
Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

author:Jin Su Deliberations

In a recent show, Nicholas Tse unabashedly expressed his concern about the image of men in current pop culture. He said: "I'm a little tired of the Korean style that is popular now, not that people are bad, but that boys should get back the hormones that boys should have." As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused widespread discussion and controversy. Some people think that Nicholas Tse's point of view is very reasonable, thinking that the current male idols do lack some masculinity; There are also people who feel that this is disrespectful to multiculturalism, and everyone has the right to choose their favorite style.

Nicholas Tse's remarks actually reflect a kind of cultural anxiety. In the context of globalization, Hallyu culture has quickly swept the world with its unique charm, including China. Many young people have begun to imitate the dress, and even words and deeds of Korean stars, which has changed people's traditional perception of male image to a certain extent. Nicholas Tse may feel that this trend is a little too strong, so that our native culture and masculinity have been marginalized.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

But then again, culture is diverse, and everyone has the right to choose what culture they like. Whether it's Korean style or Chinese style, they all have their own charm and value. Nicholas Tse's concerns are understandable, but that doesn't mean that negates Korean culture or forces everyone to conform to a fixed male image. After all, society is progressing, and people's aesthetics and values are constantly changing.

In addition, Nicholas Tse's remarks also sparked a discussion about "male hormones". What exactly are male hormones? Is it only a rugged, masculine image that conforms to masculinity? There are no standard answers to these questions. In modern society, men can be gentle and delicate, or strong and brave. The important thing is that everyone can find their own place and live their own personality.

Overall, Nicholas Tse's views on Korean style have sparked deep thinking about cultural diversity and male imagery. This is a topic worth exploring, but we should also be mindful of respecting everyone's choices and encouraging cultural exchange and integration, rather than simply excluding and opposing them. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and our culture more colorful.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

The issue of the male image of the modern idol circle, as soon as this topic is mentioned, people can't help but want to say a few more words. You see, now turn on the TV and swipe social media, those members of the boy band have exquisite makeup, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick, all of them are indispensable. Sometimes, you even wonder if this is a boy band or a girl band? Their image is indeed eye-catching, but at the same time, it has also caused some controversy.

Some people say that these male idols wear heavy makeup, lack masculinity, and even have blurred gender characteristics. Their stage performance is sometimes too delicate and less manly. This image is very different from the traditional male image. But even so, they still have a large following, especially among young women.

This phenomenon actually reflects the redefinition and cognition of gender roles in contemporary society. Traditionally, men should be strong and masculine, while women should be gentle and delicate. But as society progresses, people are beginning to realize that gender should not be bound by stereotypes. Men can also be gentle, and women can be strong. This change is the embodiment of social progress.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

However, this does not mean that we can completely ignore the ambiguity of gender characteristics. In the idol circle, the image of some male artists is indeed too feminine, and sometimes it is even difficult to identify gender. This phenomenon may mislead young fans and make them have a wrong understanding of gender roles.

Of course, we can't generalize. In the idol circle, there are also many male artists, who are both masculine and gentle and delicate. Their performance on stage has both a sense of power and beauty. Such an image can better reflect the diversity and charm of men.

In general, the issue of the male image of the modern idol circle is a complex topic. It involves many aspects such as gender roles, aesthetic concepts, cultural traditions, etc. While appreciating the charm of idols, we should also think about how to balance gender characteristics and avoid excessive gender ambiguity. After all, a diverse and inclusive society is what we strive for.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

In film and television dramas, the role of a bald monk often gives people the impression of being detached from the world and pure and innocent, but you know what? Even if some actors shave their heads and play monks, they can still exude irresistible masculine charm. 11121621

First of all, I have to mention Jiao Enjun, an actor known as the "No. 1 beautiful man in ancient costumes", whether it is Fahai played in "The Story of the Green Snake" or the dustless monk played in "Eighteen Arhats", they are all eye-catching. Jiao Enjun's facial features are deep and his eyes are resolute, even if he shaves his head, it is difficult to hide his heroic spirit, but it highlights his righteous and awe-inspiring temperament. His performance in the play, whether it is a play or a literary play, is very comfortable and impressive.

Let's talk about Zhang Weijian, the actor's bald image has almost become his personal logo. From the Monkey King in "Journey to the West" to Master Ruchen in "New Chu Liuxiang", Zhang Weijian's bald monk style always carries a sense of naughtiness and wit. His trademark smile and smart eyes can always easily capture the hearts of the audience. Even without hair modification, Zhang Weijian's face is still handsome and full of youth, which makes people sigh that a really handsome guy doesn't need a hairstyle to set off.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

Nie Yuan is also an actor who has to be mentioned, the debate monk he played in "The Love History of the Tang Dynasty", and the Tang Seng in the new version of "Journey to the West", have left a deep impression. Nie Yuan's bald head showed his masculine side, and the male hormones almost overflowed the screen. His deep eyes and resolute silhouette make people have to admit that even a monk can be so handsome.

These actors use their acting skills and appearance to prove that true charm does not need external decorations to pile up. They appear as monks, but they can still attract the attention of countless audiences, not only because of their appearance, but also because of the charm and personal temperament of the characters they show. In this era of looking at faces, they use their own strength to redefine male beauty, telling us that even if you shave your head, you can be earth-shatteringly handsome.

In the film and television industry, the professionalism and image diversity of actors are two indispensable aspects of their artistic career. Professionalism is reflected in their deep understanding and dedication to their roles, while the diversity of their images is shown in their courage to push themselves through and try out different personas.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

First and foremost, professionalism is the cornerstone of an actor's successful characterization. Just like Andy Lau mentioned in 22, during the filming of "Orphaned", in order to get closer to the role, he not only tanned his skin roughly and darkly, but also insisted on wearing old clothes and shoes, and devoted himself to the role. This dedication and dedication to his work makes his performances full of realism and appeal. Similarly, Myolie Wu in 23 did not hesitate to gain 36 pounds for the role, and Wang Haoxin was slapped many times during filming, these examples fully show that actors can make great efforts and sacrifices for the role.

The diversity of images is the embodiment of the artistic vitality of actors. A good actor should not be limited by a fixed image, but should have the courage to challenge himself and try a variety of different roles. Just like Jiao Enjun, Zhang Weijian, and Nie Yuan, they did not wear heavy makeup in the role of bald monks, but they still showed unique masculine charm and appearance16. They dare to break the rules and not stick to one image, and this courage and determination makes their performances richer and more three-dimensional.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

Professionalism and image diversity, the two complement each other and together shape the artistic image of an actor. Professionalism makes actors more focused and engaged in their performances, while image diversity makes their performances more diverse and vivid. As stated in 24, an actor needs to have a sense of dedication and dedication, but also a deep understanding of the role and a sensitive grip on the camera. Only in this way can you leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience and win the respect and love of the audience.

Overall, the professionalism and diversity of the actors' images are important pillars in their artistic careers. They not only reflect the professionalism of the actors, but also the key to their winning the recognition of the audience. On the road of acting, only by constantly challenging oneself can we continue to break through boundaries and create more memorable characters.

In the world of film and television, the image of an actor is like a multifaceted mirror, reflecting a variety of characters and stories. The audience's acceptance of the actor's image often determines whether these characters can leave a deep impression in their hearts. And the actors are also well aware of this, and they strive to win the love and recognition of the audience through their charm and superb acting skills.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

First of all, the audience's acceptance of the actor's image largely depends on whether the actor can truly present the inner world of the character. Just like Andy Lau we mentioned before, his image in "Lost Orphans" is not only rough on the outside, but also a sincere expression of inner emotions. This sense of realism from the inside out allows the audience to empathize with him, thus accepting the role he plays.

Secondly, the diversity of the actor's image is also an important factor in winning the audience's love. In the eyes of the audience, if an actor can freely switch between different roles and show different personalities and temperaments, then the actor undoubtedly has a very high artistic charm. For example, actors such as Jiao Enjun, Zhang Weijian, and Nie Yuan, in the role of bald monks, they did not rely on external decorations, but showed the unique charm of the characters through their internal temperament and acting skills.

In addition, the professionalism of the actors is also the key to the audience's acceptance. If an actor can sacrifice his image for the role, and even endure physical pain, this kind of dedicated attitude often makes the audience respect. For example, Myolie Wu gained weight for the role, and Wang Haoxin was beaten many times during filming, all of which showed the professionalism and respect for art of the actors.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar

In addition, the emotional connection between the actor and the audience cannot be ignored. If an actor can touch the audience's emotions and resonate with them in his performance, then the role is more likely to be accepted and loved by the audience. This kind of emotional transmission is not only achieved through lines and actions, but also through the actors' eyes, expressions and aura.

Finally, the actor's charisma is also an important factor in the audience's acceptance. A charismatic actor is able to make the character shine through his charisma, even if he is playing an ordinary role. This charm can be the appearance and temperament of the actors, as well as their talent and wisdom.

In general, the audience's acceptance of an actor's image is a complex process, involving many aspects such as the actor's acting skills, image, professionalism and personal charm. Through their own efforts and talents, the actors continue to explore and try, and finally win the hearts of the audience. As an audience, we should also give more understanding and support to the actors, so that they can go further and further on the road of art.

Don't brag about beautiful men, these 6 male stars play monks, and they are all so handsome that they want them to be vulgar