
In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

author:Autumn Entertainment

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Autumn Entertainment

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In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable


Have you ever wondered what the rustic, pungent and brutal rural woman in the TV series will look like in reality?

Will she be like you and me, with ordinary life, ordinary troubles, and yearning for a better future?

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

The cradle of an artistic family: He Hui's childhood

He Yi was born into a family full of artistic atmosphere.

Her father is a well-known stage actor who has taken He Yi in and out of major theaters and studios since he was a child.

In such an environment, He Yi is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the nutrients of art.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

At a young age, He Zhen showed extraordinary acting talent.

She often imitates her father's performance on stage, reciting lines in a childish voice and interpreting the role with exaggerated movements.

Watching her performance, the family couldn't help but laugh and were pleasantly surprised by her talent.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

Persistence on the road to chasing dreams: the years of study at the Central Academy of Drama

With his love for acting, He Yi resolutely applied for the Central Academy of Drama.

In this top art school in China, He Hui is like a fish in water.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

She not only studied acting skills diligently, but also dabbled in literature, history and other knowledge, laying a solid foundation for her future acting career.

However, the path to learning has not been easy.

He Yi once fell into a trough because of a failed acting exam, but she quickly adjusted her mentality and regained her strength.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

She often practiced late at night in the rehearsal room, just to be perfect when the next opportunity came.

Humble beginnings: the hard years of entering the showbiz

After graduating, He Hui devoted himself to the showbiz with enthusiasm, but found that the reality was far crueler than he imagined.

For five years, she could only do chores in some small crews, and she didn't even have few lines.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

During this period, He Zhen fell into self-doubt many times.

She often sits alone in her rental house, flipping through her few scripts and wondering if she should give up on this dream.

But every time she does this, she remembers what her father often said: "A real actor is one who never gives up his love for acting in the most difficult times." "

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

This sentence became the motivation to support her to continue to move forward.

A turning point in his career: the success of "Second Uncle" and "My Niangtian Xiaocao".

In 2012, the opportunity finally came.

He Hui played the role of "Zheng Baozhu" in the rural drama "Second Uncle", although this role is not the protagonist, but He Hui's performance left a deep impression on the audience.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

She portrays a shrewd, capable, but short-sighted rural woman vividly and impressively.

Immediately afterwards, the role of "Ma Xifeng" in "My Niangtian Xiaocao" made He Yi an instant hit.

This pungent and arrogant yet character that people love and hate is played by He Hui very well.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

Her nuanced performance vividly showed the inner world of the character and won unanimous praise from the audience.

A breakthrough in the ever-changing image: from "fat sister-in-law" to "Yuzhen"

After successfully shaping "Ma Xifeng", He Hui did not rest on his laurels.

In "Bloom", in order to play the role of "fat sister-in-law", she gained 30 pounds in just one month.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

She does not hesitate to sacrifice her image just to be able to perfectly present the characteristics of the character.

In the movie "Hello, Li Huanying", He Zhen once again broke through himself and "thinned" himself into a skinny woman "Yuzhen".

This spirit of dedication to the role has won He Yi high praise in the entertainment industry.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

Career and family balance: a happy married life

In 2016, He Yi tied the knot with fellow actor Li Po.

The two are childhood sweethearts' classmates and friends, and their years of relationship have made their married life extraordinarily sweet.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

In the second year after marriage, He Zhen gave birth to a son and became a happy family of three.

Although his career is popular, He Hui always puts his family in an important position.

She takes care of her children herself, teaches them carefully, and has a lot of support from her husband and parents.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

This perfect balance between family and career makes He Zhen's life more fulfilling and satisfying.

Be a low-key person and do things in a high-profile manner: He Yi's way of life

After becoming famous, He Zhen has always maintained a humble and low-key style.

She often humbly asks her seniors for advice and constantly improves her acting skills.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

When interacting with fans, she is always warm and friendly and shows good affinity.

He Yi once said: "I'm just an ordinary actor.

If someone likes my work, that's my greatest luck and honor.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

This attitude of maintaining his original intention has won He Zhen wide respect and love in the entertainment industry.


From an obscure actor to a star on the screen, He Yi's story is like a wonderful movie.

She uses her own experience to tell us that life is like a play, and each of us is the protagonist of our own life.

In the play, "the soil is scum", but outside the play, he married a handsome husband and gave birth to children after marriage, which is now enviable

No matter where you are now, as long as you have a dream in your heart and strength in your feet, you will definitely be able to create your own wonderful script.

He Zhen's acting career is not only her personal success, but also an inspiration to all those who have dreams.