
An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

author:Come quickly


In the dead of night, the sound of insects chirping outside the window becomes a symphony of the night, but in an ordinary community in Nanning, Guangxi, the symphony came to an abrupt end because of a woman waiting to return home.

As long as the door is locked, there will never be uninvited guests in her home!

However, one day, when she pushed open the door of the house, she saw a "strange bird" squatting on an electric fan that had been locked out of the steel window in the house.

The "strange bird" didn't move its head, she thought it was a parrot, even so, she didn't dare to touch it, its unafraid behavior made the woman who was ready to return home and rest in the summer shivered instantly.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

"Strange birds" who are not afraid of people.

It is said to be a "strange bird" because its head is so large that it can only hide an egg on its thumb-sized body.

Its skull suddenly made the woman feel amazing, this is not an ordinary bird at all, but it is impossible to grow a parrot in the house, what is this?

She didn't dare to go over, but the bird stayed in her house, knowing that she didn't dare to come closer, and it still made great gestures to her.

Although it was black, she could clearly see the bird's eyes, and these bright eyes made her so curious that she couldn't sit still anymore, so she posted her "strange bird" on the Internet.

After netizens saw the picture, they also questioned like this woman, what kind of creature is this?

I saw that not only does it have a peculiar head, but its wings are also very peculiar!

It only has one stubby wing, and it looks like it is pursuing a maverick style for itself, but netizens have commented that this bird is too "weird" and does not seem to treat it as a small life.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

This made the woman very sad, she didn't take pictures of this creature to chase the heat, but hoped that the majority of netizens could help her clarify the identity of this creature, because this creature has a kind of magic that makes her more and more afraid.

Every day she enters the house, this "strange bird" will interact with her by the window, and when she sees this unique creature, her heart will be touched by the cuteness of the other party, and the arrival of the other party has become a scenery in her home.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

Nanning woman encountered an unknown creature at home.

Although the woman was more and more afraid of this creature, she looked at its cute appearance, and suddenly felt a desire to protect it in her heart.

The "strange bird" has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet, some say it is an owl, some say it is a parrot, but neither creature can make the woman feel threatened with her life.

When the real answer appeared, no one dared to believe their eyes, this "strange bird" is not a parrot or an owl, it is a national second-class protected animal - black-crowned heron!

The black-crowned mariser that appeared in the woman's home was a juvenile, a three- or four-month-old bird, which is why it was mistaken for a "strange bird".

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

Since it has only just learned to fly, its wings are injured, and its wings are injured in one wing, causing it to fly not far at once, and it will stay in the human dwelling.

The young bird also has dense feathers, which is why its head looks so large.

Normally, the head size of the black-crowned marison matches its body, but since the young bird's feathers have not yet been shed, it looks more rounded, making it difficult to fully identify its true identity.

The bird expert's eyes lit up when he saw the black-crowned heron, because it was so rare to see this creature that only very few people could see it.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

This is also why the black-crowned heron has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

The woman's home lives on the edge of the city, and this area is about 700 meters away from her home, which happens to be a wasteland, and the reason why the woman is surprised is that the environment in which the black-crowned heron lives is too close to her home.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

In the eyes of the woman, this is already an area of human activity, but in this area, there are giant birds such as the black-crowned heron, which is half a human tall.

This fully shows that this area is not an area of human activity, and it is in this way that the black-crowned heron can survive with peace of mind.

The black-crowned heron did not fly to a human home because it liked to look around at night, but because it accidentally flew in.

The woman was afraid of it at first, but under the guidance of experts, she gradually became less afraid, and the experts said that the creature should be released into the wild as soon as possible in order to let it learn to find food on its own as soon as possible.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

The scarcity of the black-crowned heron does not mean that it is a species in need of urgent protection, but the root cause of its scarcity is that its habitat has been destroyed, and when its habitat changes, they have no choice but to flee.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

Their most important food resource is the small fish in the water, but these small fish are the food of bacteria, the more bacteria, the number of small fish will be more, and the environment in which the bacteria live needs the organic matter of the water, that is to say, the two will complement each other, when the water resources in the habitat chosen by the black-crowned heron are polluted, the number of small fish will be less and less, and the number of black-crowned spistling will be less and less.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

Although the population of the black-crowned egret is decreasing, it does not mean that they can only survive with conservation measures, as long as we work hard to protect the ecological environment, their numbers will gradually increase.

Environmental pollution and habitat destruction are caused by human beings, and the most important thing is to do a good job in protecting the environment, so that the ecological community can restore the original harmonious environment.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

We call on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection!

Human activities are inevitable, and the continuous expansion of human range is inevitable, but the continuous expansion of human range will be accompanied by many problems, for example, the habitat where the black-crowned heron is located is a good learning object, we can imitate this habitat and reduce the disturbance of the black-crowned heron.

Human activities do not need to be stopped, but we need to pay attention to the protection of the environment, which requires our joint efforts, as long as we work together, I believe that this rare creature will gradually recover to the environment where we see them with our efforts.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

The state has been protecting wild animals, which also gives us a good model to learn, and we must also strengthen environmental protection and environmental governance under the call of the state, so as to effectively avoid the extinction of many species.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

No matter what the starting point is, we should pay attention to the protection of the environment, only in this way will our lives be better.

We must cherish our homeland so that the next generation can also see this fresh and natural world.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid


Ecological balance is a very complex and very long process, it not only requires our efforts in a short period of time, but also requires our continuous persistence, only our continuous efforts can protect this blue planet we live in!

Through vivid stories and cases to introduce environmental protection knowledge to everyone, just like this woman in Nanning, Guangxi, as long as we observe the world with our hearts, we can find many novel and interesting things from the details around us, and we can also understand many truths about environmental protection.

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid

I hope that scientists, environmentalists, bird lovers and netizens can actively participate in environmental protection work, strengthen the protection of black-crowned heron and other wild animals, and protect nature, in fact, to create a better living environment for ourselves and future generations!

An unknown creature broke into the woman's home, and she was not afraid of people with one wing against the wall, and the identity was exposed, which made the woman afraid