
Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

author:Good dreams
Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

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The seventeen-year-old junior secondary school junior won the mathematics competition, and the glory behind it is full of bitterness

At the beginning of the story, we focused on a teenager named Jiang Ping, seventeen years old, should be full of youth, the age of wanton sweat, but he carried the burden from life early, chose to walk into the door of the secondary school, fate always seems to love to joke with people, in a Alibaba global mathematics competition preliminary, Jiang Ping broke into the public eye as a dark horse, won the twelfth place in one fell swoop, when his peers were still confused about the future, he has proved his worth with strength

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Sudden honor, not as good as imagined, the network world is intertwined with reality and fiction, praise is often mixed with doubt and speculation, no, a prestigious teacher Zhao Bin in the field of education, on Jiang Ping's achievements questioned, Zhao Bin teacher thinks, as Jiang Ping's identity as a secondary school student, want to achieve such excellent results in the master of the competition is hidden behind the secret?

Authoritative figures in the education sector openly questioned it, and the storm of public opinion swept in an instant

Zhao Bin's questioning, like a pebble into the calm lake, instantly stirred up a thousand waves, the Internet era, the speed of information dissemination, has long exceeded people's imagination, Zhao Bin's influence in the education industry, undoubtedly for his remarks to add a bit of credibility, for a time, about the authenticity of Jiang Ping's competition results, has become the focus of public opinion

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Some people affirmed Jiang Ping's achievements, thinking that he was a once-in-a-century mathematical genius, and some people were skeptical, thinking that there might be a strong promoter behind him, and all this was undoubtedly a huge pressure for a teenager who had never been in the world

Facing the doubts, the teenager bravely spoke out and the truth was about to come out

In the face of sudden doubts and the pressure of online public opinion, Jiang Ping did not choose to be silent, he bravely stood up and responded to all the doubts in his own way, he told about his love for mathematics, and the efforts he made for this competition, he got up early and went to bed late every day, in addition to completing school courses, he also had to find time to study college mathematics on his own, and even used his vacation time to work to buy learning materials for himself

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Jiang Ping's story has touched countless netizens, and people have begun to reflect on whether we rely too much on labels and ignore the judgment of individual value in this era of information explosion? Can't secondary school students have talents and dreams?

Authorities have publicly apologized and admitted that the remarks were biased

With the continuous fermentation of the incident, Mr. Zhao Bin also realized the inappropriateness of his remarks, and after in-depth understanding of Jiang Ping's experience and learning attitude, he publicly apologized to Jiang Ping, admitting that his original questioning was too hasty, did not fully understand the truth, and caused harm to Jiang Ping and his family

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Teacher Zhao Bin's apology reflects the responsibility and responsibility of an educator, and also draws an end to this public opinion turmoil

The Internet is not a place outside the law, and rational speech rejects online violence

Although Mr. Zhao Bin has apologized, the thinking brought to us by this turmoil has not ended, in the era of information explosion, how can we distinguish the true from the false? When faced with things that are inconsistent with our own cognition, how should we rationally express our opinions and avoid online violence?

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Teacher Zhao Bin's experience has also sounded the alarm for us, the Internet is not an illegal place, everyone is responsible for their words and deeds, before making any remarks, please think twice, don't let emotions sway your mind and become an accomplice to online violence

Ali Dharma Academy responded positively and promised to thoroughly investigate the truth of the incident

As the organizer of the competition, Ali Damo Academy also responded positively to the incident, saying that they will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the whole process of the competition to ensure the fairness and justice of the competition, and publish the results of the investigation in a timely manner to give the public a satisfactory answer

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

The response of the Ali DAMO Academy reflects the responsibility of a responsible enterprise and sets an example for maintaining the fairness and justice of the competition

If the youth is strong, the country will be strong, and cheer for every dreamer

Jiang Ping's story is just a microcosm of thousands of dream-chasing teenagers, who come from different family backgrounds and have different growth experiences, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the persistent pursuit of dreams

Jiang Ping finished the race, and Mr. Wang did not apologize! How many points can a skeptic get on the test?

Let us applaud every dreamer, and hope that the society can give them more understanding, support and tolerance, so that they can go further and more steadily on the road of chasing their dreams!

Rethinking educational equity creates opportunities for every child

Jiang Ping's story also provokes reflections on educational equity, in an ideal society where every child should have equal access to education, regardless of their family background or where they live

Let's work together to create a more equitable and educational environment where every child can shine on their own stage of life!

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The purpose of this article is to convey positive values without any bad guiding intentions. If there is any infringement, please contact us to deal with it in a timely manner.