
CNN expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that lunar soil was first available for Chinese research, and was moved by the rational "patriots" in the comments

author:Fact Hunter

China has been chasing for 50 years, but when it arrives at its destination, it finds that there is actually no one in front of it, and it is lonely!

Why? It can be seen from the recent news that the return operation of Chang'e-6 has made the United States and the West a little delirious, and everyone should pay attention to this surprising news

CNN went so far as to express its dissatisfaction with the fact that Chang'e lunar soil was first made available to China for its own research and then made available to other countries three years later.

The Causes of the Lunar Soil Controversy

The successful return of Chang'e-6 brought back precious lunar soil samples, a feat that is not only a major breakthrough in China's space technology, but also a major concern of the international community. CNN expressed dissatisfaction with China's decision to prioritize the study of these lunar soils for three years, saying that the moon is the heritage of all mankind and that all countries have the right to participate in the research.

CNN expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that lunar soil was first available for Chinese research, and was moved by the rational "patriots" in the comments

However, if we look back at the history of U.S. lunar exploration, we will find that the U.S. also retrieved large amounts of lunar soil during the Apollo program, but was not in a hurry to share it with other countries. This double standard is questionable. Most of the lunar soil brought back by the United States was used for scientific research and military purposes in the United States, and only a small number began to be provided to the outside world in limited quantities many years later. Now, it is obviously unfair that China is being asked to share the lunar soil samples that China has retrieved without further study.

CNN expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that lunar soil was first available for Chinese research, and was moved by the rational "patriots" in the comments

Lunar exploration is the result of a large investment in technology and capital from various countries. China's continuous breakthroughs in the field of aerospace are the result of the efforts of all scientific researchers for many years, and it is understandable to give priority to the use of its own achievements. This controversy over lunar soil not only reflects the international community's concern about China's space achievements, but also reflects the unjust mentality of some countries.

CNN expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that lunar soil was first available for Chinese research, and was moved by the rational "patriots" in the comments

The independence of China's scientific research

In recent years, China's progress in space technology has been obvious to all, from the Chang'e project to Tianwen-1 to the full completion of the Beidou navigation system, every achievement has demonstrated China's strong independent innovation capability. The feat of Chang'e-6 bringing back lunar soil is not only a symbol of China's scientific and technological progress, but also a manifestation of China's ability to innovate independently.

CNN expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that lunar soil was first available for Chinese research, and was moved by the rational "patriots" in the comments

China has the right to decide how to use its scientific achievements. As in other high-tech fields, China has also made important breakthroughs in key technologies such as lithography machine chips. The research and development of lithography machine chips has been monopolized by Western countries for a long time, but China has gradually broken this technical barrier through independent research and development, and has made great contributions to global scientific and technological development.

Against this backdrop, asking China to share lunar soil samples free of charge is tantamount to depriving Chinese researchers of the fruits of their efforts. Scientific research requires the investment of resources and time, and China has the right to consider sharing the results with the international community after fully studying the lunar soil samples. As other countries have done when they have important scientific resources, China's approach is reasonable and legitimate.

The multifaceted nature of international public opinion

There are many voices in international public opinion about China's decision to give priority to the study of lunar soil samples. On the one hand, some countries and media have criticized China's approach, believing that it violates the spirit of international cooperation. On the other hand, there are many supportive voices that believe that China has the right to decide how to use its research results.

Behind these different points of view, there are often mixed with their own interests and motives. Critics, mostly former space-dominant countries, are uneasy about China's rise and fear that its technological advantage will be eroded. The voices in support of China come from developing countries and some academics, who understand China's autonomy in scientific research and look forward to fairer cooperation with China.

The multifaceted nature of international public opinion not only affects the process of lunar soil research, but also has a profound impact on future international scientific research cooperation. How to achieve fair and reasonable sharing of scientific research resources on a global scale is an urgent issue for the international community to solve.

The voice of a rational patriot

On social media and in comment sections, rational patriots have forcefully rebutted criticism from media outlets such as CNN. They pointed out that every step of China's progress in the field of aerospace is inseparable from the hard work of scientific researchers, and the state has the right to give priority to the use of its own scientific research results.

These rational patriots believe that international cooperation should be based on equality and mutual benefit, not on one-sided demands. They stressed that the country's scientific and technological progress is the pride of all the people and the embodiment of the country's comprehensive strength. In the face of unfair accusations, they firmly support China's right to independent scientific research.

The public's pride in the country's scientific and technological progress and the pursuit of international fairness and justice have become an important force in supporting China's space industry. The voice of rational patriots is not only a powerful counterattack to unfair accusations from the outside world, but also shows that Chinese society attaches great importance to and supports the development of science and technology.

Looking to the future, cooperation and competition

In the future, cooperation and competition in the international space field will become more intense. China's openness in lunar soil research shows the possibility of sharing the results of scientific research with the international community. China has repeatedly expressed its willingness to share the results of lunar soil research with other countries at an appropriate time to promote global scientific progress.

However, such cooperation must be based on respect for the autonomy of national countries in scientific research. The international community should understand and respect China's efforts and achievements in independent innovation, and only on the basis of equality and mutual benefit can true international scientific research cooperation be realized.

In the context of competition and cooperation, all countries should work together to promote scientific and technological progress for the benefit of all mankind. China's openness to lunar soil research is a reflection of this concept. Through fair and reasonable international cooperation, the future development of science and technology will be more prosperous, and the people of all countries will benefit from it.

In short, the controversy over lunar soil is not only a question of the allocation of scientific research resources, but also an important test for the international community in scientific and technological cooperation and competition. How to achieve fairness and justice in this test will have a profound impact on the future model of international scientific research cooperation.

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