
Netizens suggested organizing a symposium to invite Jiang Ping to dispel doubts, and Lianshui Education and Sports Bureau: fully consider

author:Smart pineapple 6


Recently, Jiang Ping, a student from Lianshui Secondary Vocational School in Jiangsu Province, has been questioned by netizens in the global mathematics competition "2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition", and has also sparked some heated discussions in the post.

The staff of the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau recorded the questions raised by everyone in the post, and said that they would convey the request of the superiors to organize a symposium, so that the top players in the competition and Jiang Ping from the county would listen to each other's views and solve the crux of the problem.

This post has attracted a lot of attention and participation, some netizens have said that they are a student, inspired by the math competition, and some people are now doing educational work, and they also have an understanding of the students' problems, they discussed and discussed the acceptance criteria and results of the math competition, and finally came to a mutually acceptable conclusion.

Jiang Ping's parents also expressed their attitude in the post, and the mainland did not pass because of the epidemic, and they had to go to receive the award in person after the year, and other students in the province were suspicious.

Participate in math competitions.

This year's mathematics competition has been successfully concluded in the last two months, and the next thing for the education and research department to wait for the results of the independent marking of the expert group to select the gold, silver, bronze and excellence awards, and make the shortlist public.

It is difficult to obtain qualifications for this year's competition, and the scientific research department not only has to strictly review the competition list, but also has repeatedly reviewed the information from the institution, student, teacher, etc. filled in by students when they register, as well as the teacher's information filled in when registering for the institution.

After obtaining the qualification, the student's specific information is also verified, so more than 800 students from 17 countries and regions around the world have now made it to the final stage.

Under the leadership of the grade leaders, the head teacher of the grade group personally helped the participating students to notarize and sign.

This final is also a national-level exam, so we can find the number of participants participating in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition this year by comparing the number of applicants for this year's competition.

Of course, having so many places also means that it is easier for students from all over the world to participate in mathematics competitions, have the opportunity to learn different mathematical knowledge, expand their horizons, and improve their mathematical skills.

Our senior director also encouraged us to participate in the national mathematics competition, because there is a bigger stage than the national one, which is the global mathematics competition.

Internationally, students from various countries can learn from each other in this competition, and learn about the learning status of foreign students, which is a valuable opportunity for learning and growth.

In this global mathematics competition, the mainland players won a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals, and the list of mainland winners not only brought together a group of outstanding students, but also served as a model for students at home and abroad, inspiring more students to fight for the country.

Therefore, holding such a global mathematics competition can not only mobilize students' enthusiasm to participate in mathematics competitions, but also help mainland students cultivate a world vision and become internationally qualified students.

The expert group independently reviewed the papers.

According to the mainland's education system, basic education is free of charge, which is a manifestation of free education, which can popularize education to a greater extent and enable more students to receive a good education.

Even in higher education, students who receive scholarships through exams can get a high tuition fee waived, but there is a fee to register for the Global Mathematics Competition in China, because mathematics is a high-quality educational resource, and participating in the Global Mathematics Competition can not only expose students to international mathematics resources.

In previous years' competitions, some students won the gold medal in the competition, but when the results were announced, they found that their results were silver awards, and individual students expressed dissatisfaction, believing that their results had reached the level of the gold medal.

However, after the expert group independently reviewed the students' grades, it was found that the students' grades were indeed wrong, and the students' grades were obviously at the level of gold awards, but the students' overall scores and rankings in the transcripts were not different from those of other award-winning students.

If these students win awards, then some students who have really reached their level will not be able to win the award and will not be able to receive the scholarship publicized by the state, so the panel will rewrite the essays of these students to ensure that the selection process is fair and transparent.

This is also the reason why Jiang Ping's ranking in the math competition has dropped dramatically.

Students are encouraged to participate in global mathematics competitions, which also contribute to the internationalization process of the continent.

In the global mathematics competition, the expert group of the mainland will receive the marking plan from the expert group from all over the world, and check and supervise each other to ensure the fairness and reasonableness of the selection results.

At that time, we will also announce the list of winners as soon as possible, so that more students can work hard for the mathematics competition.

The importance of the symposium.

Therefore, students who win prizes in mathematics competitions do not need to worry about impartiality, and the independent marking of the expert group can ensure the fairness and transparency of the selection process and protect the rights and interests of the winners.

Let the contestants participate in this symposium together, rather than pitting students who win awards and those who don't.

This is not conducive to the growth and development of the players.

However, caution needs to be exercised when organizing this symposium to prevent the students who participated in the symposium from being maliciously attacked at the symposium and affecting the healthy growth of the students.

The process of participating in a mathematics competition requires a relatively fair environment, and controversy and questioning are also part of the mathematics competition process.

Dealing with these issues is good for the conduct of the competition and the growth of students.

If the student's problem is not reasonably resolved, they can file a complaint with the Ministry of Education, or they can raise the problem with Alibaba to obtain a solution.

The convening of the symposium has a very positive effect on solving the doubts about Jiang Ping's performance in the mathematics competition, and the top players in the mathematics competition and Jiang Ping from Shexian County discussed their ideas together to better solve the problem.

First of all, they can clarify the scoring criteria, scoring principles and scoring process of the Organizing Committee of the Mathematics Competition, and explain it in detail to the participants to ensure the fairness and transparency of the scoring process.

At the same time, the organizer should also introduce authoritative and professional judges to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the scoring process.

Secondly, the organizers should also ensure that the participating contestants have full right to express themselves, and every contestant should have the right to fully express their own views, so as to make the symposium achieve better results.

Finally, through the symposium, not only can the doubts in this mathematics competition be solved, so that Jiang Ping can get a fair explanation, but also can enhance the confidence of fresh graduates to participate in the mathematics competition, which will have a positive impact on their future work and life.


Now that the finals of the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition have ended, it is believed that the list of 85 award-winning students will be announced soon in August.

These award-winning students are all top students in the mainland, and their performance will also become role models for other students in the mainland.

It is hoped that these award-winning students can continue to maintain their love for mathematics and continuously improve their mathematics level, and also hope that more students will have the opportunity to come into contact with such international mathematics competitions, and can broaden their learning channels for knowledge inheritance and learning by participating in mathematics competitions.