
A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

author:Zhang Jijin, director of the Department of Gynecology of Hastelloy

Uterine fibroids, to put it bluntly, are a mass of blood stasis, which can be solved if they fall off naturally, and can be solved with a Chinese medicine prescription. What is the specific Chinese medicine prescription? Let me sell you, let's start with a story.

A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

The patient, Ms. Wang, who is 40 years old this year, first noticed that her waist was a little thicker, and she thought that she had reached the age of fortune, so she didn't care. Later, it developed into frequent urination and unbearable abdominal pain. I heard from an experienced friend around me that it might be a uterine fibroid, and persuaded her to go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound and spend dozens of dollars to buy peace of mind.

The result was found that multiple uterine fibroids, fortunately, the size is still in the controllable range, the doctor said that the recurrence rate of multiple fibroids after surgery is relatively high, it is recommended to try Chinese medicine treatment first. On the recommendation of a friend, Ms. Wang found me.

A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

The first time I saw Ms. Wang, I found that Ms. Wang's face was dark and not slippery, which was very abnormal, Chinese medicine believes that most of the dark complexion is a lack of yang energy, and the decline of yang is the prosperity of yin, and this yin and cold qi will cause the blood to be frozen into lumps, which will become blood stasis.

I hurriedly asked Ms. Wang to stick out her tongue to take a look, there were ecchymoses on the tongue, and green tendons burst out under the tongue, which were all manifestations of blood stasis in the body. I touched the pulse again, and the pulse was sluggish, which also proved that there were blood stasis spots in the body. This confirmed my conjecture, and I hurriedly asked Ms. Wang to talk about other symptoms so that I could distinguish the syndrome specifically.

Ms. Wang said that her hands and feet are usually cold, but once the air conditioner or cold air is blown, her joints will hurt and she must apply a warm compress. The stool is not normal, sometimes it is not bowel for a few days, sometimes it is several times a day. Menstrual cramps are also particularly severe, with dark menstrual blood and blood clots.

I know in my heart that this is actually cold and blood stasis!

A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the uterus is a sea of blood, and you can understand the uterus as a vast ocean, and yang energy is a warm spring breeze, blowing the sea water slowly, and you can menstruate normally when you have enough yang energy.

If at this time, a stream of cold air is entrenched on the surface of the sea, the blood flow slows down, and Iceland freezes out of the sea of blood, and large and small uterine fibroids are formed.

For this kind of blood stasis patients, in addition to promoting blood stasis and removing blood stasis, it is also necessary to replenish yang, and adjusting the balance of yin and yang is the most important thing.

Therefore, I made certain additions and subtractions on the basis of Guizhi Poria Pills, and the formulas were: Guizhi, Fupian Piece, Poria Cocos, Peony Peel, Peach Kernel, White Peony, Salvia, Yanhusuo, Angelica, Ejiao, etc.

A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

First of all, peony skin, peach kernel, salvia, and Yanhusuo, the four can invigorate blood and disperse stasis. Among them, peony skin can clear heat and cool blood, eliminate the heat of blood stasis; Peach kernels can moisten the intestines and laxative, and expel blood stasis from the body; Yanhusuo can relieve pain, and salvia can promote blood circulation and relieve pain, both of which can help patients reduce pain.

After the blood stasis is dispersed, use angelica and ejiao to replenish qi and blood, angelica can invigorate blood while replenishing blood, and ejiao can stop bleeding after replenishing blood, which has a good effect on people who have been sick for a long time.

Next, the two flavors of white peony and Poria cocos are used to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and dilute water and dampness, and if the yang qi is insufficient, the dampness is easy to stay, and the phlegm and turbidity and blood stasis are mixed together, which will make the uterine fibroids bigger and bigger, and the two flavors can excrete the water and dampness from the body.

Of course, the most important thing is the cinnamon branch and the attached tablets, these two flavored medicines can mainly warm the meridian and dispel the cold, just like injecting a breath of yang energy into the body to warm the air, dispel the cold and evil, warm the uterus, and prevent uterine fibroids from regenerating.

After taking the medicine for a while, Ms. Wang felt that her face had become rosy and her stomach was no longer painful. According to the situation, I adjusted the prescription for her again, this time Ms. Wang felt that the temperature of her hands and feet was normal, and she went to the hospital to check and found that the uterine fibroids had shrunk and shrunk, disappeared, and there was not much left.

Subsequently, I asked her to use the Chinese patent medicine Guizhi Poria Pill to consolidate the curative effect.

Uterine fibroids are actually such a piece of blood stasis, as for how did the blood stasis come about? The article introduces the pathogenesis of cold coagulation and blood stasis, and there are also the following kinds of blood stasis pathogenesis, which you can control.

A traditional Chinese medicine prescription can be called a lump "harvester", sweeping away a body of fibroids and helping you relax

1. Qi stagnation and blood stasis are common in people with large mood swings and short tempers

The liver master discharges emotions, and people with a big temper are prone to liver qi stagnation, qi is the handsomeness of blood, and if the qi is not smooth, the blood cannot work, and blood stasis will be produced, and uterine fibroids will eventually be formed.

Such patients need to relieve liver depression, promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, you can refer to Xuefu Zhuyu decoction, or Chinese patent medicine Xuefu Zhuyu pill.

2. Phlegm and stasis are intertwined, which is common in people who have an uncontrolled diet and eat greasy

The spleen mainly transports water and dampness, and it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach if the diet is not modest, and the spleen deficiency is unfavorable, and the water and dampness gradually coagulate into phlegm, and the phlegm obstructs the flow of qi and blood, and eventually forms blood stasis, which together form uterine fibroids.

Such patients need to strengthen the spleen and dissolve phlegm, promote blood circulation and remove stasis, you can refer to Shuanghe decoction, or Chinese patent medicine Shuanghe decoction pills.

3. Qi deficiency and blood stasis are common in people who lie down for a long time and lack exercise

People who lie down for a long time and lack of exercise have weak qi and blood, poor qi deficiency and blood flow, imbalance of qi, blood and water and liquid, qi deficiency and inability to drive away evil phlegm, blood stasis and endogenous, and stay in the body, forming uterine fibroids. In addition, qi can produce blood, and people with qi deficiency and blood stasis will also have blood deficiency and blood stasis.

Such patients need to replenish qi and blood, you can refer to Buyang Huanwu Tang, or Chinese patent medicine to replenish Zhongyi Qi pills.

In short, Chinese medicine must distinguish between syndromes and treatments, one person and one party, only if the symptoms are right, can they be cured faster.