
After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

Boy Pie

2024-06-29 00:01Creator in the field of parenting

The mother is her daughter's beacon, illuminating her direction.

A wise and warm mother can subtly influence her children and raise a daughter who is as hot and free as a rose.

作者 | Seven

Recently, "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei finally ushered in the finale.

Many netizens joked that Huang Yimei's daughter Xiao Chu is the real winner in life.

My father opened an Internet company, my mother opened a gallery, my uncle opened an architectural design company, my aunt was a senior executive of a large business, my grandfather was a professor at Tsinghua University, and he had a Beijing hukou since he was a child...

But in my eyes, Xiaochu's greatest luck is to have a mother like Huang Yimei who is gentle and strong, emotionally stable, and has a positive outlook.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

For her, Xiao Chu is not her appendage, but an independent individual.

She would write to her daughter that her presence was enough to make her happy.

When she divorced, she was also honest with her daughter, telling her that divorce was just the end of a relationship, not a failure in life.

"Our life is just a glimpse of this world, everything has an end, and we will cherish the present."

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

Under Huang Yimei's patient education, even if Xiao Chu grew up in a divorced family, it did not prevent her from becoming an optimistic, kind and loving child.

It is said that loving people is like raising flowers.

Mother Huang Yimei is the best florist, she really cultivated her daughter very well.

As a mother, after watching "The Story of Roses", I think I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

with enough emotional value

Nourish her heart

Some time ago, a video was on the hot search:

A 14-year-old girl in Jiangxi, in order to reward her hard-working mother, cooked four dishes and one soup by herself.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

As a result, when she angrily called her mother to dinner, she was rebuked coldly by her mother:

"Am I going to praise you? You have so many dishes, can the two of us eat them all? ”

You can imagine how lost and uncomfortable the girl was at that time.

Actually, girls are sensual thinkers and are more susceptible to emotions and emotions.

The emotional value that parents can provide to a girl is as strong as the girl's inner sense of security, strength, and happiness.

In "The Story of Roses", Xiao Chu saw Rose creating works of art, and asked enviously: "Mom, why don't you say I have inherited your artistic cells?" ”

Rose patiently comforted her daughter:

"Everyone's talent is different, don't you follow your dad? You see how strong your logical thinking ability and hands-on ability are, and you look at the model you make, how awesome! ”

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

She will sincerely express her gratitude for a small thing that her daughter helped her do;

When she picks up her daughter from school and sees her daughter's drooping face, she will immediately ask with concern and try to enlighten her daughter's emotions.

I think of a scene in the hit drama "My Altay":

Zhang Fengxia's daughter Li Wenxiu was expelled from working in Urumqi, and she was very frustrated.

After she successfully helped her mother ask for debts, she asked her mother with hope:

"You see, I'm clumsy, but I'm still a useful person, right?"

Zhang Fengxia retorted with a serious face:

"What do you mean to be useful, Li Wenxiu, I didn't give birth to you to serve others.

Look at the trees and grasses on the grassland, some people eat them, some people use them, and they call them useful; If no one uses it, it's good for them to stay on the grassland, free. ”

A few words immediately smoothed the wrinkles in her daughter's heart.

I have to say that having a mother like Rose and Zhang Fengxia is a girl's life's luck.

If you have a daughter at home, you must give the girl enough emotional value, give her enough listening, positive attention, and emotional resonance, so that she knows that she is great.

This belief gives the girl the courage and confidence to accept the challenges of growing up.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

Put a relaxed attitude towards life

Planted in her heart

There is such a scene in the play, Huang Yimei painted a picture and asked her father how the painting was?

The father's answer is worth savoring for every parent.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

He said: If you don't understand, you can't make a blind evaluation.

When Huang Yimei lamented that her father had not denied or criticized herself since she was a child, Huang's father said:

"If you do something unlawful, the law will punish you;

If you do something immoral, public opinion and conscience will condemn you.

There are also some things, there is no right or wrong, and there is no standard, just like feelings. ”

Watered by this unconditional love and acceptance of her family, Rose became a particularly relaxed person.

In her career, she never comments on herself in the unexpected world, she lets go of what she wants to do, and is always calm and confident;

Emotionally, she dares to love and hate, is not afraid to devote herself wholeheartedly, and also has the courage of a strong man to break his wrist, sober and free.

In the education of her daughter, Rose is the same, planting a relaxed and calm attitude towards life in her daughter's heart.

She never criticizes her daughter, and every time she talks to her daughter, she is soft-spoken.

Once, Xiao Chu accidentally spilled milk on his body.

Rose said softly: "It's okay, Mom has already taught you how to clean up last time, let's go, let's clean it up together." ”

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

Rose turned on the faucet, and Xiao Chu happily began to clean the stains on her body.

In fact, a girl's mind itself is more sensitive and fragile, and her heart is easily hurt.

On the path of a girl's growth, parents should try to create a relaxed and free growth atmosphere.

reminds me of a girl on the hot search, after she resigned, she could only work on the floor in the house rented by her parents.

Although life is difficult, there is no shortage of smiles on the faces of the family.

The girl was hungry at night and wanted to go downstairs with her mother to buy popsicles, but her mother not only did not blame, but asked her daughter expectantly: eat supper or snack.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

painted strange makeup, and the father didn't open his mouth to preach after seeing it, but laughed with his daughter;

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

When you go to the restaurant with your parents, you will never be counted out and waste money, but the family will happily take pictures and discuss.

After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

The sense of relaxation that the family exudes from the inside out is really enviable.

This kind of girl who is nourished by love and freedom will definitely be full of security in her heart, calm and calm, and have the courage to ride the wind and waves.

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  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter
  • After reading "The Story of Roses", I found a home remedy for raising a good daughter

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