
Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

author:Xiao Tao said something

Since ancient times, Chinese have always had the virtue education of "courtesy and righteousness".

China is an ancient country with a history of 5,000 years, and "courtesy, righteousness, honesty and shame" is an important part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. In this land of China, the spirit of righteousness and courage has always been advocated

In recent years, under the continuous advocacy of the social atmosphere, more and more people have become more and more brave in their actions. They may not be heroes born into the WTO, but in times of crisis, they dare to stand up and show a quality of selfless dedication with practical actions, which is also the most valuable quality in society.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

And among these righteous and courageous people, there are also some ordinary people. For example, in a recent wounding incident, there was an ordinary woman from Suzhou who died in the line of duty because she bravely saved her Japanese mother and son, she was Hu Youping.

The whole incident took place not long ago, in early June. The location is at a bus station in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. It is understood that there happened to be a Japanese mother and son waiting for the bus at the bus stop at that time, and the Japanese mother and son left late, so there were only some pedestrians left around.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

And at this time, a man named Zhou suddenly stepped forward and picked up the knife in his hand to attack the Japanese mother and son. The suddenness of this scene shocked everyone present, and they also shouted for help.

At this time, the surrounding people also hurriedly called the police, and in this incident, an ordinary Suzhou woman also appeared at the scene, she was Hu Youping. Hu Youping was also very angry about the gangster's behavior, so she immediately stepped forward and wanted to persuade Zhou's behavior.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

It's a pity that Zhou didn't listen, but continued to attack the Japanese mother and son wildly. In the face of such a stubborn gangster, Hu Youping also disregarded his personal safety and bravely fought with him, but because his strength was obviously at a disadvantage, he was stabbed several times by the other party in the end.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Although Hu Youping subdued Zhou as soon as possible and sent him to the hospital in time, due to his serious injuries, he eventually died of ineffective rescue. When people learn such news, it can be said that they are very sad, after all, such a tragedy is so close to us.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

After that, when Hu Youping's family learned of this result, they were also very sad, after all, this 55-year-old woman is not only an ordinary housewife, but also a glorious Chinese citizen and a hero who acts bravely.

Just when people praised Hu Youping, the local government departments in Suzhou also applied to the higher departments for the first time, hoping to posthumously award Hu Youping the honorary title of righteousness and bravery.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

This approach has also been unanimously recognized by the majority of netizens, after all, Hu Youping's behavior is indeed very valuable, and it is also a good quality that our country has always advocated. After that, more and more people began to pay attention to this matter and expressed their opinions on the Internet.

For Hu Youping's behavior, many netizens have praised him, believing that the quality of righteousness and courage he shows is something we should learn. And it is precisely because of such valuable qualities that more people will dare to stand up and safeguard the public interests of society in times of crisis.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Of course, in this matter, what we praise is Hu Youping's behavior, and the society is also condemning Zhou's behavior, after all, what he did has seriously violated the public interest and hurt innocent people.

In this hurtful incident, Hu Youping's appearance undoubtedly taught us a lesson, and also raised some questions worth pondering. For example, what should we do when faced with sudden dangerous events, and we should learn to face such events bravely.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Of course, we don't require everyone to risk their lives and bravely challenge the gangsters like Hu Youping, but when we encounter similar things, we can do our part, for example, we can call the police as soon as possible, and we can also give some necessary help on the premise of ensuring our own safety.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

And after this incident, we have also seen some relevant statements by Hu Xijin, he posted on his social platform, highly affirming Hu Youping's behavior, and also said that in the land of China, no matter what nationality people are, the quality of righteousness and courage is worthy of our respect.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin posted an article calling her a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

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