
I took 4 emergency rooms on a night shift, all of them were ruptured luteum, what is the corpus luteum? Women should know

author:Mei'er sees the world

Ruptured corpus luteum: a 24-hour emergency room for women to know

I took 4 emergency rooms on a night shift, all of them were ruptured luteum, what is the corpus luteum? Women should know

From emergency to luteal rupture: 24-hour rescue records from night shift doctors

Have you ever wondered how the night doctors in the hospital fight all kinds of emergencies and treat patients? They fought hard all night and faced one challenge after another. Today, we have a night shift emergency physician to share with us her busy and extraordinary night. In this story, she receives four female patients who are in danger due to a ruptured corpus luteum, so what exactly is the corpus luteum? How can women cope with such a situation? Follow us to uncover this medical mystery!

I took 4 emergency rooms on a night shift, all of them were ruptured luteum, what is the corpus luteum? Women should know

When night falls, the hospital is brightly lit and the doctors on the night shift are on duty. It was a night full of unknowns and challenges. The protagonist of the story, our night shift emergency doctor, Xiao Zhang, is undergoing a routine check-up, ready to face an emergency that may come at any time.

At 20:00, the night had just begun, and Xiao Zhang received the first patient emergency information. A young woman presents with sudden, severe abdominal pain accompanied by persistent bleeding. "Broken corpus luteum!" Suddenly, Xiao Zhang's brain flashed through this common but dangerous gynecological disease.

**Luteal rupture** refers to the rupture and bleeding of the corpus luteum that develops in the ovaries after a woman's menstrual period without being discharged. The main manifestations are abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, vaginal and intra-abdominal bleeding and other symptoms.

I took 4 emergency rooms on a night shift, all of them were ruptured luteum, what is the corpus luteum? Women should know

What is corpus luteum? Its important role is waiting for you to understand

The corpus luteum is formed after the follicle ovulates and secretes the hormone progesterone to maintain the growth of the endometrium and provide a good environment for the implantation of the fertilized egg. However, when the corpus luteum ruptures, it can cause the lining to break off, causing severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding.

At 22:00, just after Xiao Zhang received the first patient with a ruptured corpus luteum, a frowning woman broke into the emergency room. She was pale, her hands covered her stomach, and sweat rolled down her forehead.

"I feel like I've been stabbed in the stomach!" She nervously described her symptoms. Xiao Zhang listened expressionlessly, and in her heart she had already associated her symptoms with a rupture of the corpus luteum.

How can women cope? A rupture of the corpus luteum requires prompt treatment

The rupture of the corpus luteum is sudden and severe, and for women, it must be taken very seriously. If you have emergency symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, or shock, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and tell your doctor if you have a history of rupture of the corpus luteum.

At 01:00, the moonlight shone through the window in the emergency room, and Xiao Zhang once again faced a patient with a ruptured corpus luteum. Her abdominal pain made her anxious and fearful.

Xiao Zhang gave her a thorough examination and quickly arranged relevant treatment measures. With professional care, the patient's symptoms gradually eased and confidence was restored.

Women, in daily life, should maintain a good attitude and regular living habits, to avoid excessive fatigue and stress. This helps to reduce the occurrence of rupture of the corpus luteum.

At 04:00, the night was coming to an end, but Xiao Zhang did not relax. A fourth patient came, pale and curled up in pain.

Xiao Zhang immediately realized the urgency of time, and she urgently organized multidisciplinary medical personnel to carry out joint treatment, and quickly controlled the patient's condition under rational medication and scientific care.

The night shift emergency is a stage for doctors to sleep. In this story, we witness the process of patients with ruptured corpus luteum going through pain to the end and suddenly finding hope. It is worth thinking about that in the face of this gynecological disease, we should be more aware of our bodies and pay attention to women's health.

Through the revelation of this article, I believe that you have a deeper understanding of the rupture of the corpus luteum, and at the same time, you can pay more attention to your physical health and seek medical treatment in time.

The above are the four emergency cases of luteal rupture that Xiao Zhang received on the night shift. Of course, this is only part of her night shift. At night, a group of heroic medical staff are fighting on the front line of the emergency department in every corner of the hospital.