
I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

author:Jin Su Deliberations

The Spring Festival was originally a day of reunion and celebration for every family, but this year's Spring Festival, I was shocked by a sudden news - Mr. Zhao Erkang, the old actor who left countless tough guy images on the screen, left us forever. I remember that day, I was sitting in front of the TV with my family, enjoying the joy of the festival, when a news pop-up pop-up pop-up on the mobile phone screen made me stunned. Teacher Zhao Erkang, the actor who once deeply touched the hearts of countless audiences with the image of Wei Desheng in "Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow", left quietly.

I still remember that Mr. Zhao Erkang's image on the screen was always so resolute and powerful. There always seemed to be an indomitable energy in his eyes, and even in the most difficult moments, he never saw him retreat. The characters he plays, whether they are heroic soldiers in the war years or ordinary people in the peace years, are full of admirable integrity and tenacity. How can such an actor not be missed?

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

Mr. Zhao Erkang's artistic career can be said to be a microcosm of the development of Chinese films. From the drama stage to the big screen, he used his talent and hard work to create one vivid role after another. His works are not only the display of art, but also the mark of the times. Whenever we look back at those classic films, we can always find Mr. Zhao Erkang in them, who uses his own unique way to tell moving stories.

In Mr. Zhao Erkang's acting career, he is not only an excellent actor, but also a highly respected artist. His seriousness towards his characters and his awe for art are awe-inspiring. He once said that acting is his life, and every time he stands in front of the camera, he will devote himself wholeheartedly and strive to perform the role to the fullest. How can such a person who has such a persistent pursuit of art not be admired?

However, it is such an admirable artist who left us at the moment when the Spring Festival should be full of laughter. His death is undoubtedly a great loss to the Chinese film industry. I think that the departure of Mr. Zhao Erkang is not only the end of an era, but also the beginning of an era. His artistic spirit and personality charm will inspire generations of filmmakers to continue to move forward on the road of art.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

The death of Mr. Zhao Erkang makes me feel extremely sorry and sad. But I know that what he left us is not only those classic film and television works, but also a spirit and a kind of strength. He used his life to tell us what real art is and what real life is. In this Spring Festival, I would like to say to Mr. Zhao Erkang: Thank you for bringing us so many good memories and touches. Your spirit will always inspire us to keep moving forward.

Zhao Erkang, this name is an unforgettable memory for the audience in the 80s. Although he did not become the kind of household name A-list star, every role he created on the screen was deeply rooted in the hearts of the audience. The tough guy he showed was not only unique in that era, but also became a cultural symbol that influenced generations of movie lovers.

Zhao Erkang's artistic career can be said to be a magnificent epic. He did not rely on hype or scandals, but won the respect and love of the audience with his persistent pursuit of art and superb acting skills. His works, such as "Return to the Heart Like an Arrow", "Chinese Heroes", "Knight's Honor", etc., are still talked about by many people today. These works not only show his profound acting skills, but also reflect his deep understanding and unique insights into the role.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

In Zhao Erkang's acting career, he has always adhered to his artistic principles, that is, not to advertise and not to play negative roles. 16 This insistence may have deprived him of some commercial interests at the time, but it was precisely this insistence that made his artistic image more pure and noble. With his actions, he proved to the world the character and dignity of an artist.

Zhao Erkang's artistic career is also a journey of continuous exploration and breakthrough. From the drama stage to the big screen, he is constantly trying a variety of different roles and constantly pushing his limits. His performances are both powerful and delicate and deep, which makes his characters always so vivid and three-dimensional. Whether it is a heroic soldier in a war film or an ordinary person in a life drama, he can accurately grasp the inner world of the character and make the audience empathize.

However, Zhao's artistic career has not been without its challenges. His life was also full of ups and downs and challenges. But it was these experiences that sharpened his will, enriched his life, and made his artistic creation more profound and moving. Every time he performs, it's like telling a story, a story of perseverance, courage and love.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

Zhao Erkang's death is undoubtedly a great loss to the Chinese film industry. But his artistic spirit and charisma will always inspire us. He used his life to tell us what real art is and what real life is. In this Spring Festival, I would like to say to Mr. Zhao Erkang: Thank you for bringing us so many good memories and touches. Your spirit will always inspire us to keep moving forward.

Zhao Erkang, the tough guy on the screen, his story starts from Haicheng, Liaoning in 1941. It was an era full of dreams and hopes, and Zhao Erkang was born and grew up there. In his childhood, he was deeply attracted by the images of those heroes, especially movies like "Dong Cunrui" and "Children of Heroes", which ignited a dream in his heart - to become an actor and be able to interpret those admirable heroic images on the big screen.

Zhao Erkang's movie dream is not a whim, but a deep love and persistence. From an early age, he had a keen interest in the performing arts, which gradually translated into a determined pursuit as he grew older. He aspires to be able to convey emotions, tell stories, and influence people's hearts on stage through his performances.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

In 1960, Zhao Erkang graduated from high school, and at that time, he already had a deep affection for literature and art. He established contacts with many actors and directors at the Beijing Film Studio, and they became his mentors and friends. In particular, the famous actor Xie Tian is very optimistic about Zhao Erkang's potential, and suggested that he apply for Zhongyang Drama Academy to receive professional art training in 2021.

Zhongyang Drama Academy, which is a cradle for training actors, is also a fiercely competitive battlefield. Thousands of people signed up, but only 25 students were eventually enrolled. Although Zhao Erkang was apprehensive in the face of such a challenge, his belief and determination allowed him to perform well in the examination room. With his strong sense of belief and expressiveness, he finally became one of the lucky winners of that year's 2021.

19-year-old Zhao Erkang, with infinite longing for art, stepped into the door of Zhongyang Drama Academy. He knew that this would be the starting point for him to realize his dreams and the beginning of his artistic career. In the academy, he studied voraciously and constantly honed his acting skills, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

However, fate always seems to play a joke. Just when Zhao Erkang graduated from Chinese opera and was about to show his strength, he encountered the arrival of a movement. Many big-star veteran actors have no scenes to film, let alone these newcomers who have just graduated from drama school. Zhao Erkang was arranged to perform in the Qinghai Repertory Theatre, and then entered the Second Artillery Art Troupe as an actor in 2021.

Despite the difficulties, Zhao Erkang's dream of movies has never been extinguished. He has gained experience on the drama stage, honed his skills, and awaited his own opportunity. It wasn't until 1979 that the appearance of the movie "Return to the Heart Like an Arrow" finally gave him the opportunity to show his talent on the big screen. That year, he was 38 years old, although he was no longer the golden age of an actor, but with his rich life experience and profound acting skills, he successfully created the role of Wei Desheng and won the love and recognition of the audience in 2021.

Zhao Erkang's story is a story of dreams, perseverance and courage. He used his own experience to tell us that no matter how many difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we have the strength to chase and realize them. His story has inspired countless young people with artistic dreams to bravely pursue their dreams and create their own wonderful lives.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

In 1960, Zhao Erkang graduated from high school, which was an era full of possibilities. Because of his love for literature and art, he established contact with the actors and directors of the Beijing Film Factory. These seniors not only gave him artistic guidance, but also played an important role in his life path. Among them, the famous actor Xie Tian spoke highly of his talent and potential, and suggested that he apply for Zhongyang Drama Academy to receive professional artistic training.

For Zhao Erkang, this is not only a suggestion, but also an opportunity to change his fate. Zhongyang Drama Academy, a cradle for cultivating actors and a holy place for art, is undoubtedly the most ideal place for Zhao Erkang, who has a dream of acting. He knew that this would be a crucial step in realizing his dream.

The process of applying for the Yang School of Drama was not an easy one. Competition is fierce, with only a handful of thousands of applicants coming out on top. Although Zhao Erkang was apprehensive in his heart, his love for art and dedication to his dreams made him perform well in the examination room. With the encouragement and help of Xie Tian and other veteran actors, he was finally admitted to the Performance Department of Zhongyang Drama Academy 28 with a strong sense of belief and expressiveness.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

During his years at Zhongyang Drama Academy, Zhao Erkang studied hungrily and constantly honed his acting skills. He knows that this is not only a place to learn, but also the starting point of his acting career. He cherishes every opportunity to go on stage, whether it is in class practice or in a performance at the academy, he puts his heart and soul into striving for perfection. His efforts and talent were quickly recognized by his teachers and classmates.

However, fate always seems to play a joke. Just when Zhao Erkang graduated from Chinese opera and was about to show his strength, he encountered the arrival of a movement. Many big-star veteran actors have no scenes to film, let alone these newcomers who have just graduated from drama school. Zhao Erkang was arranged to perform in the Qinghai Repertory Theatre, and then joined the Second Artillery Art Troupe as an actor21.

Despite the difficulties, Zhao Erkang's dream of movies has never been extinguished. He has gained experience on the drama stage, honed his skills, and awaited his own opportunity. It wasn't until 1979 that the appearance of the movie "Return to the Heart Like an Arrow" finally gave him the opportunity to show his talent on the big screen. That year, he was 38 years old, although he was no longer the golden age of an actor, but with his rich life experience and profound acting skills, he successfully portrayed the role of Wei Desheng and won the love and recognition of the audience21.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

1979 was a turning point for Zhao Erkang, and it was also the peak of his acting career. In this year, he was recommended by the famous film actor Li Rentang to play the role of Wei Desheng, the actor in the movie "Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow". This movie not only made him famous in one fell swoop, but also made a deep impression on the hearts of the audience. Wei Desheng, played by him, is resolute, brave, full of the charm of a tough guy, and has become a hero in the hearts of a generation.

However, Zhao Erkang's acting career was not all smooth sailing. In that special era, a sudden movement caused his acting career to encounter a huge challenge. Many big-star veteran actors are facing the dilemma of having no scenes to film, let alone a newcomer like Zhao Erkang. But he didn't give up because of this, but chose to persevere. He continues to hone his acting skills on the stage of the Qinghai Repertory Theatre and the Second Artillery Art Troupe, waiting for the day when he will return to the big screen.

Finally, opportunity once again favored this actor with strong beliefs. After "Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow", Zhao Erkang has starred in many movies, such as "Song in the Whirlpool", "Police Officer with Special Status", "Bosom Friend", "Knight's Honor", "Chinese Hero" and so on. In these films, he has an excellent performance, whether it is the fortitude of a soldier or the warmth of ordinary people, he can accurately grasp the inner world of the character, and conquer the audience with his unique acting skills.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

It is worth mentioning that in the movie "The Queli Family", Sun Dexian played by Zhao Erkang, although he is a role with few scenes, his performance is unforgettable. Through his delicate performance, he vividly showed the complex inner world of the character Sun Dexian, making people feel the pain and struggle of the character.

Zhao Erkang's acting career can be said to be an epic full of challenges and perseverance. He used his own experience to tell us that no matter how difficult it is, as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we have the strength to chase and realize it. His story has inspired countless young people with artistic dreams to bravely pursue their dreams and create their own wonderful lives.

Teacher Zhao Erkang, the tough guy on the screen, his life in his later years was not as beautiful as he was in the movie. 39 As he grew older, his physical condition began to deteriorate, but even so, he maintained his love and dedication to acting. Even in his later years, he did not give up filming and insisted on shining on the screen until the last moment of his life.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

On January 21, 2023, a heart-wrenching news came to countless fans - teacher Zhao Erkang died of illness in Beijing at the age of 82 3840. At this point in time, it was the Chinese New Year's Eve of the Year of the Rabbit, when thousands of homes were brightly lit and people were immersed in the joy of the festival, but Teacher Zhao quietly left us at this time. His death is undoubtedly a great loss to the Chinese film industry, and it also makes countless audiences who love him feel sad and regretful.

Mr. Zhao's death has made many people begin to look back on his life. He has been in the arts for decades, and has starred in many classic film and television works such as "Song in the Whirlpool", "Police Officer with Special Status", and "The Pursuit of Stone Statues", creating many positive characters, and is known as the "screen tough guy" in the Chinese film industry39. His acting skills are loved by the audience, his image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his works are still remembered even as the years go by.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Shaokang, the son of Mr. Zhao, inherited his father's acting talent41. As an actor, Zhao Shaokang has also starred in many film and television works, such as the old hedgehog in "The Assembly", and "My Shangri-La". Like his father, he is low-key, focused on acting, and speaks with his works, winning the recognition and respect of the audience.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered

The passing away of Mr. Zhao Erkang makes us realize once again that the old artists who have brought us countless touches and inspirations on the screen are gradually leaving us. They have made great contributions to China's film industry with their lives, and their spirit and works will always be remembered by us.

Although Mr. Zhao has left us, his image of a tough guy on the screen, his persistent pursuit of art, and his love and strength for life will inspire us to continue to move forward. May Mr. Zhao rest in peace in the spirit of heaven, and may his spirit always illuminate our path.

I deeply miss Zhao Erkang: a tough guy actor in the 80s, a good actor who deserves to be remembered