
The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

author:Phantom pupil ball style

Recently, the grouping of the national football team in the group stage of the World Cup has caused an uproar, which has made the entire football world look sideways.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

When the results of the World Cup group were announced, the hearts of countless Chinese fans sank. The AFC's grouping decision has put the national football team in a difficult situation that can be called a "group of death". This result not only made the prospect of the national football team instantly bleak, but also set off a huge storm in the international football world.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

FIFA, the big man in football, has always dreamed of making the cake of the World Cup bigger and more fragrant. They want to expand the World Cup from 32 to 48 teams, which will not only allow more countries to participate, but also increase the commercial value of the World Cup. When it comes to commercial value, China, a populous country, is undoubtedly a gold mine in the eyes of FIFA, with huge market potential and mouth-watering.

But then again, the AFC's grouping arrangement is really surprising. The national football team was divided into a "group of death" this time, competing on the same stage with three World Cup regulars in Asia. It's like throwing a novice directly into a high-level arena full of masters, and the chances of qualifying are almost zero. FIFA bigwigs, seeing this scene, probably have mixed feelings in their hearts, and their dreams seem to have been disturbed by this sudden grouping.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

The expansion of the World Cup is undoubtedly a clever move for FIFA, which is eyeing the enthusiasm and market potential of football around the world, especially those countries with strong economic strength. This is not only a football feast, but also a business carnival. Speaking of which, we have to mention the huge potential of the Chinese market, which occupies a pivotal position on the business map of FIFA. However, the AFC's grouping arrangement has made the Chinese team face a lot of challenges. The fierce confrontation with the strong team undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the Chinese team's promotion. This not only complicates the expectations of Chinese fans, but also puts FIFA's business calculations to the test. After all, if a strong market fails to show its presence on the field, it is undoubtedly a loss for the attractiveness and commercial value of the event.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Let's take a look at the groupings. The teams in Group B always seem to be lacking a little bit of star, and both their skills on the pitch and their commercial charm off the pitch seem a bit unremarkable. With the addition of China in Group C, the situation should have been very different. Imagine a Chinese team with hundreds of millions of fans, whose enthusiasm and purchasing power can undoubtedly bring a strong commercial storm to the World Cup. FIFA's bigwigs originally thought the same way, and they expected the participation of the Chinese team to attract more sponsors and spectators, so that the World Cup coffers would be fuller. But the reality is otherwise. The AFC's grouping decisions have made all this confusing. The feast that fans had been looking forward to was now shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. We can't help but ask, can such a grouping really stimulate the potential of the Chinese team and maximize the commercial value of the World Cup? The expectations of the fans, the investment of the sponsors, will all this be fulfilled?

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

The difficulty of the group stage of the national football team has not only caused strong dissatisfaction in international football, but also stirred up thousands of waves in China. Many fans and experts have expressed their opinions, and the discussion continues to grow hot.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Many fans are confused by the AFC's grouping arrangement, which they think does not seem fair to the Chinese team. In their eyes, this is not only an injustice to the national football team, but also a damage to the commercial value of the World Cup. They are worried that if the Chinese team fails in the group stage, it will have a serious impact on the long-term development of Chinese football, and the hearts of countless fans will be broken.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Experts have a wide range of opinions, with many sports economists pointing out that although the potential of the Chinese market is limitless, in the final analysis, the competition on the field must rely on hard power. If you want to gain a firm foothold on the international stage, the national football team must work hard to improve its competitive level. At the same time, football commentators have also put forward their opinions: when grouping the tournaments, FIFA and the AFC should consider the market factors more comprehensively, and find the balance that can ensure the excitement of the game and tap the commercial value. In this way, not only can the game be more attractive, but also the sport of football can be better promoted and developed on a global scale.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

The situation of the national football team can be described as the focus of heated discussions in the football circle. Our national team is at a crossroads and faces many challenges. The different views between FIFA and the AFC, the promotion of business and the improvement of the level of competition, as well as whether our national football team can make a breakthrough in the international arena, these are all hot topics of discussion after dinner.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

The struggle of the national football team in the World Cup is not only because of the bad luck of the group, but also a key node on the road to the development of Chinese football. FIFA's expansion of the World Cup team aims to attract more potential markets to participate and increase the commercial value of the tournament. However, the AFC's grouping arrangement has put this beautiful vision of FIFA to a big test.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!


For us Chinese fans, whether the national football team can show its majesty in the World Cup is not a small matter. It's not just a celebration of football's pride, it's a response to a deep love for football. The hearts of the fans, like the blazing sun, are always looking forward to the national football team to shine on the world stage. If the national football team fails to qualify in the end, it will undoubtedly make fans feel extremely disappointed and frustrated.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA is mad! actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Football lovers, what are your thoughts on the grouping of the Chinese national football team in the World Cup qualifiers? How do you think FIFA and AFC should balance the level of competition with commercial interests? You are welcome to share your insights in the comments section!