
"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

author:Matcha Tea Allowed
"If you don't die, you won't die"


Recently, the self-proclaimed "Sharp-eyed" "Wang Wukong Said Car" account, the account was abnormal! With the car review blogger "Wang Wukong Talking Car" being banned by the platform, it has also caused a lot of heated discussions! As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die!


The whole process of the event

In other words, "Wang Wukong said cars", he is not an ordinary car review blogger, but he is a big V with millions of fans, and his words and deeds can set off a lot of waves. It's a pity that this guy likes to take the "black" road, and has been making all kinds of false accusations and malicious smears against BYD for a long time, which is simply a "black whirlwind" in the automobile industry.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

However, BYD is not a vegetarian. In the face of the provocation of "Wang Wukong said the car", they took out a full "Dinghai Shen Needle" - the legal department! After a series of investigations and evidence collection, BYD finally couldn't bear it anymore and took legal action to completely ban this "black whirlwind".

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

This time, it really made the car rivers and lakes explode. Industry insiders, experts, and netizens have all stood up to express their views, and for a while, this "ban war" has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

Cause heated discussions

Mr. Fu Bingfeng, Secretary General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said: "Competition in the automotive industry should be based on integrity and mutual respect. Any malicious behavior will only harm the healthy development of the entire industry. These words are really loud and powerful, and people have to admire his foresight.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

Professor Kuang Wenbo of the School of Journalism of the Chinese University of China was even more blunt: "Enterprises should learn to protect their rights and interests legally and rationally, and do not always think of relying on 'blacking' others to enhance their popularity." The real strength is the most convincing. These words are like a resounding slap in the face of those self-media who rely on smearing their opponents to attract attention.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

Professor Tan Tian of Jinan University even appealed: "We should establish a sound self-media industry norms and regulatory mechanism, so that self-media can assume corresponding social responsibilities while disseminating information." After all, no one wants to live in an environment full of disinformation and malicious attacks.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

Of course, this matter has also caused heated discussions among many netizens.

Some netizens expressed their support for BYD's approach, believing that it was reasonable for "Wang Wukong to say that the car" was banned;

Some netizens are worried that this will affect freedom of speech and make self-media lose the power to supervise enterprises.

But it's not that complicated.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!


Freedom of speech is true, but only if you say it responsibly and truthfully.

Self-media like "Wang Wukong Says Car" has been publishing false information and maliciously smearing others for a long time, where is this freedom of speech? This is clearly disrupting the market order and undermining fair competition!

The legitimate rights and interests of enterprises should also be protected.

"Wang Wukong said that the car" was sealed! BYD executives said: If you don't do it, you won't die, comment on the fryer!

After all, enterprises are one of the main bodies of the market economy, and their survival and development are directly related to the prosperity and stability of the entire economy. If those malicious self-media are allowed to act mischiefly and smear enterprises, how can the entire market compete fairly and develop healthily?

Therefore, the ban of "Wang Wukong said that the car" made us see the chaos of the self-media industry and the necessity of supervision; It also shows us the determination and courage of enterprises to protect their rights. I hope that this incident can become a turning point, let us work together to create a more fair, just, rational and orderly automobile Jianghu!

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