
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

author:Kind leaves zzh

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6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!
6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

Isn't the greatest foolishness of man being wise? When we call ourselves wise, do we ever think that this may be the beginning of our ignorance?

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

Look at the stars in the sky, each one shining silently, never boasting of its brightness. And we human beings, sometimes because of a little cleverness, are complacent, forgetting that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. The ancients said: "What you know is what you know, what you don't know is what you don't know, and what you know is what you know." Do we really understand the meaning of this statement?

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

In life, have we ever seen such people: they always put on a posture of know-it-all, pointing fingers at other people's affairs, but they don't know that they may be just a clown in the eyes of others. They are always self-righteous, do not listen to other people's opinions, and insist on going their own way, but they do not know that this is the embodiment of their narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness.

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

And those who are really smart, they know that "the sea is inclusive, and tolerance is great". They know their own shortcomings, keep learning, and keep improving; They know how to respect other people's opinions, be good at listening, and be good at learning;

They dare to face their mistakes, have the courage to take responsibility, and have the courage to correct. As Confucius said: "If you are a threesome, you must have my teacher." "They always learn from others and enrich themselves.

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

People who think they are smart are actually self-absorbed, they live in their own world and cannot see their own limitations. Truly intelligent people, on the other hand, are able to step out of themselves and look at themselves and the world with an objective eye. They know that the world is so big that there are no wonders, and their knowledge is just a drop in the ocean.

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

So, how can you avoid becoming a self-righteous person? Should we be like the ancients, keep a humble heart, keep learning new knowledge, and constantly expand our horizons? Shouldn't we learn to respect others, listen to them, and learn from them? Should we dare to face our own shortcomings and mistakes, have the courage to correct them, and constantly improve ourselves?

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

Remember, man's greatest stupidity is not ignorance, but self-righteousness. Let's let go of our self-righteous pride and be a truly intelligent person! As Lao Tzu said: "The sound of the great sound is the sound of the elephant, and the elephant is invisible." "True wisdom is often hidden in those seemingly ordinary, even stupid behaviors.

6 top ways to raise your child more and more smoothly!

Let's face everything in life with a peaceful heart. Don't be fooled by your own cleverness, don't be blinded by your superiority. Only by truly recognizing one's own limitations can one continue to improve and grow. As the ancients said: "Full of losses, humble benefits." "Let us find wisdom in humility and work out life in wisdom.
