
Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

author:Ice on entertainment


In this age of information explosion, the label of genius seems to have become both precious and cheap, like the occasional meteor in the night sky, amazing but difficult to catch.

Recently, the academic star of the Damo Academy, Professor Yin Wotao, put the shining halo of "genius" on the head of a young man named Jiang Ping.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

Jiang Ping: The flower of mathematics that grows in the soil

Jiang Ping, a seemingly ordinary name, hides an extraordinary growth story behind it.

She comes from a faraway rural area where there are no neon flashes, only rice paddies and starry skies to accompany her childhood.

Although her family is not wealthy, nature has become her best teacher, and the scattered ears of rice and the regularly growing crops have all quietly cultivated her interest and sensitivity in mathematics.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

At school, Jiang Ping was like a dark horse on the math racetrack, always standing out in competitions, using her unique problem-solving strategy to play with complex math problems.

Her method is like opening the door to traditional mathematics with an unconventional key, which is eye-catching, and also makes those formulas and theorems seem less cold.

Professor Yin Wotao: An academic Bole with a discerning eye

Professor Yin Wotao, an academic giant of the Damo Academy, his name is like thunder in the scientific research community.

He is not only a pivotal figure in the field of artificial intelligence, but also known for his keen insight and broad vision.

When such an authoritative figure publicly declared that Jiang Ping was a genius, the entire academic community couldn't help but listen attentively.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

Professor Yin's evaluation is by no means groundless, but based on Jiang Ping's solution to a series of mathematical problems that are considered impossible, as well as the novel and unique theories she proposed.

Professor Yin's affirmation undoubtedly gilded Jiang Ping's talent, and also made us look forward to the future of this young scholar.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

The road of genius is full of thorns

The journey of genius is never easy.

Jiang Ping's journey to mathematics is also full of challenges.

In some branches of mathematics, due to a lack of systematic training and resources, her boat stumbled upon the reef of knowledge.

These blind spots are like unknown islands in the ocean of mathematics, which are full of temptations but also hidden risks.

In addition, her unusual approach to solving problems, although unique, may also allow her to encounter storms on the course of academic exchange.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

In the rigorous language of mathematics, Jiang Ping's "dialect" can sometimes be confusing, and standardized writing has become a lesson that she urgently needs to practice.

The stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade

When we look back at history, we will find that Jiang Ping is not alone.

Lu Jiaxi, a mathematician who left a strong mark in the field of combinatorics, but for various reasons, he failed to get the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, and finally died of poverty and illness.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

And Yu Jianchun, the "takeaway brother" who has made amazing discoveries in the field of number theory, is still struggling on the edge of life.

Their stories are like a wake-up call, reminding us that the warmth and indifference of academia coexist, and that more needs to be done to discover and care for geniuses.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

"Physical Examination Report" of Academic Ecology

The phenomenon of learning valves is like the "old stubborn club" in academia, with the door closed and a sign of "no entry", so that fresh ideas can only linger outside the door, as if Jiang Ping, a rising star in the creative world, is obviously talented, but because she didn't wear the right "academic evening dress", she couldn't even get an admission ticket.

It's not just her alone, thousands of young and burning hearts are outside this invisible wall, eager to be seen.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

The existing academic evaluation system is like an old-fashioned ball that has traveled through time and space, with strict rules and only smiling faces for those who wear "classic" academic dresses.

The "dress" here may refer to those traditional research methods or to specific academic circles, new ideas? I'm sorry, but I have to see if you're an "insider" first.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

If we want to break the rules of the "old-school aristocracy" game and turn academia into a big creative marketplace, where you can hear the shouts of different accents in front of each booth and display all kinds of whimsical ideas, we have to do something practical.

First of all, we have to open a window for this dance party to let in fresh air, which means that the evaluation mechanism needs to become more open, not based on seniority, not about strength, not about innovation.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

Secondly, we have to diversify the "ruler" of judgment, and we can't just use an old ruler to measure everything.

It is necessary to have a soft ruler for quantitative creativity, a tape measure to measure the effect of practice, and even a laser rangefinder to evaluate social influence, so that every unique way of thinking can have the opportunity to "measure" its own wonderful.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

Finally, don't forget to set up a stage for "newcomers", just as street performers have the opportunity to become big stars, and provide opportunities for fledgling but passionate researchers to express themselves on stage, and maybe the next world-changing idea is hidden in them.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

"Nutritious meal" for Jiang Ping

In order to let a smart seedling like Jiang Ping grow vigorously and bloom more brilliant wisdom flowers, we have to carefully allocate an exclusive growth gift package: on the one hand, invite a group of master mentors to make up lessons for her, fill in the small holes of knowledge, and make the wisdom map in her brain more complete;

On the other hand, I have to ask a psychological mentor to do a SPA for the soul to ensure that on the road to growth, her original intention does not change, and her enthusiasm is like fire, just like a freshly baked meat bun, hot and fragrant.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

The big family of society cannot sit idly by, but must reach out and make a contribution.

To put it bluntly, it's not just as simple as giving some silver, but more importantly, we have to give a big thumbs up to these geniuses who don't take the usual path, so that they can feel the warmth and respect from all directions.

It's like the pride of the village, boasting when you meet people, making people's hearts happy.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!

When it comes to education, it's like planting a land, you have to turn over the soil from time to time and loosen the roots in order to grow good crops.

We have to teach the big guys to become "clairvoyants", whether it is in the ravines or small alleys, as long as there are little stars like "Jiang Ping" twinkling, we can see them at a glance, and never let them hide in the corner and shine alone.

We have to work together and tell Jiang Ping and all children like her with practical actions: your difference is the color that the world needs most! Let's work together to make every unique piece shine in the sun, just like a sugar painting in the night market, sweet to the heart and bright in the sea of people.

Professor Yin Wotao of the Damo Academy has publicly explained the situation, Jiang Ping has no problem and she is a genius!


Jiang Ping's story is like the rise of a new star, reminding us to look up at the starry sky while also being down-to-earth.

In the journey of pursuing knowledge, each of us can be the guardian of the stars, paving a path to success for those extraordinary souls with understanding, support and innovation.

Let our academic sky become more dazzling because of more stars like Jiang Ping.

After all, the seeds of genius can only truly grow into towering trees under suitable soil and sunlight, adding a unique touch of greenery to the forest of human knowledge.