
Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

author:Fuk Wan Road
Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

At a star-studded event, Xiao S appeared in front of the camera in an elegant long dress with a smile on his face.

When the media asked her sister Da S if she had any plans to have another baby, her expression immediately became serious.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

"Regarding the question of whether my sister will have another baby, I can tell you clearly that she will not consider having another baby."

Xiao S said categorically. Her answer quickly caused an uproar in the entertainment industry, and also surprised many netizens who paid attention to Big S.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

When talking about his sister, Xiao S did not forget to imitate the expression of Big S when he stared at people, which caused the audience to laugh.

She laughed and said that although she had a close relationship with her sister, she didn't dare to discuss the topic of having another baby with her easily.

"Do you know how terrible my sister is when she stares at people?

Every time I saw that look in her eyes, I was too scared to speak. Xiao S teased.

Her words not only made the atmosphere more relaxed, but also made everyone feel the deep affection between sisters.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

In the process of answering questions from the media, Xiao S also unexpectedly revealed the details of his and her husband Xu Yajun's private lives.

She admitted that she and her husband have not had an intimate life for a long time, which immediately aroused the attention and speculation of netizens.

"Actually, my husband and I have a very uneventful life, and we haven't had that kind of intimate moment for a long time."

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

Xiao S said a little helplessly. Her words surprised the audience, after all, in the eyes of the public, she and Xu Yajun have always been a loving couple.

However, Xiao S quickly explained that this is not because of problems in the relationship between the two, but because as they grow older and their lives change, the way of intimacy between husband and wife will also change.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

She said that she and Xu Yajun still support and care for each other, but the way of expressing love is no longer as direct as before.

When talking about her sister Da S, Xiao S inevitably mentioned her marriage to Wang Xiaofei.

She said that although the two have divorced and remarried, they still maintain a friendly relationship.

Although my sister and Wang Xiaofei are separated, the children between them are their common bond.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

I really admire the fact that they have put in a lot of effort for the development of their children. Xiao S said.

Her words made netizens recall the sweet married life of Da S and Wang Xiaofei and the happy time when they had a daughter and a son.

At the same time, Wang Xiaofei's newlywed wife also had rumors of pregnancy.

Although it was finally confirmed that this was just a misunderstanding, it also made netizens full of expectations and concerns about Wang Xiaofei's family life.

When talking about her family life, Xiao S said that she and her sister Da S both feel that the number of children is just right now and they will not want to have another child. This point of view has also been recognized and supported by Big S.

"We all feel that the number of children is already very good, and we want to be able to put more energy into work and life."

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

Xiao S said. Her words not only expressed her and her sister's views on family life, but also showed their independent and positive attitude towards life.

Back then, Big S stepped into the entertainment industry in the form of a combination, and the tacit cooperation and youthful vitality of the sisters won the love of countless fans.

Over time, the two chose their own paths.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

With her excellent acting skills and beauty, Da S shined in the film and television industry and became a well-known actress.

And Xiao S has made a name for himself in the variety show industry with his unique sense of humor and hosting talent.

Although the sisters have different development paths, they have achieved good results in their respective fields.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

In the highly competitive circle of the entertainment industry, the sisterhood of big and small S is particularly precious.

The two support each other not only in their careers, but also in their family life.

Life is always full of uncertainties.

After giving birth to two children, Da S is unlikely to have any more children at present due to age and internal and external factors.

Regarding the issue of child support, Da S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei reached a consensus that Wang Xiaofei would pay child support.

Although such a decision allows Big S to focus more on his career, it has also sparked some discussions about family responsibilities.

And Xiao S, as a supporter of his sister, has almost become the spokesperson of Big S.

In the face of the revelations of her ex-brother-in-law Wang Xiaofei, Xiao S chose to avoid mentioning him in order to protect the privacy of her sister and family.

This approach shows Xiao S's deep friendship for his sister and his mature ability to deal with the media.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

When talking about his daughter's concept of education, Xiao S showed an open and inclusive attitude.

She said that she was not worried that her eldest daughter would have too many boyfriends abroad, and that her daughter should focus on her own happiness.

Such an educational concept is quite rare in the entertainment industry, but it also reflects Xiao S's trust and support for her daughter's growth.

She hopes that her daughter can freely explore the world and enjoy the beauty of life.

The variety show "Kangxi is Coming" was once all the rage, and the tacit cooperation and humorous style of Xiao S and Cai Kangyong have won the love of countless audiences.

With the changes of the times and the changes in the audience's tastes, "Kangxi is Coming" finally came to an end. For this show, Xiao S is full of nostalgia, but also said that he will not restart.

She believes that it is the best choice for "Kangxi is Coming" to stay in the good past, and she also hopes to cooperate with Cai Kangyong again and host one or two episodes as a commemoration.

Such a decision is both a respect for the past and an expectation for the future.

Big S rushed to the hot search overnight! Little S explodes big melons! It is impossible for Big S to have any more children in this life!

Although "Kangxi is Coming" has been off the air for many years, Xiao S's hosting charm is still undiminished.

The ratings of the show she currently hosts are very good, which is one of the reasons why she doesn't want to restart "Kangxi is Coming".

Xiao S's hosting style is unique and humorous, she can easily navigate various program genres, and establish a deep emotional connection with guests and audiences.

Such hosting talent makes her unique in the variety show industry and has become one of the hosts loved by many audiences.