
In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

author:Spider-Man loves Spider-Man

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In "The Story of the Rose", Su Gengsheng is like an emotional roller coaster, and her childhood is like a suspense film in a movie, full of undercurrents.

In the face of her stepfather's bullying, her family support is simply more fragile than a torn mesh, but instead of waiting for a soft persimmon to be pushed down, she is like a little hero, bravely looking for her own light in the darkness.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Her efforts were not in vain, and she was successfully admitted to a cattle school in Beijing, which is not the fried rice in "Kung Fu Panda", but a real struggle to push her dream forward.

But here's the problem, her marriage is not the kind of love at first sight that instantly pops up with a little red heart, but a last resort to escape reality.

In this love desert, she and her ex-husband are like two turtles trapped in the same room, they can only hide in each other's shells to keep warm, and there is no sweetness at all.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Life is like a mess, she learned to carry her own banner in it, this kind of growth is not a simple mobile game, it is to make her stronger and more independent.

In this play, she not only faces complex interpersonal relationships, but also has to face various challenges from family affection.

Her mother, like an aunt who sells eggs in the bear market, is always thinking about how to get a handful out of her daughter, which makes her feel invisible pressure.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

But Su Gengsheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp, although she hates this feeling of being used as an ATM, she can't help but feel a little worried in her heart.

She decided to use her own efforts to regain her independence and freedom as if she was fighting monsters and upgrading.

After reading these, have you also begun to follow Su Gengsheng's emotional roller coaster up and down? Her story teaches us that life is not like a TV series that can be played out according to a script, but it is full of challenges and accidents.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

But no matter how difficult it is, as long as we are like Su Gengsheng and unremittingly pursue our dreams, we can always set off our own waves on the big stage of life.

In Su Gengsheng's life, it is like a game of bossing, and she is not the kind of player who will easily admit defeat.

When she saw with her own eyes how her mother greedily stared at the fruits of her success and wanted to grasp it steadily, Su Gengsheng chuckled in her heart and began to re-examine her so-called "family affection".

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

This kind of family exploitation relationship is like a big stone in her heart, heavy and awesome, she feels that she is so bound that she even has to ask for a fart, but it also makes her inner independence and firmness roar like a tiger, and the courage to not admit defeat is fully revealed.

However, having said that, Su Gengsheng is not a lonely hero, she met Huang Zhenhua, who is as caring as dog food.

The appearance of this buddy was simply a warm hug in her life, pulling her out of the ice and snow.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

The relationship between the two is like a piece of Hip-Hop music, the rhythm is bright and beautiful, but Su Gengsheng's mother is like a-stirring stick, always trying to make some benefits in their marriage, which is not an easy job, and it has built a bunch of obstacles on the road to their happiness.

Do you think this plot is like the kind on TV where you think the protagonist wants a happy ending, but it turns out to be reversed and slapped in the face? Su Gengsheng's life is like this, full of challenges and accidents, but she never gives in easily.

This story tells us that no matter how difficult it is, as long as we are firm and dare to pursue our own happiness, we can always overcome difficulties and reap good results.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Unlike Huang Yimei, who lives in the aura of matter, Su Gengsheng has no external advantages to rely on.

She is not a rose in life, but a weed that survives tenaciously in the reality of the jungle.

With her inner tenacity and fearlessness, she went through the difficulties of life and finally found her own light.

After experiencing his mother's betrayal and social indifference, Su Gengsheng was not defeated, but learned a profound lesson from it.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

She sees the dark side of human nature, but she chooses to treat everyone who has hurt her with understanding and tolerance.

This persistence and tolerance not only made her more mature, but also showed her inner strength.

Life, sometimes it's like a roller coaster, from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain, Su Gengsheng knows this kind of ups and downs.

Her story tells us that no matter how many dark nights we encounter, there will be a sunny morning one day.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Just like her, from loss to strength, every step exudes the light of courage and perseverance.

In this world of challenges and temptations, we all face trials and sometimes feel like life is like a Super Mario, full of pitfalls.

But it is these experiences that temper our will and character.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Su Gengsheng's story is not only the plot of the TV series, but also the wonderful scenes performed by everyone on the stage of life.

When we talk about Su Gengsheng's future, it's like guessing a riddle, can she really shake off the shadow of the past and embark on the road to happiness? It's even more anxious than waiting for a train, and each episode seems to be revealing layers of suspense.

Her story is not only a journey of tears and tears, but also a vivid portrayal of how a person persevers in the face of adversity.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Su Gengsheng's struggle all the way has taught us that no matter how life plays tricks on you, persistence and courage will always be your hardcore blessings.

You see, Su Gengsheng is not as simple as making a TV series, she is a symbol that represents the challenges and hopes in everyone's life.

Her story teaches us that even if we are knocked down by life, we must stand taller than before like walking on stilts.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Therefore, whether you step on a landmine in love, or are driven to a desperate situation by the troubles in family love, Su Gengsheng is showing us that every fall is to get up better.

Do you know? This kind of feeling, it's like queuing up at a fast food restaurant like McDonald's, and you never know what the next flavor will be.

Su Gengsheng's life is the same, every turn is unpredictable, but she never flinched.

This is not only the ending of a TV series, but also a sign of a person's growth, telling us that even if we are trembling in the dark, we must be brave enough to pursue that light.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

Therefore, let's look forward to whether Su Gengsheng can finally grasp her own happiness.

Her story is not only a reflection on feelings, but also a reflection on everyone's attitude towards life.

Looking at Su Gengsheng's bumpy experience in the play, people can't help but feel the complexity and impermanence of life.

Her story tells us that no matter how much wind and rain there is, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you can go against the wind and find your own sunshine.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", why did Su Gengsheng get the perfect marriage that everyone thought?

This is not only the ending of a drama, but also an expression of life attitude, telling us that every perseverance is for a better tomorrow.

Do you know? Watching TV dramas is not only for entertainment, but also to learn the philosophy of life.

The story of Su Gengsheng teaches us that even in adversity, we must laugh at life, hold our chests high, and pursue the road of happiness with bravery.