
The man in the bathhouse, the first sight is exciting, the ending is unexpected, and the difference is missed!

author:Elegant travel guide

In the winter in the north, it is bitterly cold, and the bathhouse has become a good place for people to keep warm. On that day, I walked into a long-established bathhouse and prepared to enjoy a rare leisurely time. As soon as you open the door, you will be greeted by steaming water, mixed with the scent of soap and pine, which is refreshing.

The bathhouse is full of people and lively. I took off my heavy coat and stepped into the steaming bath. The water was warm and comfortable, and I closed my eyes and felt the rare tranquility. Just then, a burly figure burst into my sight.

The man was tall, with well-defined muscles and a healthy tan in his skin. He has short hair and looks neat. He walked into the bath, and the water splashed, causing a small commotion. I couldn't help but take a few more looks, and secretly admired in my heart: what a good figure!

Perhaps sensing my gaze, the stout man turned around and smiled at me in a friendly manner. I awkwardly withdrew my gaze and continued to soak as if nothing had happened. However, the man didn't seem to mind my gaze and instead walked over on his own initiative.

"Brother, come here to take a bath?" He spoke with an authentic northern accent and greeted warmly.

I nodded and smiled in response, "yes, it's too cold, come here to warm up." ”

"That's right!" He patted me on the shoulder, "To take a bath is to find this kind of time-honored bathhouse, there is a feeling!" ”

We just started chatting. The man told me that his name was Cuong and that he was a worker at a nearby construction site. Every day after a hard day's work, he would come here to take a bath and relax. Cuong has a bold personality and is talkative, and soon we have a lively conversation.

After taking a bath, we came to the back rubbing area. Cuong warmly invited me to rub my back together. I couldn't refuse, so I had to accept his kindness. He skillfully rubbed my back with just the right amount of force and made me feel very comfortable. We talked about everything from work to life, from dreams to reality.

After rubbing our backs, we went to the changing room. Cuong brought out a bottle of beer and a pack of snacks and invited me to enjoy them. I was a little surprised, I didn't expect such treatment in a bathhouse. However, Cuong explains that this is his habit. Every day after work, he would come here to relax, drink and chat with his friends.

We sat on the benches in the changing room, chatting over beer. Cuong told me that his dream is to one day open his own bathhouse so that more people can enjoy this comfort and relaxation. I was touched by his dreams and was glad that I was able to meet such a friend with dreams and pursuits.

Time passed imperceptibly, and we talked more and more speculatively. Cuong also invited me to join me for a late-night snack. We walked out of the bathhouse, the wind was cold, but our hearts were warmed by this friendship.

We found a food stall and ordered a few side dishes and a few beers. In the dim light, we raise our glasses and talk about life. Cuong told me about his family situation, his work experience and his plans for the future. I was touched by his sincerity and candor and shared my stories and dreams with him.

However, just as we were chatting, Cuong suddenly received a phone call. His face changed and he hung up the phone in a hurry. I asked him with concern what had happened, but he just shook his head and didn't say anything more.

After a while, Cuong stood up and said goodbye to me. He said that there was an urgent matter on the construction site that he needed to go back to deal with, and he couldn't eat supper with me. I was a little disappointed, but I understood his struggles. After we said goodbye to each other, Cuong hurried away.

I stood there and watched Cuong's back disappear into the night. I couldn't help but feel emotional: this sturdy man I met in the bathhouse not only made me spend a pleasant evening, but also made me feel the sincerity and warmth between people. Although we only met briefly, this friendship is something that I will remember in my heart.

When I got home, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep for a long time. Thinking back to my conversation and relationship with Cuong, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Although he is just an ordinary worker, he has his own dreams and pursuits. His sincerity and frankness made me feel the sincerity and warmth between people, and also made me cherish my friends and relatives around me even more.

I learned a lot from this adventure in the bathhouse, and it also made me realize more deeply the importance of sincerity and warmth between people. I believe that in the days to come, I will cherish everyone around me more and work harder to pursue my dreams and goals.

Since that encounter at the bathhouse, I have never had a face-to-face conversation with Cuong, but his image has always haunted me. Whenever I walk into that bathhouse, I always think of the big, smiling man and the happy time we spent together.

One day, I decided to reach out to Cuong in the hope of continuing my relationship. After some inquiry, I finally learned Cuong's contact information. When I dialed his number, a familiar and friendly voice came from the other end.

"Hey, brother, is that you?" Cuong asked excitedly on the other end of the phone.

"It's me, Cuong. Long time no see, how are you doing? I responded enthusiastically.

"It's good, it's just that the construction site is a little busy. What about you? Have you been available lately? Why don't we find a time to get together again? Cuong suggested.

"Of course it's available! I've always wanted to talk to you again. I said yes without hesitation.

So, we agreed to meet at a small restaurant near the bathhouse on a weekend evening. When I saw Cuong again, he was still so strong and energetic. We shook hands tightly, as if to put all our thoughts into this simple gesture.

In the restaurant, we ordered a few side dishes and a few beers. As the wine passed through the three rounds, our topic gradually deepened. Cuong told me that he is working hard to make his dream come true. Although the work on the construction site was hard, he never gave up on the pursuit of a better life. He told me that he was already looking at the place to prepare for the opening of the bathhouse, and that he was already in the preparatory stage.

I was happy for him to hear the news. I told him I would support his dreams and encourage him to keep going. We shared our current situation and future plans with each other, and our feelings for each other grew stronger.

After the meal, we decided to go back to the bathhouse to relive the memories of that night. When we stepped into that bathhouse again, nothing seemed to have changed, but we all changed again. Cuong has become more mature and steady, and I cherish this hard-won friendship even more.

In the bathhouse, we once again experienced the fun of rubbing our backs. Cuong's technique is still skillful, and I enjoy it while also lamenting the passage of time. In the changing room, we once again toasted and talked about life. Cuong told me that his bathhouse is almost renovated and is expected to open soon.

I am very happy to hear this good news for him. I told him that I was looking forward to that day and that my bathhouse would be prosperous and prosperous. We encouraged and supported each other and spent an unforgettable evening in the bathhouse.

When we parted, we hugged each other tightly and blessed each other. Cuong told me that he would always try to pursue his dreams and hoped that we would always be in touch. I expressed the same wish to him and told him that I would always support him and follow him.

Since then, we've been busy but we've been in touch. Whenever I have free time, I go to Cuong's bathhouse to sit and feel the warmth and comfort there. Cuong often calls me to share his joy and success. Our friendship was endured and deepened by that adventure at the bathhouse.

The man in the bathhouse, the first sight is exciting, the ending is unexpected, and the difference is missed!