
The three families have gathered! WE, RNG, and EDG have all fallen into the Nirvana group, and times have changed

author:Esports, the biggest event in esports

The LPL Summer Regular Season group stage is coming to an end, and the grouping situation of each group has been basically determined recently. Group A on the 28th also ushered in two closing battles, and for this group, the only suspense is who will break into the summit group between FPX and EDG.

After FPX swept TT 2-0, EDG wanted to enter the summit group, and there was only one way, to beat JDG in the panel.

The three families have gathered! WE, RNG, and EDG have all fallen into the Nirvana group, and times have changed

It's a pity that EDG failed!

EDG actually played well in the whole series, at least stronger than in the spring game, although the first game was a standard crushed game, but in the second game they held on, leave even got a double kill in a wave of lower team battles, so that JDG did not snowball, in the middle of the game, leave even killed a wave of yagao alone, and then successfully won the big dragon at the cost of three people, but unfortunately the small dragon group JDG won the team battle again, and in the follow-up big dragon group, Although leave flew into the enemy alone and cut yagao, JDG still played 2 for 4 to take the big dragon, even if it was later faced with the advancement of the big dragon buff, EDG withstood a wave, but in the end it was still destroyed by JDG and lost the game.

The three families have gathered! WE, RNG, and EDG have all fallen into the Nirvana group, and times have changed

With the end of the competition, the current grouping situation of each group is as follows:




Who would have thought that EDG, RNG and WE, the three LPL royal three, will also meet in Nirvana, just a few seasons, the once old strong teams have gradually fallen off the altar, and the previous four emperors, JDG, IG, FPX and TES, now only JDG and TES are still relatively branched, replaced by BLG, AL, NIP These teams.

The three families have gathered! WE, RNG, and EDG have all fallen into the Nirvana group, and times have changed

I have to sigh that the times have really changed, and with the current comprehensive tightening of some clubs, the league may tend to be more elite in the future, so what do you want to complain about for the three royal families to enter the Nirvana group hand in hand?