
Both in and for indicate the difference in the usage of time in the future

author:Wings English

These two words are used to indicate the future time when the interpretation of the market is varied, which makes people laugh and be generous, misleading people's children, and now the editor has itchy hands and shares them with you once and for all: is often used to indicate time in the future"...... After the ""...... in". It is generally used in affirmative sentences:

It is important to note that these two key points are generally used for affirmative sentences in the future tense.

I will go away in two hours.两小时后我将要离开。 (两个小时之内我将离开)

It will be ready in a week's time.

It will only take a week to be ready. (It will be ready in a week.) )

We will come back in two hours.我们两个小时后回来。 (我们两个小时内回来。 )

I'm going away for a few days.

I'm going to be away for a few days. (It's been a state of absence these days)

We’re going to Beijing in two months.

We're going to Beijing in two months. (We're going to Beijing at some point in two months.) )

We’re going to Beijing for two months.

We are going to Beijing for two months.

If for+ is used for a period of time in the affirmative sentence at the time of coming in or at the time of completion, it means: a period of time for a future action or state.

Special Notes:

in is used for negative sentences or first, last, etc., after (a certain period of time); Generally in the perfect tense sentence:

I haven't seen him in years.

I hadn't seen him in years.

It's the first letter I've had in ten days.

This is the first letter I have received in 10 days.

2.for can also be used to indicate future time: "...... After the ""...... in". Generally used in negative sentences: (this is the focus of today)

He will not be well for some time yet.

It will take some time for him to regain his health.

“We’d better hurry or we’ll be late for the exhibit.”“ No, we won’t. The museum doesn’t open for another hour.”

We'd better hurry up or we'll be late for the exhibition.

No, we won't be late. The museum won't be open for another hour.

Our plane does not take off for another ten minutes.

Our planes do not take off in less than ten minutes.

Both in and for indicate the difference in the usage of time in the future

My connecting plane didn't depart for another six hours.

It took another 6 hours for my connecting flight to take off.

Collins Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary for Dual Interpretation

Of course, for+ time period, used in future tense sentences, indicates that the action or state in the future will last for a certain period of time.

By popular demand, the play will run for another week.

At the request of the audience, the play will be performed for an additional week.

The show has been extended for another six weeks.

The exhibition was extended for another six weeks.

Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary

for+ time period, used in a past tense or perfect tense sentence, to indicate that the described action or state has lasted for a certain period of time.

Her mother stayed for another two weeks

Her mother stayed for another two weeks.

She managed to cling on to life for another couple of years.

She tenaciously lived for a few more years.

Both in and for indicate the difference in the usage of time in the future

She was away from work for a week.

She didn't come to work for a week.

They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes

They sat in the car for another 10 minutes, hugging and making out as they talked.

Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.

Brian babbled on for another 5 minutes.

Tony Cottee has pledged himself to Everton Football Club for another three years

Tony Coty has agreed to sign a further three-year contract with Everton Football Club.

I haven't been here for a long time.

It's been a long time since I've been here.

Both in and for indicate the difference in the usage of time in the future

She had been out of work for a year.

She has been unemployed for a year.

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(Disclaimer: For any form of reprinting or excerpt of all my articles published in Toutiao, please indicate the author's English and the source of Toutiao, and I reserve all legal rights to the work.) )

Both in and for indicate the difference in the usage of time in the future