
The latest instructions of the Ministry of National Defense: The whole army is focused, preparing for war, who will compete?

author:Fun to talk about the world

The drums of war were beating, and the whole army was excited. On the great journey of the 100 years since the founding of the army, the mainland army is intensively promoting actual combat training, with preparation for war as the core, showing a brand-new style of strengthening the army in the new era.

The latest instructions of the Ministry of National Defense: The whole army is focused, preparing for war, who will compete?

1. Basic training: Fight steadily and steadily, and build a solid foundation for victory

Since the beginning of this year, the whole army has deepened the implementation of innovative models such as specialized teaching and intensive training, and accelerated the construction of a new pattern of transformation and development of basic training. This is not only a change in training methods, but also the ultimate pursuit of combat effectiveness. Through a series of basic training innovations, our military is continuing to build a solid foundation for winning battles and ensuring that it will be invincible on the battlefields of the future.

2. Practical training: sharpen the blade and temper the actual combat skills

In the far seas and distant regions, plateaus and cold regions, and deserts and jungles, our armed forces are undergoing unprecedented training in actual combat. Training in difficult and complex subjects and under boundary limit conditions has become the norm. This is not only an extreme challenge to the physical fitness and skills of officers and men, but also an all-round improvement of actual combat capability. Through such practical training, our army is gradually transforming into a crack force that is ready to call, capable of fighting, and sure to win battles.

The latest instructions of the Ministry of National Defense: The whole army is focused, preparing for war, who will compete?

3. Science and technology training: innovation-driven, leading the training reform

The innovative development of new training modes such as "science and technology +", "scientist +" and "network +" is promoting profound changes in military training. The integration of new equipment and new forces, and the extensive development of base-based, simulated, and networked training have not only improved the quality and efficiency of military training, but also enabled our military to take a solid step on the road of strengthening the army through science and technology.

Fourth, open door training: exchanges and cooperation, and seek common peace and development

In the "Prairie Buddies", "Falcon Shield" and other Sino-foreign joint exercises and joint training league activities, our military actively demonstrated its strength and demeanor. These activities have not only enhanced exchanges and mutual trust between Chinese and foreign militaries, but also deepened the level of international cooperation in military training. Through open-door training, our military is moving toward the world with a more open and confident attitude.

5. Firm stance: Defend sovereignty and not be afraid of any threat

In the face of threats and intimidation from external forces, our armed forces have always maintained a firm stand and high morale. We never eat this set! On the road of defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has always been a great wall of steel that dares to fight tough battles and can win battles. Any attempt to infringe upon the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the mainland will be resolutely countered by us.

The latest instructions of the Ministry of National Defense: The whole army is focused, preparing for war, who will compete?

Sixth, work together to build a safety barrier

Our armed forces will continue to work with Arab countries and other friendly forces to jointly implement the Global Security Initiative, deepen strategic mutual trust, and expand cooperation in various fields. We will take firmer steps to jointly build a security shield for world peace and stability.

On the great journey of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army, our army is advancing actual combat training with unprecedented speed and intensity. From the steady and steady progress of basic training to the sharpening of the blade of actual combat training, from the innovation-driven training of science and technology to the exchange and cooperation of open-door training, and then to the joint march of defending sovereignty with a firm stance and looking forward to the future, every step has demonstrated the high fighting spirit and firm belief of the Chinese army in the new era. We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of all officers and men, the Chinese armed forces will surely stand tall on the world military stage with a brand-new look and greater strength.

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