
Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

author:Scot Ibun

Do you still remember Huo Wenchang, who has been making a lot of noise on the Internet recently?

The tragic incident in Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia on June 18 was arrested at 8 o'clock in the morning on June 28, and Huo Wenchang confessed to the crime.

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

However, Huo Wenchang's personal netizens expressed great sympathy and actually hoped that he could "escape sanctions". What kind of psychology is this? Is it okay to kill people if you are bullied?

According to the village committee, Huo Wenchang killed the Niu family because the two families had a conflict ten years ago.

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

Huo Wenchang has no mother since he was a child, and he lives with his elderly father, and he did not continue to go to school after graduating from primary school, nor can he farm, and relies on some odd jobs such as repairing toilets and water pipes to make a living.

contracted his own land to the Niu family, but the Niu family did not pay rent, even after winning the lawsuit, the Niu family did not pay rent, and Huo Wenchang had no way to complain.

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

A month ago, because of the telephone pole, both sides insisted on their own words, and in the end they did not get the compensation, and the telephone pole bypassed.

Huo Wenchang's family conditions are relatively difficult, the same villagers have already lived in a brick house, and Huo Wenchang and his elderly father still live in this earthen house, in the 10 days when Huo Wenchang absconded, his father washed his face with tears all day long, and his son went in, how should the elderly father live?

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

Netizens are hotly discussed

The leaders of the village committee have a great responsibility, knowing that there is a conflict between the two families and failing to mediate in time, which leads Huo Wenchang to act excesses.

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

Regarding this incident, netizens believe that Huo Wenchang is an honest and kind person, and he did such a thing because he was bullied for 10 years, and netizens hope that he can "escape sanctions".

Some netizens also said that there are not many such things, there are many contradictions between the villagers, the pressure is very high, and they are also suppressed by emotions.

Huo Wenchang was caught! Absconded for 10 days and was caught, and being wronged is not a reason to kill!

Even if he was bullied, this was not the reason why Huo Wen often killed people, and he could only sympathize with his situation. But his excesses will ruin his life, although he is 43 years old, but half of his life is still half.

I hope that all of us will take this as a warning and be kind to others and ourselves! #头条创作挑战赛#