
The Inner Township People's Court carried out a publicity campaign to popularize the law on the fourth anniversary of the "Community Corrections Law".

author:Throughout the news

In order to further advance the legalization and standardization of community corrections work, and to further increase the public's awareness and awareness of the "Community Corrections Law of the People's Republic of China". On June 28, police officers from the Criminal Trial Division of the Neixiang County People's Court in Henan Province took to the streets to carry out community corrections and popularization of the law.

The Inner Township People's Court carried out a publicity campaign to popularize the law on the fourth anniversary of the "Community Corrections Law".

Through various forms such as distributing publicity materials, hanging banners, and putting up publicity display boards, the cadres and police officers popularized the knowledge of community corrections to the passing masses. At the event site, the cadres and police officers patiently answered the public's consultations, and explained in easy-to-understand language the legislative purpose and significance of community corrections, as well as the provisions and rights that community corrections subjects should abide by during the corrections period.

The Inner Township People's Court carried out a publicity campaign to popularize the law on the fourth anniversary of the "Community Corrections Law".

In the publicity, the cadres and police officers particularly emphasized the importance and necessity of community corrections work. They pointed out that community corrections, as a form of non-custodial punishment, aims to help offenders smoothly return to society, reduce the recidivism rate, and maintain social harmony and stability. At the same time, the cadres and police also called on the general public to learn more about laws and regulations, to understand, support, and participate in community corrections work, and to jointly create a good social environment for community corrections subjects.

The Inner Township People's Court carried out a publicity campaign to popularize the law on the fourth anniversary of the "Community Corrections Law".

This legal popularization campaign has received positive response and support from the masses. Many people said that through the explanations and publicity of the cadres and policemen, they have a deeper understanding and understanding of community corrections work, and they also have a better understanding and support for community corrections work. They have expressed that they will actively participate in community corrections work, provide more help and support to community corrections subjects, and create a good atmosphere of understanding and support for community corrections work.

The Inner Township People's Court carried out a publicity campaign to popularize the law on the fourth anniversary of the "Community Corrections Law".

In the next step, the inner township courts will continue to increase the publicity of community corrections law popularization, promote the in-depth development of community corrections work, further promote the construction of peace in the jurisdiction, and make greater contributions to maintaining social harmony and stability. (Liu Zhenwei, Guo Bei, Nie Chuanqing)

Attachment: The Community Corrections Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into effect on July 1, 2020, is the first special law in mainland China to comprehensively regulate community corrections work, providing a legal basis and guarantee for community corrections work to be carried out in accordance with law. The promulgation and implementation of the "Community Corrections Law" is an important measure to implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and comprehensively advance the rule of law, and is of great significance for improving the mainland's criminal enforcement system, ensuring judicial fairness, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

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