more popularity and influence.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

It is obvious that every second of the MV depicts a Lisa immersed in the world of music, and every dance move becomes a channel for her to express herself and release her inner emotions. And the song "Rockstar" is also a fitting interpretation of Lisa's self in music: uninhibited, loving life, and having the courage to express her true self.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

In addition, as the music video plays, the audience can clearly feel the sense of power in the lyrics of this new song. At the same time, the bold innovation in the lyrics, combined with the strong rhythm of the song, makes the whole song resonate deeply with the listeners.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

This successful breakthrough not only made Lisa's musical works attract attention again, but also allowed the audience to re-acquaint themselves with this beautiful and talented music superstar.

What's more worth looking forward to is that Lisa shows her musical path from a new perspective, which indicates that her future music works will explore the charm of music from more angles and deeper levels, opening a door to the unknown world of music for audiences around the world.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!
Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

In the MV of "Rockstar", Lisa is no longer the Korean little girl we are familiar with, she has successfully opened a new door in the music industry through new musical exploration and image transformation. In the music video, Lisa shows her courage and passion for musical innovation, redefining the style of a new era in the music scene.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

Lisa uses songs as a medium to present her exploration and understanding of music to the audience through the release of the new song MV. She is not confined to the inherent image of idols, but has the courage to try and break the limitations, bringing a new vision impact. In addition, Lisa's new image has also been widely recognized and loved by the audience.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

The release of "Rockstar" has aroused the attention and heated discussions of the music industry around the world.

Within half an hour of the launch of this MV, the number of views has exceeded one million, and it can be seen that the influence of Lisa's new song has far surpassed her personal and successfully opened the European and American markets. This is enough to prove that Lisa has successfully transformed from a member of a Korean girl group to an artist with global influence.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

Overall, whether it is the style of the song itself and the expression of its MV, or the innovation and exploration of musical elements, or its impact on the global music scene, "Rockstar" symbolizes Lisa's new journey, she is no longer just a "Hallyu idol" in our eyes, but is becoming a music artist who can truly influence the world.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!
Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

Lisa's Rockstar is a successful attempt and a musical revolution. In this song, Lisa showed her personal characteristics and beliefs in music with a new attitude, which attracted a wide attention from music fans around the world.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

As a musical artist, Lisa has proven her musical talent and spirit of exploration with Rockstar. The release of this new single is like a spring breeze blowing through the music industry, surging with endless vitality and vitality. This also indicates that Lisa will continue to bring us more surprises and touches in her future music career.

Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!

Overall, the success of "Rockstar" is a milestone in Lisa's musical composition, and an important sublimation of her musical thinking and self-exploration. We can expect that Lisa will bring more musical works and more musical stories to discover and explore in her future musical journey.


Lisa's new song MV was released, landing in Times Square with more than one million hits, and her style changed greatly and was rated as greasy!