
Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

author:Zhao Youyu

"Why was it only two years? Can it be sentenced for a few more years? ”

After the verdict was announced, Fu Daxin expressed extreme dissatisfaction. “

Farmer Fu Daxin has been honest all his life and has never done anything illegal.

But when he was 69 years old, he was imprisoned in the detention center for robbery with a knife.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

But what is even more surprising is that he not only took the initiative to ask the police handling the case to write his crime more seriously.

And in court, the judge was asked to give him a heavy sentence.

So why did he act like this?

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

One day in August 2008, Mr. Fu smiled a rare face in front of a recycling station in Guangxi.

The 100 yuan he had saved from picking up scrap was enough for him to buy a train ticket to Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

During the long and arduous journey, he relied on cold steamed buns hidden in a shabby cloth bag to maintain his strength.

Although he had become accustomed to this hard life over the years, he still had a simple and unpretentious wish in his heart - to taste the taste of meat again.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

After arriving in Beijing, he bought a fruit knife at a supermarket near the Beijing train station.

Then head back to the station and lurk in a hidden corner of the square, watching the passing crowd and looking for an opportunity to make a move.

At around 1 p.m. that day, a middle-aged woman holding 200 yuan in cash and preparing to buy a ticket entered Fu Daxin's sight.

He followed the woman to the ticket hall and, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, threatened with a fruit knife and snatched 100 yuan from her.

However, unexpectedly, the woman did not shout for help, but silently turned around and continued to line up, seemingly suggesting that Fu Daxin should flee the scene as soon as possible.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

Fu Daxin left the ticket hall with confusion and dissatisfaction, and returned to the hidden corner of the square.

He began to wonder if his appearance was not vicious enough for the robbery to cause enough panic.

So, he decided to do it again, this time targeting a seemingly wealthy passerby.

At 2 p.m., a fashionably dressed young woman appeared in the square.

Her name is Ah Fang and she is a college student.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

When Fu Daxin suddenly appeared and showed the fruit knife, he insisted that Ah Fang hand over the backpack.

Faced with Fu Daxin's threat, Ah Fang began to fight hard and shouted for help.

A young man in the vicinity heard Ah Fang's screams and immediately stepped forward to intervene and attracted the attention of other passers-by and patrolling police.

Fu Daxin, a thin old man who was only 1.6 meters tall and weighed less than 100 pounds, was quickly subdued by everyone.

When the police arrived at the scene, they were surprised to find that the so-called "robber" was actually an old man with a face full of vicissitudes and ragged clothes.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

When he arrived at the police station, everyone learned that he felt that the conditions in the prison were more suitable for the elderly than in the nursing home, which was both sad and sad.

For Fu Daxin, he has not tasted meat for 25 years, and his greatest wish is a place where he can rest and eat with peace of mind.

Now that he has been arrested, he feels relieved and looks forward to his retirement life in prison.

When he learned that he would be sentenced to two years in prison, Fu Daxin was extremely excited, and even hoped that the sentence would be longer.

Deep down, he longed to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

However, based on his criminal conduct, the police sentenced the sentence of two years to be sufficient.

During his two years in prison, Fu Daxin lived a fairly peaceful life.

There, he was finally able to eat meat and drink soup, and felt the warmth and satisfaction that he had not felt for a long time.

For him, being able to enjoy a delicious meal of meat made prison life acceptable.

According to media reports, Fu Daxin's food in prison is quite good, with meat and eggs served daily, and steamed buns are provided in unlimited quantities.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

In just one month, he gained ten pounds, and his originally emaciated face gradually regained its vitality.

His fellow inmates even noticed that it was as if he had never had enough to eat.

In fact, it is true that Fu Daxin rarely had the opportunity to enjoy hearty food, and from childhood to old age, he lived in hunger and cold.

In contrast, prison became almost heaven for him.

In prison, Fu Daxin got along well with other inmates.

On his 70th birthday, his fellow inmates prepared a birthday cake made of noodles and eggs.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

Later, when he was released from prison, he still remembered the good times in prison.

After returning to his hometown, with the help of the villagers, Fu Daxin built a hut.

When the local government learned of his situation, they applied for a special poverty subsidy for him, and now he can receive 1,000 yuan a month.

Despite this, Fu still misses life in prison and said that if he had the opportunity to do it again, he would not regret choosing to go to prison.

Fu Daxin, a 69-year-old man, was imprisoned for 2 years for robbery, and bluntly said that the nursing home was not as good as the prison conditions

It's ironic to think about it.

Why did the prison, which people usually avoid, become the ideal place for this old man?

Behind this is the coldness of real life, the coldness of human feelings, and the cruelty of life.

Don't look at how luxurious the nursing home is built, how warm the slogan is, you only know if you have been there.

Without companionship, without love, there is a real prison.

There are also some children, for whom the old man has fought all his life.

In the end, he was still self-sufficient in his later years and left alone.

"Filial piety comes first", if you have the ability, please accompany them more.

Don't turn a warm home into another cellar, it's too sad.