
Summer at the resort

author:Inspirational Sharing (with chicken legs)

Trip to Sanya: Bikini Meets the Sea

When the summer sun shines on the earth, the beaches of Sanya are always bustling. Today, I also set foot in this land full of tropical atmosphere, ready to enjoy an unforgettable journey.

Summer at the resort
Summer at the resort
Summer at the resort
Summer at the resort
Summer at the resort
Summer at the resort

As a "fool" with a soft spot for bikinis, I naturally don't miss the moment to show off my bikini on the beach in Sanya. I chose a pink and white bikini with delicate floral patterns that fit my aesthetic and stand out from the crowd. When I walk on the beach wearing it, it is as if I am the focal point of this beach, attracting countless envious glances.

However, as much as I love bikinis, I'm a "fool" who can't swim. Whenever I see someone swimming in the water, I envy it. When I came to Sanya this time, I was determined to overcome this "psychological barrier" and try my hand at swimming.

With the encouragement of my friends, I mustered up the courage to go into the shallow water. The water is crystal clear, the sand is soft and delicate, and everything looks so beautiful. However, when I actually stood in the water, I felt a little scared. It was as if my feet were being bound by something that prevented me from moving freely.

Just as I was hesitating, an enthusiastic coach walked up. He patiently explained the basics of swimming to me and showed me in person. Under his guidance, I gradually relaxed and began to try to paddle my arms and legs in the water. Although the movements were a little clumsy at first, I gradually found the feeling of swimming as time went on.

When I was finally able to take a dip in the water, I was thrilled and proud. I enjoyed the coolness of the sea and the crashing of the waves, as if the whole world had become so beautiful. At this moment, I deeply felt the charm and power of the sea, and I understood why I became so interested in swimming.

This trip to Sanya has given me a lot of good memories and experiences. I learned the new skill of swimming, which made me love the beautiful beach and sea even more. Although I was a "fool" who could only wear a bikini and couldn't swim, this trip made me more confident and brave. I believe that in the future, I will continue to explore more beautiful and unknown.