
From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

author:Say it with a smile
From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Phelps, who retired as a 39-year-old retirement, has recently made a lot of moves in congressional hearings.

He stood up for the United States and accused WADA of double standards, but because of his agitation, agitation, lack of energy and other states, he was found to have a "withdrawal reaction" and was suspected of having been taking banned drugs.

Drug abuse is rampant in American sports, with people like Phelps and many other well-known athletes smoking marijuana. Although there are laws and alliance regulations that prohibit them, they still can't stop them.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

The general population of the United States, especially blacks, is affected by it and is more serious about drug abuse. They do not have a backup treatment such as traditional Chinese medicine, and they rely on marijuana and pills when they are unwell, which makes them easily addicted, leading to the proliferation of drugs.

Phelps recently appeared at a hearing in the U.S. Congress, which focused on two sensitive topics: First, the controversy over the positive case of Chinese swimmer "trimetazidine", Phelps accused the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) of favoring China.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Second, in response to the problem of Russian athletes testing positive for "doping", he called on WADA to carry out reforms. Even more interesting than the content of the hearing is the state of Phelps himself.

The 39-year-old swimming superstar doesn't seem to be able to escape life's troubles in his post-retirement days.

At the hearing, he appeared agitated, agitated, and lacklustre, with dilated pupils and confused speech.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

These abnormal manifestations are reminiscent of "withdrawal reactions," which are physical and psychological symptoms that can occur when a drug is abruptly stopped or reduced after a long period of dependence.

Phelps' state of affairs makes one wonder if he also used or was taking some kind of forbidden drug.

Phelps' "physiognomy" is remarkable not only because of his personal status, but also because it reflects the seriousness of the drug abuse problem of American athletes.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Substance abuse is nothing new in American sports circles.

From Phelps, Arenas, and Pierce to Durant, Harden, Leonard, and Jordan, the god of basketball, these names are all more or less inextricably linked to substance abuse.

Despite laws and league rules prohibiting athletes from using illegal drugs, celebrities always seem to find ways to evade regulation.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

In addition to the sports world, there is also a serious problem of substance abuse in the American entertainment industry and among the general public.

In the entertainment industry, smoking marijuana is considered a fashionable and de-stressing way, and many celebrities have publicly expressed their experience of using marijuana.

Substance abuse is more serious among the general population, especially the black community. They often rely on medication for temporary solace due to stress, poverty, and lack of medical resources.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

This dependence not only leads to physical and psychological harm, but also triggers a range of social problems, such as crime and the spread of disease.

Why is there such a serious problem of drug abuse in the United States? One of the main reasons for this is the lack of a variety of healing methods.

In the U.S. healthcare system, traditional medicine methods such as traditional Chinese medicine are not widely recognized and applied. When people are unwell, they often have to rely on cannabis and pills to relieve their symptoms.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

This single treatment not only fails to cure the disease, but also leads to drug dependence and abuse. The consequences of drug abuse are severe.

It can harm an individual's physical and mental health, and it can also have a negative impact on society as a whole.

Drug abusers are prone to addiction and dependence, which consumes a lot of medical resources and social wealth, and also leads to an increase in crime and a deterioration of social security.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Drug abuse can also lead to a range of public health problems, such as the spread of infectious diseases and diseases related to drug abuse.

In this context, Phelps's "physiognomy" is particularly striking.

As a former sports superstar and public figure, his words and deeds will undoubtedly have a certain impact on society.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

If his abnormal state is really related to substance abuse, then this will undoubtedly further exacerbate public concern and concern about substance abuse issues.

Nor can we just look at Phelps as a negative case. He was also a man who was troubled and afflicted.

He has been arrested for drunk driving, his reputation has been tarnished for smoking marijuana, and he has had suicidal thoughts many times because of depression. These experiences have made him more aware of the dangers and consequences of drug abuse.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

He also has the responsibility and obligation to stand up and call on society to pay attention to this issue and actively participate in related reform and governance work.

From Phelps' "physiognomy", we can see the seriousness of the drug abuse problem of American athletes. This is not only a sports issue or an entertainment issue, but also a profound social issue.

We need to address this issue on multiple fronts, including strengthening legal regulation, promoting diverse healing methods, and raising public awareness.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Only in this way can legends like Phelps no longer be stigmatized by substance abuse, and the whole society can become healthier and better.

Opinions from all walks of life are divided on Phelps' aberrant state at the hearing, and the resulting discussion about drug abuse among American athletes.

Some believe that Phelps, as a public figure, should be more cautious in his words and actions, so as not to set a false example for young people.

From Phelps's "physiognomy", it can be seen how serious the drug abuse of American athletes is!

Others believe that the incident is a wake-up call for the mental health and substance abuse issues behind athletes.

Many experts have called for greater mental health education and drug regulation for athletes to ensure that they do not lose sight of their own health and moral boundaries while pursuing competitive performance.

Society should also provide more support and assistance to athletes, so that they can have more choices and ways out in the face of difficulties and challenges.

【Copyright Notice】The content and pictures described in this article are all from the Internet, aiming to convey positive social energy, and there is no vulgar or bad guidance.

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