
's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

author:Eager to learn late breeze
's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Speaking of the name Sun Song, young people may feel a little unfamiliar nowadays, but we have to tell you that in the decades of the last century, he left a very beautiful landscape on the TV screen with his profound acting skills and highly personalized artistic characteristics! What is particularly impressive is his performance in the popular family ethics drama "Desire", what is the name of the one he plays? Oh, by the way, the role of Wang Husheng really moved the audience, and it is still fresh in my memory. Let's talk about Sun Song's life, it is really a dramatic life and an incomparable love for his career, but in his private life, there are also a little regrets that no one knows.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

His background is different from others, his father is the famous showbiz tycoon Sun Qingrong, who is quite powerful in art and talent; As for her mother, she is a respected old drama bone Han Ying, her influence is not only in China, but also very famous abroad. Sun Song, who grew up in such a family environment with a strong artistic atmosphere, should be living a very smooth and happy life.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

On his way to the pinnacle of show business, his hard work and persistence are also very comparable. Although he has encountered setbacks, such as failing to be admitted to top universities such as Beijing Film Academy or Central Academy of Drama once, he still persevered, and finally ushered in a turnaround and was affirmed by professional colleges.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Looking back at the path he has walked, he is actually quite similar to many of us. At the beginning of his acting career, it can be said that it was uneventful, and it was quite hard, he chose the drama stage to exercise his acting skills. Although this road is not easy, it is very important for a young actor who wants to go deep behind the screen. It is precisely because of this starting point that he can better understand the role and better represent the role.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Then, the wheel of fate began to turn, and the script of "Desire" finally found Sun Song. This opportunity is not only an opportunity to challenge yourself, but also represents an affirming and rare opportunity. Even though he was born into a family of artists, he has a wealth of skills and talent, but it is quite difficult to win the role among many competitors - it turns out that the work that changed the trajectory of his life was not actually intended for him to play the role of Wang Husheng.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Sun Song successfully played the role of Wang Husheng, which has undoubtedly become a highlight in "Desire". The role is very challenging – both requiring him to accurately represent the character's personality traits and mastering the subtleties and layers of emotional changes. Sun Song's image of Wang Husheng left a deep impression on the audience and made him stand out in the film and television industry.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

The label of "scumbag" is a big test for actors, but it is also an affirmation of their acting skills. Sun Song did not restrict or limit his acting style because of this role. After that, he chose to challenge himself and try out a variety of different types of roles, from ordinary workers to soldiers, to characters with different personalities.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Take the drama "Survival of Migrant Workers" as an example, in which Sun Song completely interprets the image of an unpretentious and tenacious peasant. Look at the brave, selfless, and righteous military character he played in the drama "The Sky of History", which is simply a true portrayal of himself. and the life of the clay worker in the drama "The Daughter-in-law's Home" is also really down-to-earth! The most memorable thing for me is the role of Li Changjiang he played in the drama "People to Forty", which really portrays the image of a stable family male host. In each work, Sun Song can give it a unique understanding and secondary creation, so that the audience can see his solid acting skills. After years of hard work, he has finally become an old actor in everyone's minds.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

Although Sun Song is beautiful on the stage, his emotional life in real life is also colorful. Although his private life often raises all kinds of speculation from the outside world, not many people really know him. For him, the love between him and his wife is one of the most precious treasures in his life. It's a pity that perhaps because of the lack of children's laughter in life, Sun Song, who is now 61 years old, still has no children of his own.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother

This unfulfilled wish did not make Sun Song feel that life was empty and boring. On the contrary, under the nourishment of love, he and his wife live a happy and happy world together. Moreover, he has always adhered to respect and gratitude for family and married life.

's father is a director, and my mother is an old actor, 61-year-old with no children and no daughters, and I regret that I didn't let my mother be a grandmother