
Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

author:Clever oranges
Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

In the World Student Basketball Championship held in Macau, China from June 23 to July 3, 2024, the Chinese men's team is divided into two teams, red and blue, coached by Luo Lun, head coach of Zhejiang Huipu Middle School, and Fan Bin, a famous Chinese men's basketball team.

On June 24, the second Chinese men's basketball team led by Fan Bin got off to a good start by defeating the Bulgarian team 84-51, and Chen Jiazheng played well.

In the second group stage game that ended on June 26, the Chinese team led the Cyprus team by a large score in the first half, but Fan Bin was dissatisfied with the defense and angrily scolded the players in the locker room, and the Chinese team increased its defensive intensity in the second half, and finally defeated the opponent 88-30.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

Guangdong Hongyuan team has been looking for excellent swing guards after Wang Shipeng, especially players with super three-point shooting ability, but they have never been able to do so.

It is gratifying that Chen Jiazheng of the Chinese men's basketball team U18 was born, bringing new hope for the future of the men's basketball team.

Chen Jiazheng, a 17-year-old teenager with a height of 1.94 meters, previously led Qingdao No. 67 Middle School to a runner-up finish in the Nacao event.

His basketball path was not all smooth sailing, and he originally planned to take the campus basketball route, hoping to be admitted to a prestigious school to show his skills at CUBA.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

But the twist of fate is always full of surprises, and Zhu Fangyu, the boss of Guangdong Hongyuan, has a discerning eye and a fancy for the huge potential of Chen Jiazheng.

Zhu Fangyu and Du Feng visited their parents in person, and after a sincere exchange, Chen Jiazheng finally chose the professional basketball route and successfully signed a contract with Hongyuan.

From June 23 to July 3, 2024, the World Student Basketball Championship was held in Macau, China, with 32 players from each of the Chinese men's and women's teams forming the red and blue teams, while the men's teams were coached by Luo Lun and Fan Bin respectively.

On June 24, the second Chinese men's basketball team led by Fan Bin made a brilliant debut, defeating the Bulgarian team with a score of 84-51 and winning a good start.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

Chen Jiazheng played well in this game and became one of the key figures in the team's victory.

Carefully analyzing Chen Jiazheng's physical talent, the static aspect is barely first-class in China, and the dynamics are slightly worse.

But his dribbling ability is quite good, and the most prominent thing is his accurate three-point jumper and strong key ball ability.

Whether it is in the Necoco competition or the World Student Basketball Championship, he has played well and has become the focus of attention on the court.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

Chen's outstanding performance has made people see the infinite possibilities of his future.

He is considered to be the biggest treasure that Zhu Fangyu has dug up since taking office, not only with top ball intelligence and technology, but also expected to become the next Wang Shipeng, become a star player on the CBA stage, and even represent the national team in the international arena.

In the second group game that ended on June 26, the Chinese men's basketball team led the Cyprus team by a large score in the first half, but Coach Fan Bin was not satisfied with the defensive performance.

At halftime, in the locker room, Coach Fan Bin angrily scolded the players, calling them like soft eggs, and harshly criticized the defense and rebounding problems.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

In the second half, the Chinese players were clearly inspired by the coach's words, increased the defensive intensity, and successfully limited the opponent's scoring to single digits, and finally defeated the Cyprus team 88-30, ushering in a two-game winning streak.

Regarding Coach Fan Bin's behavior, netizens have different opinions.

Some people think that this is an iron handsome, after all, in competitive sports, strict requirements can bring out the maximum potential of players;

Some people also think that Coach Fan Bin's way is advisable, but pay attention to language arts, after all, middle school students are relatively sensitive psychologically;

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

There are also those who believe that middle school students need such strict coaches in order to progress faster on the road to growth;

Of course, some people also mentioned Fan Bin's previous "Blood Book Gate" incident.

Coach Fan Bin's original intention is undoubtedly for the team to achieve better results.

For the Guangdong Hongyuan team, the addition of Chen Jiazheng is undoubtedly a fresh blood.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

In the process of Hongyuan's struggle to find a suitable swing man, the appearance of Chen Jiazheng seems to be a ray of light in the darkness.

His technical characteristics and style of play may be able to fill the vacancy of this position in the Hongyuan team and bring new vitality and competitiveness to the team.

For the Chinese men's national basketball team, the rise of Chen Jiazheng is also a positive sign.

In the case that the national team is also facing a lack of three-point shooting ability, Chen Jiazheng's accurate three-point and key ball ability provides more options and possibilities for the national team's tactical system.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

The story of Chen Jiazheng continues to be written, and he uses his sweat and hard work to chase the basketball dream in his heart.

I believe that in the future, he will continue to grow and improve, and contribute to the cause of Chinese basketball.

We look forward to him shining on the court in the CBA and looking forward to him wearing the national team jersey to bring glory to his country.

Every teenager who loves basketball has his own dreams, and Chen Jiazheng has proved with practical actions that as long as you have a dream and make unremitting efforts for it, it is possible to realize your own value.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

His story inspires more young people to be brave enough to pursue their goals, to persevere and move forward no matter how difficult and challenging they may be.

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, Chen Jiazheng is a role model for many young people with dreams.

He tells us that success requires not only talent, but also hard work and the right choices.

Let us pay attention to the future of Chen Jiazheng, I believe that he will bring us more surprises and touches, and create more brilliance for Chinese basketball.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

On a stage like the Middle School Basketball Championship, every game is a test for the players and an opportunity for growth.

The coach's strict requirements are to hope that the players can recognize their own shortcomings, so as to continuously improve and improve.

Basketball is a team sport that requires everyone to perform at their best.

Defense and rebounding are often the key factors that determine the outcome of a game, and Coach Fan Bin's emphasis on these aspects just reflects his professionalism and acumen.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

His anger may be fierce, but it is also an urgent expectation that the players will quickly adjust their form and perform better.

For the secondary school players, this experience is also invaluable.

As they grow up, they face a variety of challenges and criticisms.

How to draw strength from these criticisms, how to stay calm under pressure and improve themselves is an important lesson they need to learn and master.

Courage and uprightness! Fan Bin, the coach of the middle school men's basketball team, angrily scolded the players: You are like a group of soft eggs to defend against the air

And for the majority of our fans and spectators, we should look at the coach's behavior with a more rational and tolerant attitude.

We have to see the good intentions of the coaches and give the players enough time and space to grow.

I believe that in the next games, the second Chinese men's basketball team can continue to sum up experience, continue to carry forward its advantages, overcome its shortcomings, and bring us more exciting games under the leadership of Coach Fan Bin.

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