
GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

Multi-path electrification is advancing across the board, and a timetable for next-generation electrification technology has been announced, and high-performance lithium batteries will be the first to land in 2026.

Toyota announced its next-generation electrification technology, with four types of next-generation batteries, including performance lithium-ion batteries, popular lithium iron phosphate batteries, high-performance lithium-ion batteries, and all-solid-state batteries, which will be launched sequentially from 2026.

A plug-in hybrid model that supports fast charging will go on sale in China in October this year.

Toyota is actively working on next-generation engines that are more suitable for electrified models, and will apply them to PHEVs and HEVs.

On June 28, 2024, GAC Toyota showcased for the first time the transformation achievements and forward-looking technology layout of the joint venture 2.0 era at the first Technology Open Day, which not only reflected the profound accumulation of multi-path electrification technology, but also demonstrated its firm determination to promote the rapid leap in the level of intelligence.

In terms of electrification, the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine comprehensively leads the hybrid technology route with three ultimate balances, creating the best choice in the hybrid era. The HEV, PHEV, EV, FCEV industry has the most complete path and multi-line parallelization, and the plug-in hybrid model that supports fast charging will be launched in China in October this year. Toyota's next-generation electrification technology, represented by all-solid-state batteries, has a clear mass production schedule, and the four major types of battery technologies are all in full swing, and the performance lithium battery is expected to be the first to land in 2026.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

In terms of intelligence, GAC Toyota and Momenta have jointly developed an end-to-end high-end intelligent driving system, which will be installed on the Bozhi 3X model for the first time, and is expected to be launched next year. At the same time, GAC Toyota and have carried out L4 autonomous driving commercial operation, and actively promoted the large-scale mass production of high-level autonomous driving technology. The next-generation intelligent cockpit empowered by Huawei and Tencent has been installed on the three flagship models. GAC Toyota will deepen local R&D, integrate China's scientific and technological resources, and strive to promote the advancement of intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving technology, and will be among the first echelon of the industry in 2026.

The intelligent electric hybrid dual engine leads the best technical route with three major balances and creates an era of hybrid balance

At this year's Science and Technology Open Day, GAC Toyota focused on the most hardcore technology at the moment - the fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine. At present, hybrid is the main outlet of electrification, and major brands are competing for the technological highland, and hybrid routes are constantly emerging, falling into a melee. Among them, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine achieves comprehensive leadership with three ultimate balances, and the electric hybrid is stronger than the plug-in hybrid, making it the best choice in the hybrid era.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

The first balance is the extreme balance of oil and electricity. The intelligent electric hybrid dual engine adopts the world's original planetary gear structure to achieve seamless connection between the two power outputs, without switching, and you can mix as you want, which is inherently intelligent. This native oil-electric balance structure is the biggest difference from other hybrids, bringing incomparable high performance and smoothness. Other hybrids are not oil-electricity balance in the underlying logic, they are mainly based on electricity at low speeds and oil-based at high speeds, so they cannot achieve long-term gasoline-electric co-drive, and oil and electricity are "inseparable". The intelligent electric hybrid dual engine can achieve accurate power distribution without going through the clutch, completely intelligently distribute power, and work seamlessly with oil and electricity, so the smoothness and reliability are better than those of plug-in hybrid vehicles using clutches.

The second balance is the ultimate balance of strong power and low fuel consumption. The first is ultra-low fuel consumption in the full-speed range. No matter how to drive at various speeds, it is low fuel consumption. The engine always operates in the high-efficiency range with different power requirements, and the fuel consumption is excellent. Taking media measurements as an example, whether driving in urban areas or at medium and high speeds, fuel consumption performance is always stable. The average fuel consumption of the whole 150 kilometers is more than 4 liters, which is lower than that of the same level of plug-in hybrid. Secondly, the higher the speed, the more obvious the fuel consumption advantage. At a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour, the fuel consumption of the Leiling hybrid is more than 4 liters, and the fuel consumption of the plug-in hybrid is more than 5 liters, which is 20% higher. Third, the standard fuel consumption is low under any working conditions. The actual fuel consumption of the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine is lower than the nominal fuel consumption, and the difference in fuel consumption is within 10% under the two working conditions of NEDC and WLTC, while the standard deviation of some plug-in hybrid two working conditions is close to 30%, which is because it is difficult to cooperate effectively between oil and electricity, and the engine is mainly driven at high speed, which has the shortcomings of high speed and high fuel consumption. Low fuel consumption in the full-speed range and strong power in the full-speed range. The low-speed is comparable to that of an electric car, and the acceleration response is fast, and the 9th-generation Camry 2.5L hybrid accelerates from 0 to 60 kilometers in 4.1 seconds. It accelerates from 80 to 120 km/h in 4.71 seconds, which is significantly better than its class. Even at speeds of more than 120 kilometers per hour, the power is still abundant, which is better than the plug-in hybrid model. The perfect balance between high power and low fuel consumption also benefits from the high thermal efficiency of the engine. Compared with the 1.5L small displacement commonly used in plug-in hybrids, the 9th-generation Camry intelligent electric hybrid dual engine uses a 2.5L large-displacement engine, which has a higher R&D threshold and a more technical breakthrough in thermal efficiency. The high thermal efficiency of 41% covers the most common speed range from 1400 to 3200 rpm and the torque range from 120 to 180 Nm, covering more than 40% of the working conditions, which is currently the widest range of thermal efficiency working range in the industry, achieving high speed and low speed fuel saving.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

The third balance is the ultimate balance between performance and security. The fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual engine adopts a small battery with a capacity of only 1.12 kWh, and the battery management strategy of shallow charging and discharging greatly improves the safety of the battery, without the risk of spontaneous combustion, and the safety is far better than that of plug-in hybrid. 26 million Toyota hybrid vehicles have 0 fires, 0 explosions and 0 leaks, and the hybrid system of 1.5 million kilometers of taxi travel is a strong proof of safety and reliability. At the same time, thanks to the small battery and overall lightweight design, GAC Toyota's all hybrid models have achieved excellent braking performance, with the best braking distance of only 33 meters, while some plug-in hybrid models have a braking distance of more than 40 meters per 100 kilometers.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

Overall, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine has achieved a comprehensive balance between the book parameters and the actual performance. It does not simply rely on the direct drive of the motor or engine, but pursues the balance of oil and electricity cooperation; Not satisfied with the limit data of the laboratory, but the pursuit of efficient work under all working conditions; Not satisfied with the exaggerated value under a single working condition, but the pursuit of continuous fuel economy in actual driving; We don't sacrifice safety for performance, but rather the perfect balance of both. With the advantages of extreme balance and the deep satisfaction of user experience, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine leads the mainstream route of electrification and has become the only choice in the hybrid era.

There is a timetable for all-solid-state batteries Toyota's new generation of electric vehicles will be the first to land in 2026

At the Technology Open Day, Toyota announced the progress of next-generation electrification technology, including four types of next-generation batteries, including high-performance lithium-ion batteries, popular lithium iron phosphate batteries, high-performance lithium-ion batteries, and all-solid-state batteries, which will be launched in the market from 2026.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

The fastest new generation of batteries to land is a performance lithium battery, which is expected to be launched in 2026 and has a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, from 10% to 80% Fast charging in just 20 minutes. Expected to be launched in 2026-2027, the popular lithium iron phosphate battery uses the bipolar technology used in Toyota's first HEV model nickel-metal hydride battery, using high-quality lithium iron phosphate as the core material, with a range of up to 600 kilometers and a fast charging time of less than 30 minutes from 10% to 80%. The high-performance lithium-ion battery, which is expected to be launched in 2027-2028, combines a bipolar structure with lithium-ion chemistry and a high-nickel cathode to further improve performance, with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers and fast charging times as low as 20 minutes. The most anticipated black technology is undoubtedly the all-solid-state battery, which is being fully promoted with the goal of launching in 2027-2028. The battery uses a solid-state electrolyte that allows ions to move faster, and is resistant to high pressures and less affected by temperature. Based on these characteristics, all-solid-state batteries are suitable for fast charging and discharging, and will overcome the problem of battery life degradation. Combined with aerodynamic improvements and lightweight design, models equipped with solid-state batteries will have a range of more than 1,000 kilometers and a fast charge of just 10 minutes.

Toyota plans to launch 10 new electrified models by 2026 and has set a target of 1.5 million electric vehicles per year by 2026. The next generation of electric vehicles will debut in 2026. The company aims to sell 3.5 million electrified vehicles by 2030, of which 1.7 million will be next-generation electric vehicles.

Toyota continues to promote its all-round electrification strategy, and is developing multiple routes for HEVs, PHEVs, EVs, and FCEVs. The plug-in hybrid model with fast charging will be launched in China in October this year. At the same time, Toyota is also actively working on next-generation engines that are more suitable for electrified models, and will apply them to PHEVs and HEVs. Next-generation engines achieve a more compact size and a lower center of gravity while maintaining high power and efficiency, enabling sportier vehicle designs. By reducing vehicle driving resistance, the driving force control, engine, and electric unit performance are maximized, and the range is further improved.

A new intelligent cockpit, end-to-end high-end intelligent driving will attack the first echelon of intelligence in 2026

At the scene of the Science and Technology Open Day, GAC Toyota gathered a circle of friends in science and technology, showing a comprehensive and powerful intelligent technology layout. There are not only new intelligent cockpits empowered by technology giants Huawei and Tencent, but also high-end intelligent driving technologies supported by Momenta and With the continuous deepening of the local R&D system and the active integration of China's superior resources, GAC Toyota will achieve rapid progress in promoting intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving technology, and plans to achieve a comprehensive leading joint venture in 2025 to keep up with new forces; From 2026 to 2027, it will be among the first echelon of the industry.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

In terms of intelligent driving, GAC Toyota and Momenta, a leading autonomous driving technology company, have jointly created the TOYOTA PILOT end-to-end high-end intelligent driving, which will be installed on the Bozhi 3X model for the first time. This high-end intelligent driving solution is based on a data-driven AI flywheel to create a safer and more reliable full-scene intelligent driving experience for users. At the hardware level, based on NVIDIA's 254TOPS computing platform, the whole vehicle is equipped with 11 ultra-high-precision cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars and 1 lidar (126 lines), providing 360-degree global perception and sufficient vehicle-end computing power. At the algorithm level, the data flywheel based on Momenta can continuously improve the upper limit of system performance through OTA through massive mass production data reflow, independent learning, rapid iteration, and continuous over-the-air (OTA). This solution is equipped with Momenta's most advanced algorithm 5.0, and the end-to-end intelligent driving model is analogous to human intelligence, allowing cars to "understand" the world, think like people, and finally achieve a driving experience that is close to or even surpasses that of human veteran drivers. This intelligent driving system will provide a full-scene high-end intelligent driving experience covering parking, highways, and urban NOA, realizing that "you can drive when there is a road, avoid obstacles, and stop when you have a position".

At the same time, GAC Toyota and have cooperated to carry out the commercial operation of L4 driverless taxis to promote the large-scale mass production of high-level autonomous driving technology. The fully unmanned robotaxi equipped with's autonomous driving system integrates the world's first automotive-grade hardware and multiple safety redundancy design, and has been in continuous operation for 1 year with zero accidents, accumulating rich experience in intelligent driving. A few days ago, the joint venture company jointly funded by Toyota China, GAC Toyota and has been officially established, and the first phase plans to launch 1,000 units of the Bozhi series L4 Robotaxi in first-tier cities to carry out large-scale operation. In the autonomous driving track, is the first player to put Robotaxi into commercial operation, has leading technical strength, and has obtained L4 autonomous driving road test permits in many first-tier cities in China.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

In terms of intelligent cockpits, relying on the empowerment of top technology manufacturers such as Huawei and Tencent, the company has upgraded the Chinese cabin for global cars and brought the world's best model version to Chinese users. The three flagship models of the 9th-generation Camry, the 2024 Seina and the Highlander launched this year have integrated Huawei's AI voice assistant, Hi-link car-home interconnection ecosystem, and also integrated rich Tencent ecosystem services to achieve a significant improvement in intelligent experience.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

For the C-segment electric sedan to be launched in 2025, GAC Toyota will carry out more comprehensive cooperation with Huawei in the field of intelligent cockpit. The mid-size pure electric SUV Platinum 3X, equipped with Momenta's end-to-end high-end intelligent driving solution, has already started road testing. These two locally developed joint venture platform pure electric vehicles uphold Toyota's global standards and integrate China's smart technology, representing the acceleration of the arrival of a new era of "Guangfeng Creation".

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

After 20 years of development, GAC Toyota has achieved the advancement from "production in China" to "research in China", and has the ability to upgrade the new generation models in China, strengthen the products of the new model year quickly and flexibly, and fully develop the new joint venture car in China. At present, the local development team is deeply involved in each of GAC Toyota's models on the market, and provides the best solution based on the needs of Chinese users.

GAC Toyota: The significance of hybrid is not to break records

GAC Toyota held the Science and Technology Open Day for the first time in its 20 years since its establishment, which not only demonstrated a series of bright hard-core technologies, but also demonstrated GAC Toyota's strength and determination to accelerate transformation and change. Under the tide of the era of intelligent electronics, GAC Toyota actively embraces changes, takes the lead in the iterative transformation of joint venture 2.0 of "integration and co-creation", accelerates the formation of new technological competitiveness, and will surely open a new blueprint for the era of intelligent electronics!