
Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

author:Flying crayon Shin-chan

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Recently, there has been a lot of uproar in this public opinion field, that is, the outstanding performance of 17-year-old girl Jiang Ping in the Alibaba math competition. This little girl, at only 17 years old, dared to shine in the unfathomable and challenging field of mathematics, which is truly terrifying.

For a moment, everyone's eyes hit her like a spotlight. Voices of praise came and went, "This kid will become a great weapon in the future!" "Definitely a new star in the world of mathematics!" But the questioning voice was not idle, "Isn't it lucky?" "Maybe there's something wrong with that!" This scene, that is called a lively one, is like a pot of boiling water, gurgling and bubbling.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Let's talk about Jiang Ping's success first. If you think it's just a blind cat running into a dead mouse, you're wrong! There are deep-seated reasons behind her achievements today. The role of education reform and institutions in this is not to be underestimated.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

For example, education is like a piece of land, and in the past conditions may not have been very good, and even high-quality seeds could not thrive. Now, the education reform is like an all-round improvement to the land, fertilizing, loosening the soil, and adjusting the light and water. In such a good environment, a genius seedling like Jiang Ping is like a flower that has received sufficient nutrients, blooming brilliantly and dazzlingly. And I dare to pat my chest and assure you that in the future, children like her will definitely spring up one after another.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

But as soon as this matter was exposed, all kinds of voices came over like a tide. Some people held Jiang Ping to the clouds, thinking that she would be the leader in the field of mathematics in the future; There are also people whispering on the sidelines, full of doubt and suspicion. To be honest, we should all keep our heads calm and calm, and don't follow the chaos and make a fool of yourself.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Don't make subjective assumptions, don't speculate, don't maliciously ridicule, this is the attitude we should have in the face of this situation. If we are here to ponder without any grounds, if we wronged this little girl, the damage caused will be irreparable! We must remain rational and develop our basic judgment skills. You can't be like the grass on the wall, where the wind blows, you can pour it down, and you can believe what others say.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Speaking of which, I really can't help but sigh at the current public opinion environment. There are simply too many malicious voices, and kindness is as rare as a treasure. Shouldn't we all reflect on why this is the way it is? Shouldn't there be more empathy, tolerance and understanding between people? Take Jiang Ping's case as an example, no matter where her future path goes and what the final outcome is, we must at least give her the most basic tolerance and gentle and kind treatment. After all, they are just children, and they are groping their way forward on the road of growth.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

We have all stood at the crossroads of our lives when we were 17 years old, full of confusion and beautiful visions for the future. At that time, weren't we also looking forward to the understanding and support of others? Jiang Ping is the same. And you have to admit it, the Internet is really scary sometimes.

If you can exalt a person as a god on high today, you will be able to slam a person to the ground mercilessly tomorrow. This is an unimaginable blow and damage to a little girl who is isolated and has not really become stronger.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

We are living in the current era, and educational resources are becoming more and more abundant, which is undoubtedly a great thing. But we can't take this for granted and waste this rare opportunity. It is not an easy task to cultivate an excellent talent, which requires the careful care of the family, the careful teaching of the school, and the joint support and efforts of all walks of life. We can't just be the people who eat melons on the sidelines, and it's not a big deal to watch the excitement, but we have to think seriously and think about it, and we can make some real contributions to this matter.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

For example, in our daily life, we can start from our own little behaviors. Say more words of encouragement to the children, such as "Come on, you can do it!" "You're doing a great job!" Less harsh criticism, don't say "Why are you so stupid!" at every turn! "It's not going to work!" Give them more practical help, such as patiently answering their questions and providing some useful learning resources; Less groundless accusations, and don't always find faults.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

We can also actively speak out to the society and call for greater investment in education, so that more children can enjoy high-quality educational resources. Only by working together and working together can we cultivate more outstanding talents like Jiang Ping, contribute to the development of our society, and contribute to the development of our society.

Jiang Ping's incident is really like a wake-up call for us, so that we can wake up from our confusion. When we encounter a similar situation in the future, we must keep in mind and keep a clear head. Don't mess up yourself as soon as you get a little bit of a fuss. You know, calmness and sanity are our strongest shield at such times.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

We must always have a kind heart in our hearts. Kindness is like a light in the night, which can illuminate others and warm oneself. Don't let indifference and malice occupy our hearts, and don't easily deny and slander the efforts and achievements of others.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Let's not be led by the nose by other people's remarks. What others say is what they say, so how can it be done? We have to have our own independent thinking and judgment skills. When people say to go east, we have to figure out whether it is right to go east; People say that to the west, we also have to think about whether it is appropriate to go west.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

The existing educational resources are incomparably precious, and we must cherish them. It's like holding a treasure in your hand, you have to make good use of it, you can't waste it. Each of us should do our part, come up with ideas that can come up with ideas, help those who can help, and contribute to the cultivation of more talents.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Think about it, what if each of us could do that. There will be more and more outstanding talents in society, and everyone will shine in their respective fields. New technologies and new ideas will continue to emerge, and the development of society is like a powerful engine, constantly moving forward, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Jiang Ping's ending is already doomed to stop questioning! Jiang Ping's life is irreversible!

Our future will therefore be filled with infinite hope, no longer a fog, but a bright and brilliant one. Children can grow up in a better environment and pursue their dreams; Adults can realize their worth in a fairer and more dynamic society. All this beauty comes from our current efforts and correct attitude. You say, is this what I'm talking about? I believe that as long as we can do this, the future will be even better!

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